Search results

  1. S

    Is any vendor selling Survodutide from China? Can only find ludicrous single-vial prices

    Ronsen is selling Survodutide. 10 5mg vials for $125.9 + shipping.
  2. S

    GLP-1 chills

    I have been freezing for 15 months. It does not go away or get any better. I wear layers daily, a space heater at my desk at work and multiple blankets at home even with the heater always on. Luckily I am single so I keep my home the temp I want without complaints lol
  3. S

    Which Vendors Have You Used ?

    I actually got Wendy’s email from her posts on this forum. Hope you have better luck with the product you received!
  4. S

    Which Vendors Have You Used ?

    When I first started I used AC Peptides. Their product was great. I only switched to XCE because of price. Since XCE I have been looking for a reliable replacement.
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    Which Vendors Have You Used ?

    shanghai Chinqesen Bio/QSChem. Not sure why they go by 2-3 different names.
  6. S

    Which Vendors Have You Used ?

    I ordered through Wendy. T10is white cap and S5 is grey cap. Idk if their cap color is standard(ish) like XCE was.
  7. S

    Which Vendors Have You Used ?

    I have use HT. Was not as good as XCE but not terrible. I tried shanghai Chinqesen Bio/QSChem next. DO NOT ORDER from this company. Received. Have tested with 30mg (3 10mg vials) of Tirz and 7mg (1 1/2 vials of 5mg) of Sema in the past 8 days. Zero affects! I will make a separate post on here...
  8. S

    Current henan order ineffective

    When I first got my 10MG HT order I thought it was effective... Now that I have used 7/10 vials I believe some have been effective and some pay not even have Tirz in them. Zero effect from some vials. Never experienced that with other suppliers. Waiting for an order from another vendor to be...
  9. S

    Henan Tirz 15mg

    My 10mg caps are yellow
  10. S

    Tirz 15 Solid yellow top?

    Yes, last week I lost 2.6lbs.
  11. S

    New henan tengmao order

    I am currently taking 10mg from HT. Last week I lost 2.6lbs. Appetite suppression is very strong. No negative side effects.
  12. S

    Tirz 15 Solid yellow top?

    The Tirz 10 I received from HT has solid yellow tops.
  13. S

    Yalin vs Henan

    It was out for delivery in the us. Took 12 days from payment to my door.
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    Yalin vs Henan

    I ordered on the 29th too. My package is out for delivery now. San Diego, California
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    1st time order with Henan

    I had heard Q was only accepting wire transfers. You were able to order through Alibaba in the past few days?
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    1st time order with Henan

    I personally went with them because I saw a recent (March) COA posted on another forum. I liked the quantity and purity I saw.
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    1st time order with Henan

    When I made an inquiry for price on their website I was contacted shortly after by Cathy. I believe there are 3 email addresses their sales team uses. All variations of the same email address. One has a number 1, another has number 2 and another has number 3.
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    1st time order with Henan

    I paid through Alibaba. I ordered through Cathy.
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    1st time order with Henan

    I placed an order on Friday afternoon. It is Tuesday evening and still no shipping info…
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    I just ordered from them yesterday. PayPal was not an option. I asked. I paid through Alibaba.
  21. S

    General Pricing Forum?

    AC Peptides carries Teso