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  1. Tessie

    Can someone explain how reta feels compared to tirz?

    I️ really like tirz, but thought I’d switch to Reta for the last 15 pounds to goal weight. Reta does not like me if I️ do not eat at least three times a day. However, Reta likes those three times to be very small meals. I️ frequently feel overfull. With tirz I️ felt great after I️ ate. I️ am...
  2. Tessie

    COA 30mg Tirz SRY

    It was mine and a few others. Obvious difference.
  3. Tessie

    COA 30mg Tirz SRY

  4. Tessie

    Will Cagri-Sema Be The New Hotness?

    My daughter has POTS symptoms. It did not show up in table test, Dr said sometimes the test does not work, she’s had issues for years.