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  1. R

    Have any of you traveled internationally with peps?

    My rs went to the Phillipines during the summer and they got a script for b12 and reconstituted the peptide and returned to the vial . That way they had a script for the needles and B12……most b12 has a higher percents of benzyl Alcohol in it than bacteriostatic water …… 1.5 percent vs 0.9
  2. R

    shijiazhuang songhe import & export

    Anyone use shijiazhuang songhe import & export for tirzepatide?
  3. R

    OPINION and DISCUSSION regarding Eli Lily's Recent ZEPBOUND Single-Dose Vial Announcement

    Like a drug dealer given out free samples to get you hooked lol
  4. R

    Why are we all hung up on purity?

    We had natural p cubensis … had to find the fields with grass fed beef for better yields …. Yeah need hot and humid weather . They grow crazy in South Mississippi. A RS could fill a large trash bag in 15 Minutes….. also the Audobon guide to mushroom identification was a great book…… this was...
  5. R

    Why are we all hung up on purity?

    Well I am from South Mississippi originally have 6 kids, an ex wife , remarried , and live in Tennessee …… not ghetto though lol Also we got our shrooms from Cow fields in South Mississippi the way God intended lol
  6. R

    Why are we all hung up on purity?

    I use it to vaccum seal bags of hot peppers I grow. I also vaccum seal the vials for long term storage
  7. R

    Why are we all hung up on purity?

    That alligator skin came from the same place, my tirz comes from…. China lol
  8. R

    Why are we all hung up on purity?

    Well, I am from Mississippi so there’s that…. lol
  9. R

    Why are we all hung up on purity?

    lol I have a dedicated freezer and vaccum sealer ? Lol
  10. R

    Why are we all hung up on purity?

    When you get real redneck when u get real OCD you start doing this at home lol
  11. R

    Why are we all hung up on purity?

    University of Cali ….Have to have an institutional account though, no retail sales. I set one up at the clinic I work at.
  12. R

    Why are we all hung up on purity?

    I pay a college to test the amino acid sequence and the total mg of tirzepatide…. $108… I don’t care about it being 99 percent … that would be a more expensive test anyway.
  13. R

    Why are we all hung up on purity?

    P raw absorbs water easier too I think
  14. R

    Why are we all hung up on purity?

    Me too . I have bought once like that raw in 10 mg vials. But it was about the same price as finished ……. Less hands in it probably better
  15. R

    Why are we all hung up on purity?

    Yeah I know there isn’t any heavy metals used in the manufacturing of tirzepatide … low risk for bacterial contamination in the Chinese method used because it is filtered . Most tirzepatide should be 99 percent pure out of the chemical plant ….after that is where the contamination risk occur.
  16. R

    Why are we all hung up on purity?

    There is plenty of room for contamination in the final processing when they add all the binders/ salts …. If it if 10 mg 99 percent pure tirz with 30 mg of binder that is a lot of room for contamination .
  17. R

    Why are we all hung up on purity?

    I don’t care about it. I just want to know the mg in the vial and if the amino acid sequence matches tirzepatide…
  18. R


    Idk my doc just charts my tirz is coming from an outside provider….. he knows where I buy it
  19. R

    How fragile are peptides?

    The tirz comes out in a raw form from the chemical plant….then it is finished and sterilized . it is processed, filtered freeze dried again …. That has to be a rough process.
  20. R

    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    Ones I got in Cali were imported from Asia ….. 105 temp and projectile vomiting and diarrhea…yuck . In south Mississippi and Louisiana we had almost all of our oyster bed killed due to Katrina, BP oil spill and the Bonne Carre spillway … when I go home I buy from a company that actually...
  21. R

    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    Yeah, that’ll be a good workup for the urine… if the 24 hour urine is high for calcium though I would get a serum calcium level if that’s elevated you need a pth level. With the parathyroid tumor I had I was peeing a whole lot of calcium…….. I was raised on the Mississippi coast …. I have...
  22. R

    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    Is it a 24 hour urine analysis for calcium or protein? I love a good Mississippi Gulf Coast oyster myself.
  23. R

    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    Add a parathyroid tumor my neck at the VA missed for eight years that’s what caused my stones
  24. R

    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    Yes rapid weight loss can cause the gallbladder to go bad…. One can take actigal to prevent the gallstones too. I eat a 1200 calorie diet and never cut out fat ,,, the gallbladders purpose is to digest fat so I want it to work Many folks uric acid gets high with rapid weight loss too…. This...
  25. R

    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    I am just taking tirz and making sure I hit 1200 calories and 80 grams of protein a day.
  26. R

    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    Depends on how much fat mass one has to start . A short term VLCD can be done safely. I am down 87 lbs in 119 days from a 1200 calorie diet.
  27. R

    Where is everyone from.

    Originally from South Mississippi coast now south of Nashville…. Having a house built outside Manila Philippines to retire one day hopefully
  28. R

    Lily sending cease and desist to compounders - do we worry?

    Dogs sniffing tirz lol no too expensive to train and not worth it . How are they going to smell vacuum sealed bags and vials? No but I suspect Eli Lilly will put pressure on the Chinese government to suppress peptide manufacturing of tirz
  29. R

    Storage and Using Peptides / BAC Water

    Yeah, another website. Janoshik said it would be OK. It’s not advised but more than likely OK. The tryptophan will Oxidize in the tirzepatide if frozen in water that is why it is only 3 months .
  30. R

    Storage and Using Peptides / BAC Water

    I could always freeze it and send it back to the lab to be amino acid sequenced months down the road . You’re right though it is better just breakdown to smaller dried portions and freeze. I find it really hard to believe that peptides could be damaged by shaking. When they’re raw, it is a...
  31. R

    Storage and Using Peptides / BAC Water

    I know I know there’s a TRP tryptophan in tirzepatide AA sequence because when I set up at a college to test the researcher asked me for the aa sequence and he discussed the difficulty of sequencing the trp..
  32. R

    Storage and Using Peptides / BAC Water They can be frozen, but only for three months is a recommendation. Cys, Met, or Trp residues are prone to oxidation That is why
  33. R

    Storage and Using Peptides / BAC Water

    Proven? Really ? Breakdown at what rate? Ok the article u posted used the word “may”… it could as easily” may not” lol there’s a whole lot of “May”in science….. it isn’t proven until it’s researched appropriately…. Then a “may” becomes “can”
  34. R

    Storage and Using Peptides / BAC Water

    I don’t see how freezing a peptide even reconstituted would harm it……. The 28 day rule also was done because manufacturers only have to guarantee the solution will be bacteriostatic for 28 days…… vaccines are exempt from this requirement.
  35. R

    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    I found fasting the first 1-2 weeks helps but after that a 1200 calorie diet and the weight comes off rapidly …. Don’t worry about ketosis….. i make sure I stick to at least 80 grams of protein And cut the sugar
  36. R

    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    I have lost 72 lbs in 113 days so far. It is doable but can potentially cause some health issues. Its smart to be closely monitored by doc. Protein, exercise and Tirzepatide have helped a lot. My goal is to lose my wife’s bodyweight 122 lbs … 280 now , was 352 in mid April. 1200 cal diet...
  37. R

    Eli Lilly ending tirz shortage

    Yes, this would effectively end compounding tirz… I suspect China will still make it. Unfortunately I also suspect Lily will pressure the Chinese government to crack down on its non- Eli Lily production since China approved the drug in May of this year. It will be interesting to see.
  38. R

    Thoughts on SRY? Rep: zora

    Hard to know who they are really
  39. R

    Thoughts on SRY? Rep: zora

    Yeah I find it amusing when they say they make the peptides …….
  40. R

    Thoughts on SRY? Rep: zora

    Yes I know they are easily faked.. I will have it re tested anyway regardless of Janoshik. Like to see if they match…. Luckily the process used to make tirz has a low risk of contamination and is highly pure ……… I suspect the fill and finish is where the majority of all the contamination risk...