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  1. Y

    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    The Costco 5% is the cheapest. I think I got (6) 2oz bottles for $17 delivered.
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    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    I was about to start using the Costco minoxidil on my eyebrows, as someone had suggested, but I noticed they are much thicker already. Who knows... Are you doing the 35 or the 50 one now?
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    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    That sucks. I have been mixing my own KLOW (all separate vials from different vendors) and adding .5 ml epi/lido and absolutely no ISRs or burn. I did a premix vial from Eros of GLOW previously. I can say, two months in, besides my eyebrows growing bushier I cannot tell much of a skin...
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    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    Oh.. you mean girl friend.. not girlfriend. ;) Of course they are... What did you do ? :rolleyes::ROFLMAO:
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    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    I thought you were married...
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    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    What's your game plan?
  7. Y

    Ozempic pen dividing doses…

    With sema single dose is Wegovy and the click pen is Ozempic. They are the same med but one is prescribed for weight loss and the other for A1C. The click pen allows you to choose dosage. I always used the pen. It was really easy.
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    Best Vendor/prices?

    That is why I will not buy anything that isn't going to be or hasn't been tested.. and I know you get it... especially with sema.
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    Hi from NW Chicago Burbs

    Message me if you would like. I am 54, 30 years sober and on BRHT. I don't have all the answers but I am willing to listen and help.
  10. Y

    Hello everyone first time poster

    Same... I am at 2mg a week pen (8mg per month) but I bump that a bit with grey. I think I have about 2.55 years of back up just in case... plus 10 months of tirz... plus a million months of cagri... plus... :ROFLMAO:
  11. Y

    Hello everyone first time poster

    Wow... that is crazy. I just bought a S30 kit for $210 which is high, but it was in stock. I thought I was for sure going to be cut off by BCBS this year.
  12. Y

    Hi from NW Chicago Burbs

    Glad you got back 💖 I have read that tirz helps with the booze. There have been a number of people in these threads and other forums that have said this. I know, for me, I couldn't lose weight until I got my hormones straight.. but I went into meno at 48. I suffered for a few years and...
  13. Y

    Hello everyone first time poster

    Eros is a good US seller... so is Skye. I used to use Eros when I first started to "try" a vial before I committed to a kit. If you start poking around on Discord there are many single vial sellers that are less expensive than the US websites. Good luck.
  14. Y

    I took a chance with LSPL

    Someone had posted an article recently.. Novo states Ozempic/Wegovy comes in around 97% purity. I have been using it for 3 years and I am still here.
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    Bac Water

    From what I understand PGB tested it and they truly are bac waters. I have not thrown mine out but I have not used them yet, either.
  16. Y

    Bac Water

    Just be careful... there are some CN vendors that say it is bac water and we found out it is just sterile water. Jenny He did not know the difference previously :rolleyes:
  17. Y

    Where can I buy Snap-8?

    Yes... and I just got mine in ;) CryptoAF2017 is my BFF as of late.
  18. Y

    (Alice) TFC’s Lipo-C tested as DYED WATER

    That Beplex stings like a bitch. I used to use it all the time when I was on my HcG diet kick years ago. Someone just posted about using Durvet Maxi B1000 animal vitamin injx off Amazon. Under $20 for 100ml
  19. Y

    Recommended supplier

    That is why, though confusing and frustrating when I forget to write it down or put it in my phone, I spread the love. I don't think I have bought more than 2 things at a time from anyone.. direct or GB. That way if I get burned it won't hurt that much.. and I have more connections in case...
  20. Y

    FDA says semaglutide is no longer in shortage

    If you meant Sema I just bought a S30 kit. I had a bad feeling my insurance company is going to finally cut me off. I had just bought and S10 kit so I have 2.5 years worth.
  21. Y

    38 cents per milligram, do we have a new low price for grey Tirz?

    That is interesting... it took me a minute to figure out how to leave that annoying group. People were asking her to send feet pics... Someone stated yelling the group was waking her up all night :ROFLMAO: .
  22. Y

    Skin feels numb

    OMG. My right side of my face has a tingling, burning feeling the last few days. I was wondering what the hell was going on...
  23. Y

    38 cents per milligram, do we have a new low price for grey Tirz?

    Yes.. I did as well. And she WhatApps me frequently asking if I need peptides. I never answer her.
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    FDA says semaglutide is no longer in shortage

    That is the absolute truth. My pharmacy "normally" has stock on Ozempic or gets it for me in a few days. I established that I take it for A1C early on. The pharmacist put a note in my file ... the techs don't give me a hard time anymore. I used to hate the eyerolls when I would ask for my...
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    so what's your general sourcing strategy now?

    Looks like Bee took care of it :ROFLMAO: Look at it's new title & location...
  26. Y

    USA Domestic Source / Shipping

    I know there are times I want to try something without committing to a kit. I would use someone like her... not that I have ever bought from her. It is still cheaper than buying from those single vial peptide people online.
  27. Y

    so what's your general sourcing strategy now?

    Why even think about stacking when your dosage is still so low? My suggestion would be to increase your dosage first before you consider anything else. You are still SO low.
  28. Y

    so what's your general sourcing strategy now?

    I have been a lurker on Meso for years.. but I don't have posting privileges on that thread for some reason... Tell me about the Sema.
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    so what's your general sourcing strategy now?

    How the hell did you get posting privileges already??? :ROFLMAO:
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    so what's your general sourcing strategy now?

    Let me know when you are seriously considering...
  31. Y

    so what's your general sourcing strategy now?

    "I will never help you obese peeps again." ??? WTF How fucking rude.
  32. Y

    Amazon not shipping insulin syringes to FL anymore?

    Some will not ship to GA with Amazon... some do.. I have to go through a few different brands sometimes to see who will.
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    Shipments from China and Hong Kong suspended @GimmeABreak
  34. Y

    My Cagri Chronicle: ongoing updates on progress with cag starting October 2024

    Same.. I have been EXTREMELY blessed. I have not had ANY symptoms either and it has been 3 years. Let's hope we didn't just jinx ourselves ;)
  35. Y

    Shipments from China and Hong Kong suspended

    I just received this from one of my trade publications...
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    My Cagri Chronicle: ongoing updates on progress with cag starting October 2024

    You definitely aren't... you went back and tried again. I just cannot stand throwing up...
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    My Cagri Chronicle: ongoing updates on progress with cag starting October 2024

    Puking for 3 days is not fine... that is definitely not on my bingo card.
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    My Cagri Chronicle: ongoing updates on progress with cag starting October 2024

    You haven't had great luck lately. I am so sorry you are sick again. :cry:
  39. Y

    NAD+ from QST does not dissolve.

    Who did you get it from?