Amopure should I be worried?


Jul 25, 2024
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Wise says my payment was received by Amo Monday at 6:56 am. As of last night connection on WhatsApp said they didn’t have it. Should I be concerned?
I would show them some proof that it went through. They seemed pretty helpful and responsive when I ordered. I used email, which I assume goes to the same people/person. Maybe they overlooked it or error on their side?
I would show them some proof that it went through. They seemed pretty helpful and responsive when I ordered. I used email, which I assume goes to the same people/person. Maybe they overlooked it or error on their side?
I sent him a screenshot last night. He said he would have the financial people look again. But didn’t hear back. Normally get communications around 9pm EST. I’ll update tonight
I ordered Monday night around 10pm central and just got my tracking last night about 24 hours later. I am not that experienced with this stuff but everything I have seen so far from people say that customer service and shipping speed are things Amo has excelled at so far.
Well my saga with Amo continues! I ordered the 30g GHK-CU and was excited to see my package was delivered today! Only to open it and I have TWO 1g vials. Have reached out via WhatsApp and waiting to hear back. Getting really frustrating!
can you elaborate a little bit? because your original claim of receiving only 2x1g vials for 30g product still seems weird...
I misread the website. It was $30 PER gram and not 30 grams. Pretty expensive unfortunately. Wound up $120 for 2 grams with shipping and wire charge. But that’s on me. I’ll pay more attention!
For those of you that have ordered from AmoPure before, do you feel the product is effective? Do you trust it?
there are already some good looking 3rd party test results and many members here plan to do their own 3rd party tests soon. So I would say its most probably safe to order from them, but you can wait for the additional tests first, if you need more confidence.
For those of you that have ordered from AmoPure before, do you feel the product is effective? Do you trust it?
Do you trust random strangers on the internet? The only way to know is to have it tested by an independent lab.

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