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  1. Nikki nik


    Are you hopping on the GYC PROMO? I want to but 65 for shipping. 2 kits or more free shipping.
  2. Nikki nik

    Pre filling glp1 syringe

    Do you or have you prefilled your meds syringe after reconstituting a few weeks at a time?! Does it lose potency?
  3. Nikki nik


    Not my test but I'm just putting this out there. ASC TUK T15
  4. Nikki nik

    Let's see your transformation

    Greetings everyone! I am reaching maintenance in about 20 more pounds. I would like to take this time to tone. I was told it could be done in 6 months. Any heavy lifters here that can share your transformation pics? Even if you don't train. I want to see your progress! Do you recommend a simple...
  5. Nikki nik


    My whole month of December was off track. The anxiety with moving into a new home and then my mom visiting for the holidays I think I ate the whole month away. My mom made 8 sweet potato pies upon arriving. I swear I ate 4😭😭 I was able to get my belly almost flat before all of this. Right now I...
  6. Nikki nik

    Injecting too fast?

    Grabbed some new mots c. Reconstituted last night. This morning I took right out the fridge and drew up my dose. Didn't let sit out. The question is.... this particular pep should be injected slow? Injected in the Deltoid muscle. I have a huge itchy knot. Did I do something wrong. Used fresh BAC...
  7. Nikki nik

    Christmas promo ASC

    Hey friends. Received my Christmas promo on yesterday from my order made on 12/18 with Tuk. I'm usually good at reading. I didn't know they had a US Warehouse. My package came from NJ. I wonder why charge such large delivery fee? Am I missing something? Btw! Everything looks perfect. I ordered 2...
  8. Nikki nik

    Where's all the Christmas promos?

    I missed Black Friday promos! Gyc/John just asked me to be patient hmmmm
  9. Nikki nik


    Greetings!! Do you have a vitamin line up! What do your vitamin do for you? I'm really trying to be natural far as this mood thing. Have you noticed a vitamin you have taken has totally changed your mood/thought process....OCD.... anxiety???? As of now I have started magnesium and d and B1...
  10. Nikki nik

    Crohn's and Tirz

    Any experience with Crohn's disease and taking tirz for weight loss due to the steroid Prednisone?
  11. Nikki nik


    Greetings to all! Where do you draw the line with PURITY?
  12. Nikki nik

    Oxytocin CHIME IN

    I decided to grab QSC oxytocin 95 purity. I've been hearing mixed talks of its useless if it's not 98 and up. I can confirm it worked really great for me. I am a great responder to Peps. Here's what I did....8mg oxytocin to 2ml BAC to 1mg dosing. Kind of did my own thing far as reconstitute and...
  13. Nikki nik


    Greetings! Have you ever wanted to try a pep and purchased a few vials domestic and everything worked out great then gave yourself the go to purchase from a vendor in China then all of sudden you're not getting the feels???? That's where I'm at right now. I'm going back to the domestic and...
  14. Nikki nik

    What's your stack?

    I'm curious, what stack are you researching right now? What's your favorite stack? My stack is 5mg tirz once a week and mots c 5 days a week. I'm stacking with mots because it gives me that get up and go! What makes you GET UP AND GO?! I don't have a favorite one as I'm still a little wet behind...
  15. Nikki nik


    Greetings! Can someone explain to me what's the difference between tirzepatide in vials that are almost dust like compared to the standard powder form?? Is one safer than the other? Less side effects than the other?
  16. Nikki nik

    My stack

    Greetings! Currently researching Tirz and Mots C. Is my needle to long and thick?
  17. Nikki nik

    Amy Hu

    I've been in small contact with Amy. Have you ever heard of this vendor or website. I have no affiliation. Just looking for information. I never made a purchase.
  18. Nikki nik


    Thanks to everyone that responded yesterday in regards to my package. Package was received today via USPS. I was a tad bit nervous. 2 weeks for domestic. I'm grateful! Thanks Q
  19. Nikki nik


    Greetings to all! Respectfully, Any care to give me XCE background? I don't see them rolling around just vials from them being resold. I'm only asking because I have been in these rooms since May. What happened to XCE?!
  20. Nikki nik

    HaPpY ThAt I CaMe

    Listening and learning all while researching. I'm a micro DOSER! Tirz3.5 and Amino Lysine...2 months in. 30LBS down the drain. Open to chatting and exchanging notes! Thanks guys and gals. Oh! Will start strength training in 2 weeks if you have other peps that you incorporate!!!!