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  1. MarisWinter


    And such is life. It’s all a ‘crap shoot’. 🥰
  2. MarisWinter

    GLP1 GRAND TOUR: Current RETA Experience

    Yes, I am 74 And have been dosing Reta at 1 mg per 4 days, then three, then two, and now everyday, using It never puts me above 4 mg. I keep my TZ level around 12 mg and use Shotsy to keep it on an even keel. I know this is all weird, but that’s WHYmit is research
  3. MarisWinter

    AmoPure Emerges From AmoPeptide Tirzwreck UPDATED*

    My tracking is tracking! Go…..Amopure!
  4. MarisWinter

    GLP1 GRAND TOUR: Current RETA Experience

    I began stacking Reta Aug 15th, moving slowly, slowly up, to 1 mg daily, as I have seen people’s success. The TZ is as water for me, I must have it, but what happens additionally, after the 12mg TZ, is still being discovered. I have to smash down the desire to insert the Cagri at this early...
  5. MarisWinter

    GLP1 GRAND TOUR: Current RETA Experience

    Sir, This is the most brilliant thing to read, ever! Why? Could it be because I am your Sister? I don’t know. I do know, my Tirzepitide experience was your Sema experience. I want NO food noise. I DO want slighttttttt food aversion. I think after a life-time, 73 9/10ths years of screaming food...
  6. MarisWinter


    It was so shockingly EASY, I just needed to be pushed off the cliff…I jumped. Within an hour it was paid, confirmation, straight up looking GOOD! if they is fine I will order several other things no sweat! Goooo for it!
  7. MarisWinter

    Retatrutide Purchase from AmoPeptide

  8. MarisWinter

    Good compounding resource

    They don’t know where the Oregon Coast is…..Maris in Fairview.
  9. MarisWinter


    I sure hope so, because I made my first order of Reta 10, five minutes ago. I have felt super hesitant to do this, but had to break the spell, so I did it. Where can I find the test results for R10? I have so over-read, so over-worried, I feel like I have lost the thread. Hoping for the best.
  10. MarisWinter

    Why are we all hung up on purity?

    Now THAT was hilarious and brilliant!
  11. MarisWinter

    Tirz dosage equivalent of Sema .5 ?

    This is brilliant! The economics of all this I REALLY care about, because I literally know no NO-ONE who can afford this. I can, but my world can’t. I want to understand this and get people where they need to go. Can’t kill an old social worker.
  12. MarisWinter

    Source experiences; Skye or Tydes?

    OOOOO Dear Nurse, when you can give me a Skye/Tydes experience with China, I would like a coach! I want to do it, but it just looks like a headachy bunch of work.
  13. MarisWinter

    Hallandale Pharm

    To be GREAT API, leaving the mean people, saying mean things ( Slim is giving people junk!) WRONG! However, with Dr. Bro’s insane Doxing hysteria, ethical Stairmaster won’t use SLIMDOWN, because….you get it. Now, all the sweet people are trying to get Dr. Bro to make up to Ethical Stairmaster...
  14. MarisWinter

    Hallandale Pharm

    AW, something I actually can help with.There from the very beginning.This is the deal:sensible or not, people feel a connection to their Pharmacy. $400-$700 a month, who they connect with, they just do. SlimDown—OUSIA Denise the shall I say…perhaps most unsavory owner and Dr. Bro, who charms...
  15. MarisWinter


    Yes. Those prices, nice to see them going down. I have contacted them a couple times in the last three days and it’s been fine. immediate.o
  16. MarisWinter

    QSC price changes.

    Sorry, following this really closely…..
  17. MarisWinter

    Hallandale Pharm

    Whatever dosage a person is on, up to 15mg, 4 doses, or a month’s worth is $399.00. You can take a look at 😘🎯
  18. MarisWinter

    Hallandale Pharm

    Hallendale through Orderly is $399, at higher doses, Red Rock steps in.
  19. MarisWinter

    Source experiences; Skye or Tydes?

    Yes, I have been using Skye for six months and am now using Tydes!
  20. MarisWinter

    Source experiences; Skye or Tydes?

    I have bought from both! Skye is amazing, I love them, but I have transitioned to Tydes and their service and product are also GREAT! Tydes had a sale on Tirzepitide for a domestic price which was good, and the product is amazing. Because I want to do China and the well known issues seem just to...
  21. MarisWinter

    AmoPure Emerges From AmoPeptide Tirzwreck UPDATED*

    Yes, thanks soooo much! This is right down the road!
  22. MarisWinter

    Lily sending cease and desist to compounders - do we worry?

    Gotcha, Gotcha Boss! I was afraid trying to help people get here… thanks!
  23. MarisWinter

    Where is everyone from.

    Oregon! Dark and rainy 6 months, the rest hot-blinding. Things have changed. love the Pacific Northwest!
  24. MarisWinter

    Lily sending cease and desist to compounders - do we worry?

    Is this a thing? Should we be careful? I hadn’t considered that…….hum,
  25. MarisWinter

    Your advice: cagri or Reta with Tz?

    My fatigue was better after 12 weeks. Stacking Reta now to see how it goes. Just at 2mg, inching up. Retatrutide sub on Reddit has a LOT of good info on this.
  26. MarisWinter

    rotating instead of stacking?

    it takes a lot for me to be surprised, but the idea of rotating these peptides every three months, wow. I get burning through receptors or going as far as you can on a med, but rotating the top five, three which aren’t even out of CTs seems like a tall order. I would need to u derstand deeply...
  27. MarisWinter

    AmoPure Emerges From AmoPeptide Tirzwreck UPDATED*

    I wish I had ordered ….but, I didn’t. Enjoy.
  28. MarisWinter

    AmoPure Emerges From AmoPeptide Tirzwreck UPDATED*

    Tell,you what? If it’s fabulous, I am all in!!! What are we buying?
  29. MarisWinter

    Where is everyone from.

    Yay US!
  30. MarisWinter

    Hospira BAC water availability

    Well! I just fought for 20 minutes with The Peptide Shop software and left really irritated, without my Hospira! Must head off to buy some! The software won.
  31. MarisWinter

    What's your current GLP-1?

    NO! I have been as high as 15, and never.
  32. MarisWinter

    What's your current GLP-1?

    Currently 11-12 mg TZ, .75 RETA. I use Shotsy to keep a steady state of Tirzepitide and am slowly, slowly escalating RETA, hoping to go no higher than the Clinical Trial starting dose of 2mg. I am 74, not 44……Tirzepitide is my expensive miracle drug, my forever and ever wonder. Everything people...
  33. MarisWinter

    Is Echemi a trust worthy supplier?

    Thanks! I love to hear your opinions and…I just did!
  34. MarisWinter

    AmoPure Emerges From AmoPeptide Tirzwreck UPDATED*

    THANK YOU1 I thought I was insane. A HUG🥰
  35. MarisWinter


    THAT was hilarious and tragic!
  36. MarisWinter

    Yes, I'm ignoring your DM's

    I sent one, so ignore it!‘you have one less to worry about! I take it all back! Hug
  37. MarisWinter

    Is compound Tirezepatide weaker than retail ZepBound?

    YOU are. My favorite Redditor, SIR!
  38. MarisWinter

    Retatrutide Purchase from AmoPeptide
