
Jiangsu Hengrui = DP, ZZT, PP, RK, GP. 14 years in the Army (4-13F, 10-18B) 4 deployments (2-12month, 2-18month) medically retired due to bladder cancer. BS in Civil Engineering and Cognitive Science. 2 years into Med School. Been around peptides and steroids since 2006, building rapport with various labs and pharmaceutical companies over the years. My interests are in the mental and medical fields which lead me to pursue psychiatry and gather close friends in those fields. I enjoy gathering data and information that doesn't want to be found. I've been told it's difficult to get ahold of me. Don't be surprised if I respond a week later or not at all. If I don't respond upon seeing it, I may never get back to it. My apologies in advance.

