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  1. C


    No crash, just more awake and alert when i take it. The only reason I’m doing 5mg every other day instead of every day is i only have enough to get me by til more comes in so just stretching it out
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    Taking tirz. Thats the reason i started on ss-31. Its helped a ton.
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    LIPO-C with NAD+

    I got the MIC and LIPO a few months ago so need to double check from where, ill update here when i look at the vials (i know its a US source that sells peptides). As for the SS31 and Epitalon, no jitteryness at all, I also take first thing in the morning as i heard taking it later in the day or...
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    Before/After GLOW?

    Yeah, 1g in 30ml is closer to 3.2% and can be irritating for sensitive skin. 500mg in 30ml of HA will give you about 1.6% and is effective and safe even for sensitive skin. Thats how i use it and have a friend who is a skin care freak that has sensitive skin (shes 50yrs old and looks 30!) and...
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    I started taking 5mg every other day (been a week) and wow, it’s given me a ton of natural energy! Not jittery energy at all but i take it whe i wake up in the morning (normally not a morning person at all, usually takes me over an hour or two to get going) and now nearly within 10 minutes I’m...
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    LIPO-C with NAD+

    That low amount of NAD+ is negligible. So you wont notice a difference. A therapeutic amount of NAD+, especially to cycle up in the beginning, is 750mg a day for the first week, then 750mg a week to two weeks. Personally i dont think 20mg twice a week will do anything. It wont hurt but i think...
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    Problems with QSC delivery

    And again you’re missing my point. I didnt throw away the packaging, I took pics of the packaging, not the vials. The barcodes were included in the photos i sent them… they both had the same barcodes with the same text on them… identical. So obviously they fucked up. Then just guessed as opposed...
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    Problems with QSC delivery

    This wasn’t a case of throwing away packaging. I took pics of the 2 packages, asked which was the Tirz and which was Epitalon, they told me the WRONG info. If i took their word for it it could’ve been very bad. Since their cust service was SO bad, i decided to get it tested thank god. This IS a...
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    I used to have Intense fatigue on Tirz (But it works so good i didnt want to stop it) so i started MIC B12 and LIPO-C shots twice weekly. I do 0.5ml each twice a week and it took care of all my fatigue. And relatively cheap too. Both 20oz vials were like a total of $120 delivered and its like a...
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    How did you choose your goal weight?

    Im a 51m, 5’11”, SW was 271 (my heaviest ever) on July 2nd, CW is 214 (3 months in) so 57lbs down. My original goal was/is 185lbs which would be 86lbs to lose which seemed insane to me. It’s been literal decades since i was even near that weight. And in reality i dont think i was that weight...
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    On trend with Newbie Questions

    Honestly there are so many vendors and most are fine. I’d recommend whoever you go with to take one vial and send it for testing (peptide for example in the states). I personally wouldn’t trust any vendor I’m not familiar with personally (by that i mean have gotten product from them and...
  12. C

    Zhejiang Zhaobo Technology Co. Ltd

    I have bought from Jessie a few times (like 4). Have gotten about 4 kits of Tirz from her, all arrived fine and sent off to for testing. All came back good. I’d still recommend anyone buying from anyone to get it tested as i do. But never had an issue with Jessie and always had...
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    Problems with QSC delivery

    Not too happy with QSC as customer service is non existent. But it is what it is. Was overcharged by $245 (paid full price and next day went on sale for $245 off, basically told me to pound sand) but again, it is what it is. What really upset me was besides the GHKcu i got (which is easily...
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    Dosage for Eptialon/Epithalon

    100mcg is your dose is what everyone is saying.
  15. C

    Peptides vs Testosterone vs ?

    Wow, thanks for the info! I’ll ask my doc about that. IS there a brand or type i should ask for? Amount, dosage, etc? If she wont/cant prescribe it, is there one you recommend i can get thru either grey or online that works well and is safe? Again, being new to this whole world of test and ster...
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    Syringe Filter

    Have you used the 13mm ones yet? how much have you noticed you lose in a 2ml vial? Thats my only concern with the 13mm ones is how much do you lose. I’d need to adjust how much BAC i add to offset the loss from the filter.
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    Peptides vs Testosterone vs ?

    First, thanks for the reply and the info. And to be clear i don’t want to speed up my weight loss, thats going fine (although the less i weigh the slower it’s coming off but I’m becoming ok with that). My goals with asking this stuff is more on how to gain muscle more quickly with the least...
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    Peptides vs Testosterone vs ?

    Ok, i know this is not medical advice so feel free to speak freely but i know you have more experience than most here with this tuff so i want to ask you. Im a 51m 5’11” was 271lbs at my heaviest 3 months ago (in 2 days it’ll be 3 months exactly) and am now 216lbs from just tirz! I also got my...
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    Syringe Filter

    Ok, Prepare for two dumb questions as they both popped into my head while reading this thread. 1st is: Doesn’t the BAC water, since it has alcohol in it to prevent bacteria, have properties to kill any minor sterility issues (assuming the vial doesn’t have obvious visible issues like mold or...
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    How to mix SNAP8 in HA serum?

    Awesome! Appreciate the info. When making the cream, you add the 1 gram to how much cream? Ive seen anywhere from 1.0-1.7 ounces of cream like cerave (sp?) Also saw its better to use cream with less additives like vitamins and such. Any experience?
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    How to mix SNAP8 in HA serum?

    Do you do the same for the GHKcu? (1 gram mixed with 30ml of HA? I mean after reconstituting it first.) If so do you reconstitute it with purified water or BAC water? And do you use that in serum or just add the concoction to cream? If cream is it like a 1oz jar? Sorrry for all of the questions...
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    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    How much do you dose? And how frequently? Ive seen so many varying amounts I’m not sure what people are really doing. Also have you had any issues of it not being effective if you dont inject the entire vial immediately after reconstituting> I know it sounds silly but ive read multiple places...
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    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    I think i got mine from a US website called solution peptides if I’m not mistaken. They were like $50 each but were 20ml vials (over double what nexaph are, but they are 10 vial kits). I know i probably overpaid but it’s been working. For me it’ll last like 5 months as i do 0.5ml each twice a...
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    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    The Anavar isnt prescribed but she was all on board for me taking it if i can find an affordable and reliable source (shes super open minded). SO i will look into overseas sources as well ( i always send a sample out to be tested but ive done that enough with a few vendors and have had perfect...
  25. C

    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    Before trying MOTS-C again try a course of SS-31 first. It’s supposed to repair damaged mitochondria first, then the mots-c will do a better job. And yes, Tirz fatigue was the only side effect for me but it was real. I now take 0.5ml each of MIC B12 & LIPO-C twice a week and it has solved my...
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    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    Im nearly exactly your specs! Im a 51m 5’11” starting weight was 271lbs on July 2nd, today I’m at 218lbs only using Tirz and OMAD/and eating only protein enriched food and shakes (No sugars and nearly no carbs… No breads and pastas at all.) For the last month ive used cjc1295/ipamorelin and...
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    How to mix SNAP8 in HA serum?

    Awesome! Thanks! What was your experience with it? Did you see a difference when using it? Did you just use snap8 or did you also use GHKcu or other peptides or ingredients in yours? Just very curious as in the long run it’s way cheaper than what people are charging for high end serums but...
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    How to mix SNAP8 in HA serum?

    Just like the title says, Im making a serum with GHKcu in 30ml bottles for myself and a few friends and wanted to add some SNAP8 as well. I am going to use 0.5g per 30ml bottle of GHKcu (for a 1.6% solution) to make it potent but still ok for around the eye and sensitive areas. Found a good deal...
  29. C

    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    You knew there would be a sale the next day and decided not to tell me and charge me $250 more. Thats shady. By the way i dont lurk on here, all of my communication was on WhatsApp, you responded quickly to all questions until i paid, then ghosted me. You never told me there was a holiday (i...
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    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    Same. She was all very responsive until i paid then radio silence! Ive sent her 5 messages on WhatsApp with zero response. I can see they were delivered but nothing. The kicker? I ordered 2 days ago 50mg Tirz with a few other peptides and paid $630 for the 50mg kit, today she posts on here a day...
  31. C

    Question about Semax

    Im looking at getting some Semax but ive read nasal spray is the best way to use it. Since this comes as a powder, what’s the best way to mix and dose? Ive read you need to use deionized pure water to reconstitute this (which is fine) but how much in a 10mg vial? And then is it best practices to...