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  1. L

    UGH! The chills!

    I may need to try some iron! I’ve turned into the little old lady who’s freezing all the time! I mean all the time!! And I live in the Deep South! It’s crazy.
  2. L

    Yalin vs Henan

    I ordered from Cora on March 29, and mine is on its way…. It’s currently in GA.
  3. L

    Yalin vs Henan

    Mine has shipped from Cora. I ordered on March 29. Tracking with USPS shows it in GA.
  4. L

    1st time order with Henan

    Let’s hope they do!! She said she was working extended hours and until 1:00 am every day.
  5. L

    1st time order with Henan

    I just got a response from Cora, because I ordered on the 29th and haven’t heard since. She’s great at communication. At present, everything is normal. Dear friend, please don't worry. The reason why you have not arranged delivery yet is because the order volume is currently large. Please wait...
  6. L

    I'm baaaaa-aaaaack!

    I was wondering but didn’t want to overstep. We missed you during our XCE crisis. Lol
  7. L

    Hey guys!

    I was on the Tirz subreddit for a long time. I’ve been on Tirz since last May for metabolic syndrome. I’ve lost 35 pounds, but the health benefits have been even more amazing!! So happy to be here.
  8. L

    Anyone heard from Peter?

    Thanks! I hope they get it figured out. I’ll need to find someone else just in case.
  9. L

    Anyone heard from Peter?

    Thanks. I didn’t know if we were allowed to discuss. I’m so happy I found the forum!
  10. L

    Anyone heard from Peter?

    I was trying to order and there’s no US option anymore. I’d love to hear about other quality sources. I haven’t been functioning since the Tirz subreddit got banned.🤣