Search results

  1. keangkong

    SRY is taking orders

    If something grey takes 2-3 weeks to arrive after you order it from overseas, that's pretty much normal.
  2. keangkong

    TFC any testing group/buy or not

    Didn't TFC sell lipo-C that tested as having nothing but red dye in it? If you're planning on buying from her, you can just skip the testing knowing that you're getting red dye. Ava has recently started selling a lot. I believe her stuff has tested well but even by the standards of grey...
  3. keangkong

    Tracy gone MIA?

    I'm pretty sure that what you buy from Cain was manufactured in China. 我很确定你从 Cain 购买的东西是中国制造的。
  4. keangkong

    Retatrutide Trials

    I recall reading previously, probably on the same site, as to the study being extended. I believed more than one person posted that. It would be good to have the additional data.
  5. keangkong

    Recommended supplier

    My not so scientific study shows that out of the one occasion when I was scammed, I sent money to Tracy and my beautiful girl failed to deliver her product. In other words, 100% of the time the scam involves the vendor not sending the product.
  6. keangkong

    Forget Psychedelics. Everyone’s Microdosing Ozempic Now

    The article answers that question: "Rather than injecting the regular introductory weekly dose, people are only taking half that amount or less." For tirzepatide, that would be 1.25 mg per week or less. For semaglutide, that's .125 mg per week or less. I suspect most of the claimed benefits...
  7. keangkong

    Forget Psychedelics. Everyone’s Microdosing Ozempic Now

    I've heard people who say they're microdosing but just take a GLP-1 7 days per week with the total weekly dose being normal.
  8. keangkong

    My Reta came clumped up in 1 big clump

    After I'm done injecting bacteriostatic water, I always take the plunger out of syringe and stick it in the vial so that the vacuum isn't maintained. I dislike fighting with the vial to get the liquid out.
  9. keangkong

    My Reta came clumped up in 1 big clump

    It's still better to be burping than not burping. I'm not saying that the sulphur burps are great, but after having gas stuck in you that won't get out, taking something simethicone pills (Gas-X) is quite a relief. Simethicone works by making the gas bubbles in you smaller so they get out...
  10. keangkong

    My Reta came clumped up in 1 big clump

    I was so incredibly nervous before my first injection. Then I finally stuck it in my stomach and it that was so easy to do that the whole situation seemed comical.
  11. keangkong

    My Reta came clumped up in 1 big clump

    Some heart rate increase is normal.
  12. keangkong

    My Reta came clumped up in 1 big clump

    I wasn't familiar until I started reconstituting. I give OP credit for stopping and asking before proceeding.
  13. keangkong

    Are peptides next?? Do you have a Plan D??

    No, plan D is necessary. China has recently cracked down on grey vendors. Customs enforcement against grey vendors in the US is up. Yet despite all of that prices are continuing to fall. People who have been buying steroids from China for years describe occasional price increases when...
  14. keangkong

    WSJ: Ozempic’s New Frontier

    Do you have a link without a paywall?
  15. keangkong

    New to the group but not to peps.

    I'm not going to say your description is wrong. However, compared to Meso, the people here are extremely polite.
  16. keangkong

    new to researching and kits

    Try Crypto for dummies. You'll need a wallet if you plan on using crypto with grey market vendors. Assuming the vendor accepts USDT, you may want to use peptideusername's guide a on how to buy USDT on Solana, using Exodus wallet and PayPal, for next to no fees. You can access the guide...
  17. keangkong

    Here is an article comparing the different weight loss medicines

    It's hard to argue with success.
  18. keangkong

    Recommended supplier

    SSA is also having some sort of promotion where tirz can be purchased for less than 50 cents per milligram. It looks like the prices of peptides are continuing their trend of going down despite greater customs enforcement in the US and the crackdown in China.
  19. keangkong

    Recommended supplier

    I purchased from Tracy at QSC. Tracy is a vendor who has been selling grey products since 2021; that's a very long time in the grey market. Then, after I paid for my order, Tracy disappeared.
  20. keangkong

    I took a chance with LSPL

    Because folk believe they'll getter a price if dealing directly with a manufacturer. I don't agree with the reasoning.
  21. keangkong

    Where, oh where is our founding father(GONK)?

    That may just be wishful thinking on workerbee's part.
  22. keangkong

    Where, oh where is our founding father(GONK)?

    ZippityDooDah last posted in October of 2024. He did have a previous long break, with no posts after November 21, 2023, until April 1, 2024. I do hope he is okay.
  23. keangkong

    Best Vendor/prices?

    There is a link explaining how to use PGB in my signature line.
  24. keangkong

    Best Vendor/prices?

    I do have a vendor list, STG vendor list, attached to my signature. It provides contact information on vendors. I could have gone to elaborate lengths to create an Google version of Excel sheet with phony contact information on vendors, but it's a little harder to do than just sending a fake...
  25. keangkong


    But quite expensive. I did use them recently when I wanted to try reta. I wanted a small amount to try, wanted to get it quick, and wanted to avoid testing it. It arrived and worked fine (of course). For a situation where you use something regularly, I'd try other suppliers.
  26. keangkong

    new to researching and kits

    Yes, vendors telling you "their manufacturers" means is not what I meant. Instead, they'll usually tell you that they are manufacturers.
  27. keangkong

    Degraded Reta

    I've read your October stuff. You were smart then too. You might have been stupid in September; you didn't post anything then.
  28. keangkong

    new to researching and kits

    When you ask a general question about the best place to buy on this forum, you're going to get a bunch of replies that don't give you a specific answer. If you're just starting out and are unfamiliar with crypto, is a reasonable place to start. If you're good with crypto and good at...
  29. keangkong

    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    It sounds like you’ve made tons of progress and even if you don’t lose any more, you’re much healthier than before.
  30. keangkong

    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    Why? How do you feel about that?
  31. keangkong

    US judge bars copies of Lilly weight-loss drug

    The FDA usually doesn’t normally take enforcement actions against 503A pharmacies even though the FDA is legally empowered to do so. The FDA leave that to state regulators. If state regulators tell your pharmacy that it can’t do something, it takes an enormously brave person to defy them...
  32. keangkong

    US judge bars copies of Lilly weight-loss drug

    What you wrote make sense. I do note that the text of the US code makes the prescriber the person who determines the medical need. I wonder if Eli Lilly or the FDA can override these determinations based upon them being obvious subterfuges. Also, I wonder whether state medical boards would get...
  33. keangkong

    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    What about you do you want us to talk about?
  34. keangkong

    Are these Tirz vendors legit? Am I good to order?

    I'm pretty sure he did it in the same way everyone else tests for purity: He sent it to a lab that conducts these tests. Testing GLP-1 drugs for purity is not a do-it-yourself thing.
  35. keangkong

    Are these Tirz vendors legit? Am I good to order?

    I would suggest that you order from someone that many people order from.
  36. keangkong

    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    Don't worry: I already made up a few.
  37. keangkong

    US judge bars copies of Lilly weight-loss drug

    Some compounding pharmacies are already doing so.
  38. keangkong

    Republican Administration Maintains Exclusivity Stance in GLP-1 (Tirzepatide) Compounding Dispute

    Am I oversimplifying? Definitely. If you wanted a more detailed explanation, you'd have to ask a person with more knowledge. I have never taken an economics course. Is it a false dichotomy? Although this is speculation, it's my opinion that without companies making huge profits, these drugs...
  39. keangkong

    US judge bars copies of Lilly weight-loss drug

    The 503B pharmacies clearly cannot get around compounding restrictions simply by adding something for a specific patient. The 503A pharmacies may do so. Section 503A bars them generally from compounding what is "essentially a copy of a commercially available drug product" except when done...