Bac Water

When I ordered, it was from Medex Supply. They said one would have to upload their medical license. I ignored that. I ordered. My order arrived. I didn't make any false statements. I have heard others report similar things, that the medical supply places say they require a medical license but don't actually do so.

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You're such a REBEL!!! You ferocious gorilla, you!!!
I actually looked at that page before and when it asked for a medical/clinic/hospital business name, I just sighed dramatically, closed the tab, and ventured on elsewhere. Lol!!!
I am new to peptides although I've been lurking for a few weeks! Just joined. My first order arrived safely from China two days ago, including bac water which I popped in the fridge. Just read that it is supposed to be kept at room temp. Should I throw it out and restock or take it out of the fridge? Not due to use it for 10 days. I'm in the uk.
Just be careful... there are some CN vendors that say it is bac water and we found out it is just sterile water. Jenny He did not know the difference previously :rolleyes:
You're such a REBEL!!! You ferocious gorilla, you!!!
I actually looked at that page before and when it asked for a medical/clinic/hospital business name, I just sighed dramatically, closed the tab, and ventured on elsewhere. Lol!!!
I had read from someone else that they had ordered without having to send a medical license. I had already decided that I was not willing to lie to buy BAC water.

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