Another article about the multiple neuro protective effects glp/gip peptides……. Fancinates me the effects of these meds
They linked a good one
This is a good one too especially the reference citation at the end
It’s scary when you think about that tirz can slowly pass though the blood brain barrier and sema can’t . So you modify 2 side chains of tirz and add some of the sema sequence…….. wth could the outcome be???? Is my deep freeze actually have AR tirz or frankensteins crack ?
I took micro 20 years ago….. now an NP chatting with College researchers on how they test peptides …. Yes I would love to be in a lab researching this stuff lol
Trust but verify as Reagan said lol…. Probably false trust because he pushed the double testing. I haven’t used the 30 mg tirz I bought yet. Stuck in a -20 c deep freeze. Only using the 3 other companies I tested for now. So far none have grown any bacteria or fungi on the plates I have diy...
No I havent seen any. After the craziness I might send one from my tirz bulk buy. Idk he is the only vendor I trusted. Looking for a new source to purchase. Found a FDA China manufacturer but getting the run around. I have checked 3 companies so far …..
My best friends mom had EMS. All from an amino acid supplement.. docs were writing scripts for it. Tryptophan was banned for many years in the US due to it. The Japanese manufacturer had something like 60-70 contaminants in their product….. crazy
Imagine a new disease they can’t figure out the source caused by a Frankenstein peptide….. we had eosinophilia myalgia syndrome years ago probably from tainted tryptophan (debating that still) from a Japanese company taking shortcuts……..
There’s a different mindset between the urologist and the nephrologist. Urologist will clear the obstruction and hopefully resolve the issue, but your kidneys have probably took a hit. The nephrologist focus will be on maintaining or improving your kidney function for as long as possible.
Urologist is a great idea. Seeing a nephrologist might be a good idea too. Makes sense it is a chronic issue due to no protein in urine. I am sure the provider already gave you the no ibuprofen , aleve , nsaid speech . Also dehydration risk is increased with weight loss…….
Many things should be addressed …..well a gfr of 45 is concerning…. something is attacking the kidneys ……. Ketones can be from dehydration or fasting ……. Leukocyte est 2 plus can be from inflammation or infection …… might be smart to have a urine culture done too.
we are similar except protein around 75-80 grams a day, b12 shots twice a month, vitamin … stopped fish oil due to a fib risk … yeah saw the new cgm for 99 a month … was thinking about it too , using a glucometer. Fasting glucose went from 160’s to 90’s so far…. I need to increase fiber
Blood in urine and low kidney function not good….. you are dehydrated too. Gonna get referred to nephrology? Could be from dehydration …… it is considered grade 3 chronic kidney disease …. Unless it is acute from a drug or dehydration……..
Aromatase activity is greatly increased in obesity. A large amount of the injected testosterone will convert to estrogen. Estrogen - estradiol increase causes gynecomastia directly. Also prostate enlargement... Smarter to use an aromatase inhibitor . Also most obese folks have low total...
Testosterone in normal doses can also worsen sleep apnea and heart failure. In obese folks it is converted to estrogen by aromatase leading to other potential cardiac risk …..and breast growth. Etc
US pharmaceutical companies are heavily invested in China. They are going to have a degree of separation from the research subjects. They can always claim ignorance. But of course it is probably true they don’t care enough to know…. Only care about outcomes.
They were congressional hearings last August about this . There is a link in the story for the letter written by the US
Yes not found of the Chinese concentration camps but China makes 100 year plans. One party rule- dictatorship advantage. The Chinese EV capability is amazing…. Have seen the BYD cars and they are very nice … Now China is focusing on pharmaceutical development … and lots of US pharmaceutical...
Well they developed a process to make tirz in kg lots with a purity over 99 percent and low risk of contamination…… they are following the path of Japan from making cheap junk to high quality ……
IMO The three things that can be dangerous in rapid weight loss include :
1) gallbladder : gallstones worsening. If you are obese you probably have gallstones. Rapid weight loss can worsen this and require a cholecystectomy. You can take actigal to prevent this
2) dehydration: this can cause...
Also the Chinese developed a new method for making tirzepatide that they developed and applied for a patent…..
Yes was easy to find the molecular weight and amino acid sequence info to submit to lab …That is why I am testing there now lol. The other lab actual wanted a reference tirz sample to test against….. seemed like an area for potential fraud .
I was checking places to test tirzepatide . One lab used by a compounding pharmacy in Texas and required a reference sample for the tirz I wanted to test. Lots of room for fraud there.
The lab I use now had never tested tirz …. He didn’t want a reference sample he wanted the AA sequence and...
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