Someone told you to "go grey" and now you're here.


Public Nuisance / Crypto Doser
Research Enthusiast
Oct 11, 2024
Reaction score
Under The Sea
This is your quick run down. It's not perfect but it also shouldn't get you killed. Hopefully. I take no responsibility for your injecting things unintended for human use. Do this at your own risk. I just wanted to make something I can link people to now that compounding is leaving and there's going to be a ton of people with basic questions. I'm stupid, you probably shouldn't listen to me at all, but hey, here you are, you're clearly a risk taker. We like to argue here, so I'm fully expecting someone to reply with every little thing I've gotten wrong within ten minutes of hitting post. That's normal. We live for the drama.

You are entering the world of "grey" peptides. You're going to get vials with a little puck of white stuff in it from the internet that's labelled not for human use and add special fancy water to make something you can actually use. It might arrive labelled as a skincare products, or clothing. You're not getting pre-dosed pens or vials here. You're buying sketchy stuff on the internet, things might go wrong, don't go threatening to report your grey dealer to the BBB. You'll be laughed at. Don't expect to be able to do charge backs, so make sure you've done your research on the seller before you buy. Always check test results before you actually use anything. Most of us won't use anything less than 99% purity.

If any of this seems super complicated, check out this telegram (currently down). They are very beginner friendly and have much more in depth breakdowns, and there are a lot of people willing to jump in and answer questions. Zero affiliation, I don't even use it. But they're a great source of easy guides and pretty nice to people with basic questions.

But if you want to stay here-
First, learn to use the search function at the top right of the forum.

Screenshot 2024-12-25 3.01.15 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-12-25 3.04.13 PM.png

The search function is your new best friend. Use it if you're confused.
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Semaglutide aka sema- Ozempic or Wegovy active ingredient
Tirzepatide aka tirz- Zepbound or Mounjaro active ingredient

There are other options too, and other peptides, but don't touch them without way more research than just my dinky little thread. You're here because you're getting away from compounding, stick with what you know. Baby steps.

You're going to need bacteriostatic (bac) water, syringes, and your active ingredients. You may also want to filter. I don't filter, so I'm no help there, sorry. Some people discussed it here but I will be zero help.

Bac water- Get Hospira brand. You're saving thousands of dollars, just get the good stuff so you don't have to worry about sterility or whatever. Hospira Thread. Bac water is technically only good for a month after puncturing the vial, and is stored at room temperature in the dark. If you want to use it longer, that's on you. Yes, you'll throw out a lot. It's cheap anyway.
Syringes- There are many options, and lots of people have opinions. Some people like to get refillable pens. Personally, I use 1ml 30 gague 5/16 inch insulin syringes and they work perfectly fine and are cheap. I just get the generic ones off Amazon. Make sure you look into your local laws for syringe disposal, don't risk some poor sanitation worker getting stabbed with your old needles, that's gross and inconsiderate. Someone recently shared this link to a free disposal container for sharps.

The Good Stuff: Vendors
Don't assume a vendor is safe or good just because they've posted an advertisement here.
Take a look at the available sales. Look at what payment methods they accept- a few take credit cards, not many. You're probably going to have to use PayPal (not a good idea, PayPal can ban you for any or no reason), Alibaba, bank transfer, or cryptocurrency. Then use the search bar to see what people have to say about the vendor you're interested in. We're very opinionated here, you'll probably find a lot. No one is going to tell you "buy from this one!" because this is grey market, they've all got plus sides and down sides and have pretty much all had some sort of scandal. Do your own searches and decide which risks you're willing to take. Never be the first person to buy from a new vendor. Don't buy if the product isn't being tested unless you plan to test yourself. Consider sending your own product in for testing (janoshik is gold standard but there are others) but if not, make sure you're buying from someone that other people post the results from, or join a group buy where you all buy from the same batch and send something in to be tested together. Don't just blindly trust the tests posted by a vendor, they could be from a different batch, they could be photo shopped. This is your health we're talking about here. Vendors come and go, don't trust they have your best interest at heart no matter how many times they call you honey or dear or how hot their profile picture is. This thread discusses crypto. Some domestic sellers take credit cards, but you will pay a premium for that convenience. It's still much cheaper than name brand or compound.
Note: if you're buying from overseas, it can take weeks to arrive. You won't always get a tracking number. This is also normal.
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"Kits" are sets of ten vials. Each vial will contain a set amount of your active ingredient inside a filler. You can also buy single vials from the domestic sellers, but again, at a huge markup. You can't tell how much active ingredient there is by the size of the puck in the vial because most of what you see is not your active ingredient. A tirz30 kit will have 10 vials of 30mg active ingredient. If your dose of tirz is 2.5mg, one 30mg vial would last you 12 weeks. You're technically only supposed to use a vial for four weeks after rehydrating, but a lot of us will play fast and loose with that rule. Do what you are comfortable with. If your dose is low, you should get a smaller kit, like a tirz10, for four doses per vial.

Okay, you've got your supplies. Figure out how much active ingredient is in your vial using the test results (referred to as a COA.) Vials are often overfilled, so make sure you account for it so you don't overdose yourself. You often get three test results from the same batch- your best bet is to take the average of the results, and reconstitute based on that. This is a great calculator to figure out how much bac water to add and what your dose will be. If you're coming from dosing in "units" you're not doing that anymore because you're the one in control of the final concentration. 1000mcg = 1mg. So if you were using sema, for example, and you're on the starting dose of 0.25mg, you'd enter it in the calculator as 250mcg. In the below example, I've entered a .5ml syringe since that's what most people use, a 5mg vial of sema that was overfilled to 5.8mg, and used 2ml of bac water to rehydrate the contents of the vial. You can play with the numbers in whatever way you're comfortable. Most vials will hold 3ml total at most. In this example, using a .5ml syringe, you'd need to fill the syringe four times to get the 2ml of bac water when you are reconstituting. You can do less. Your dose would be pulled to 8.6 if you used the full 2ml bac. Again, it's personal preference, and everyone has an opinion. Decide what's right for you. I like to add extra water because it leaves more room for error.
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Now that you've got that figured out, it's time to rehydrate. Use rubbing alcohol to wipe down EVERYTHING. Remove the plastic cap to your vial- they can be annoying to get off sometimes, but just keep tugging gently. Once it's off, sterilize the rubber stopper. Sterilize the top of your bac water. Pull your syringe down to however much bac water you want to remove, push that air into the bac water vial, and then pull the plunger to remove the bac water. Everything is vacuum sealed- if you don't add the air, the bac water won't come out. Add the bac water to your vial of product gently- the vacuum should suck in the liquid. TBH you're probably best off looking up tutorials for this part on youtube- easier to watch it than for me to type it out. It's not as bad as it sounds. Sourcing your peptides and doing the math is the hardest part. Always sterilize your vial before removing your dose and after, before putting it back in your fridge.

I'm going to assume if you're coming from compounding you have an idea how to administer your meds.

Only rehydrate one vial at a time. The one you're using gets stored in the fridge, the rest stay in the freezer and don't get rehydrated until you're ready to use them. Once you add water, the clock starts ticking on how long they're good for.

If you're going to join any Peptide discords, use a completely different email and discord account because discord is ban happy. Don't talk about this on Reddit, you'll get banned. Never use an email with your real name in it. Be careful doing this if you have any type of security clearance, we call it grey market for a reason.

That's the basics of the basics. Don't just take me at my word, do your own research too. But hopefully this is enough information for you to know what to search if you get confused.

I was told to warn everyone that we have strong personalities here. So there's your warning, you're welcome. Being called names by Tracy is a rite of passage. He'll call you a dumb piece of shit and you'll LIKE IT.

If I missed anything I'm sure someone will be around to call me stupid soon.

This is not an official guide, I just wanted something to link people to when they come in asking for help with the basics.


Quick guide for using the search. Search is top right of the forum, the little magnifying glass.

The search bar isn't great if you use less than four letters, and we often refer to things as 'ABC' or 'XYZ' instead of a full name. To fix that, add a * to the end of your search to trick it.

You can search for everything- all mentions etc- or you can search just titles for threads regarding that thing specifically.

There's also Advanced Search, which has a lot of options.

You'll have the option to search threads, posts by date, number of replies, and can even search your direct messages.

Alternatively, this forum is indexed by Google. You can search Google to find posts, and there are lots of ways to narrow things down.

Example: glow protocol


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This is your quick run down. It's not perfect but it also shouldn't get you killed. Hopefully. I take no responsibility for your injecting things unintended for human use. Do this at your own risk. I just wanted to make something I can link people to now that compounding is leaving and there's going to be a ton of people with basic questions. I'm stupid, you probably shouldn't listen to me at all, but hey, here you are, you're clearly a risk taker. We like to argue here, so I'm fully expecting someone to reply with every little thing I've gotten wrong within ten minutes of hitting post. That's normal. We live for the drama.

You are entering the world of "grey" peptides. You're going to get vials with a little puck of white stuff in it from the internet that's labelled not for human use and add special fancy water to make something you can actually use. It might arrive labelled as a skincare products, or clothing. You're not getting pre-dosed pens or vials here. You're buying sketchy stuff on the internet, stuff might go wrong, don't go threatening to report your grey dealer to the BBB. You'll be laughed at. Don't expect to be able to do charge backs, so make sure you've done your research on the seller before you buy. Always check test results before you actually use anything. Most of us won't use anything less than 99% purity.

If any of this seems super complicated, check out this telegram. They are very beginner friendly and have much more in depth breakdowns, and there are a lot of people willing to jump in and answer questions. Zero affiliation, I don't even use it. But they're a great source of easy guides and pretty nice to people with basic questions.

But if you want to stay here-
First, learn to use the search function at the top right of the forum.

View attachment 4764

View attachment 4765

The search function is your new best friend. Use it if you're confused.
This reminded me of the lady I saw who tried to use PayPal bitcoin to pay her vendor and had her funds seized by PayPal because the vendor was on the Feds’ radar. She actually said she reported PayPal to the BBB. I laughed so hard.
This reminded me of the lady I saw who tried to use PayPal bitcoin to pay her vendor and had her funds seized by PayPal because the vendor was on the Feds’ radar. She actually said she reported PayPal to the BBB. I laughed so hard.
That is probably exactly what I was thinking about when I typed this up. PayPal is so shady even without doing stuff like this. People use them as a bank and then are shocked when PayPal closes their account, won't give them a reason, and won't give them their money back. Paypal isn't a bank, they're a company, never leave funds in it and don't use it for more than you're willing to lose.
This is your quick run down. It's not perfect but it also shouldn't get you killed. Hopefully. I take no responsibility for your injecting things unintended for human use. Do this at your own risk. I just wanted to make something I can link people to now that compounding is leaving and there's going to be a ton of people with basic questions. I'm stupid, you probably shouldn't listen to me at all, but hey, here you are, you're clearly a risk taker. We like to argue here, so I'm fully expecting someone to reply with every little thing I've gotten wrong within ten minutes of hitting post. That's normal. We live for the drama.

You are entering the world of "grey" peptides. You're going to get vials with a little puck of white stuff in it from the internet that's labelled not for human use and add special fancy water to make something you can actually use. It might arrive labelled as a skincare products, or clothing. You're not getting pre-dosed pens or vials here. You're buying sketchy stuff on the internet, stuff might go wrong, don't go threatening to report your grey dealer to the BBB. You'll be laughed at. Don't expect to be able to do charge backs, so make sure you've done your research on the seller before you buy. Always check test results before you actually use anything. Most of us won't use anything less than 99% purity.

If any of this seems super complicated, check out this telegram. They are very beginner friendly and have much more in depth breakdowns, and there are a lot of people willing to jump in and answer questions. Zero affiliation, I don't even use it. But they're a great source of easy guides and pretty nice to people with basic questions.

But if you want to stay here-
First, learn to use the search function at the top right of the forum.

View attachment 4764

The search function is your new best friend. Use it if you're confused.
I didn't see a link to a Telegram site. I believe, but don't know, that this is the intended Telegram site:

We help others with tirzepatide. Invite link: The Telegram site corresponds to the Reddit site, r/tirzepatidehelp. However, the person who started the Reddit site got banned for naming sources on Reddit. As a result, he started the Telegram site, which does name sources. The Reddit site discusses reconstituting but won't name sources.
I didn't see a link to a Telegram site. I believe, but don't know, that this is the intended Telegram site:

We help others with tirzepatide. Invite link: The Telegram site corresponds to the Reddit site, r/tirzepatidehelp. However, the person who started the Reddit site got banned for naming sources on Reddit. As a result, he started the Telegram site, which does name sources. The Reddit site discusses reconstituting but won't name sources.
Yes, I have that linked in the first post and my signature! It works for me, but I'm still in the edit window if it isn't working?

Iirc his name is stairmaster, right? I see him mentioned a lot on Reddit. I'm a member of the telegram but I only rarely open it and have telegram notifications turned off. I scrolled through a bit before I started suggesting it, they seem very kind to people just starting their journey.
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Yes, I have that linked in the first post and my signature! It works for me, but I'm still in the edit window if it isn't working?

Iirc his name is stairmaster, right? I see him mentioned a lot on Reddit. I'm a meme er of the telegram but I only rarely open it and have telegram notifications turned off. I scrolled through a bit before I started suggesting it, they seem very kind to people just starting their journey.
Thanks for writing this. is my favorite GLP-1 site, at least in terms of being the site I'm on most frequently, But we're not very newbie friendly, unfortunately. The Telegram group is far more newbie friendly. You'll also get more polite, less sarcastic answers there.
Great writeup @chmuse !!

Thank you for taking the time to put this together.
I really just spent my Christmas writing this up. I have problems. To be fair, most of the heart attacks happen in the days leading up to the holiday, not the day of, so I had time at work.
Thanks for writing this. is my favorite GLP-1 site, at least in terms of being the site I'm on most frequently, But we're not very newbie friendly, unfortunately. The Telegram group is far more newbie friendly. You'll also get more polite, less sarcastic answers there.
Yes, that's why I linked it. I don't know if I'm only just now paying attention or if compounding going away was creating an influx of questions, but I figured a basic run down that at least gave people an idea of what to ask was appropriate. I went with the forum, but I lurked for a few weeks before joining, and have experience in a similar field via my veterinary experience. I imagine if someone has never had to do any of this before it's very confusing, the telegram seems to be incredibly friendly to people just starting to learn. ❤️ I'm also a redditor so I have a soft spot for a community of people who want to learn but have no idea where to start because Reddit just isn't what it was 13 years ago when I joined.
This is not an official guide, I just wanted something to link people to when they come in asking for help with the basics.

I take no responsibility for your injecting things unintended for human use. Do this at your own risk.

These disclaimers aren't going to save you, chmuse. See you on Judge Judy after I accidentally inject my thumb again.

P.S. good writeup!
These disclaimers aren't going to save you, chmuse. See you on Judge Judy after I accidentally inject my thumb again.

P.S. good writeup!
I 100% am scared this will get me in trouble lmfao

But also, harm reduction, I don't want to hear about someone adding 1ml bac to their 60mg vial of tirz and wondering why they are sick when they take their usual 50 unit dose.

I'll be honest, Dwight, if you're still injecting your thumb after this long it's on you. You're not even using grey right now.
Thread pinned to the public square so you know where to find it. Should I lock it and remove all the comments, leaving just @chmuse’s rundown? I worry it’ll devolve into some bickering if I don’t.

You can always remove comments if it gets too crazy. I think you should leave it open to create a space for people to ask beginner questions.
You can always remove comments if it gets too crazy. I think you should leave it open to create a space for people to ask beginner questions.
Good thinking. I'll plan to keep an eye on it. Everyone please behave (ill try hard to take my own advice here), we want to make a good first impression :D
Good thinking. I'll plan to keep an eye on it. Everyone please behave (ill try hard to take my own advice here), we want to make a good first impression :D
I already did so much cursing tho

If anyone has anything good to add I welcome that too. I don't know much about crypto or filtering so if someone wants to step in there it would be helpful
Heads up, I'll be removing any messages from this thread that contain links to vendors' websites, even if that link is to something useful such as a calculator or dosing information. This can't be a marketing thread and the only way to keep it free from that is being strict about it, no gray area. Thanks for understanding.

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