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  1. Y

    Hello Friends! 👋

    Hi there. When you were stacking tirz and sema what was the dosage and when were you taking it, please? Thanks
  2. Y

    Amo website down

    I noticed that yesterday...
  3. Y

    BAC water test

    Thank you for this.
  4. Y

    BAC water test

    Where from, please?
  5. Y

    Supply dwindling

    No.. I am a newbie. I am on another group on FB and have read for hours and hours there before I found this group. Many buy from them there and I was willing to pay more to get it quicker. It also helped they are having a half off sale...
  6. Y

    Supply dwindling

    Aminos Research is having a half price sale right now. I just placed an order for Tirz to see if I can break my Oz stall.
  7. Y

    Never trust a skinny chef!

    Sorry.. I am new to this site so if this is repetitive I apologize. I just took advantage of Aminos Research's sale. I am going to try 1mg Oz on Sunday and 2.5 Tirz on Weds and go from there. Thank you so much for responding.
  8. Y

    Never trust a skinny chef!

    Thank you. I just took advantage of Aminos Research's sale that is going on now. I am going to try 1mg Oz Sunday and 2.5 Tirz Weds to start and go from there. Thank you so much for responding.
  9. Y

    Never trust a skinny chef!

    I am stalled as well.. that is why I am here. My insurance is paying for Oz. I have done about 50 hours of research between Reddit, FB groups, asking questions... and I wanted to add Tirz to see if it will help. Have you added it yet and, if so, has it helped? Thank you in advance.