Recent content by haydeecm

  1. H

    "One Pound at a Time" Reta Group Buys (50 mg.)

    Does someone have an invite to the discord, the old one expired
  2. H

    QSC vs Amo ?

    is that one of those ach transfers you can do online ? those usually do not have any fees I thought. Or was it a wire?
  3. H

    QSC vs Amo ?

    I have stayed away from QSC ( tempted by good offers) because they don't take credit cards/alibaba, been intimidated by figuring out crypto. Do you know any writeup/tutorial that makes it "super easy"?
  4. H


    Fwiw I purchased T30 from the flash sale and my RS finds it comparable to pharmacy.
  5. H

    Aminos Research potency

    Oh wow, I remember seeing a post on Pepys and couldn’t find it later, I didn’t realize they took posts down. Fwiw I bought T30 during the AR July 4th sale through their wholesale site and it seemed to work like normal, but I was interested in following up what other people’s experience was
  6. H

    Hello! Totally new at this

    how do you get the COA, request via email? I just assumed they didn’t provide them. Really wished they would just post them on the website