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  1. C

    Cagri finally (I think!)

    Now 2 days after my T6mg/5day and 1 day after Cagri 0.75mg third dose in the first week (1.1mg total week one out of the gate) finally I (think) I am feeling the cumulative effect of C + T suppression. Basically standard 3rd day T suppression but amped up, effectively mimicking my first ever...
  2. C

    Cagri (still) nothing, in fact the opposite ???

    So far I have done 0.2mg last Monday then 3 days later another 0.3mg then about 8 hrs ago 0.75mg (I did not dare go straight to 1mg week 2 on this). In between I did my T6mg/5day. With C's longer half life I should by now be allergic to food, but weirdly the opposite is true. The net effect...
  3. C

    Cagri nothing (!)

    You guys seem to know a thing or two about a thing or two so here goes. T7.5 moving to T9/5 days. Wanted more suppression so added Cagri last week, tested out ph4.5 so all fine. Problem? Nothing, save for a little fatigue. Did 0.25 then another 0,15 midweek, still nothing. Dr GPT suggested...