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  1. R

    Thoughts on SRY? Rep: zora

    Sry has to be a middle man re- selling product from someone else. They cannot provide a CoA from the peptide manufacturer … I know they can be faked but if SRY was actually the manufacturer they could easily post that. I have been given one from most Chinese tirz suppliers.
  2. R

    Supply dwindling

    I thought so. Jesus that is ignorant. Have to be in a negative pressure room under a hood
  3. R

    Supply dwindling

    Tyvex suits and lab scale? What are they doing? Filling vials from a bulk peptide order?
  4. R

    Let see everyone’s weight loss results

    April 16, 2024 sw 352 Today cw 298 Gw? Idk maybe 240 Before pic Ash Wednesday last year ………the at mall with wife this summer
  5. R

    Supply dwindling

    How about that manufacturers report that checks for contamination and purity too?
  6. R

    Supply dwindling

    Ok thanks I look forward to seeing the manufacturer’s coa…
  7. R

    Supply dwindling

    Can you post a COA from the manufacturer of your tirz? The one that shows the purity, but also that it’s tested for contamination? Not Janoshik
  8. R

    Switching to Tirz - order from Guruite

    The second test confirmed the total mg of tirz was correct from 15 mg great peptides order. The 10 mg was a different company and was a pure raw tirzepatide and mentioned only because it was in the sheet…. Roughly 16 percent tirzepatide and the rest buffering agents…
  9. R

    Traveling with tirz

    I traveled to Philippines this month. I reconstituted my tirz in a vial of b12. I had a script for the b12 .
  10. R

    Switching to Tirz - order from Guruite

    The second batch I ordered of 15 mg tirz from GP I sent to a college and had it tested. They used a super advanced hitachi AA sequencer. it tested the appropriate mg…. I also sent raw 10 mg tirz from another company to test
  11. R

    Switching to Tirz - order from Guruite

    I tested Great Peptides 15 mg by Janoshik and second batch at a college . The first Janoshik is from GP the second is mine