

Dec 27, 2024
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I've been exploring ways to reduce the number of injections I need to take. There seem to be two approaches: backloading and pre-mixing. Backloading is where you fill up a syringe from the back with your doses of individual peptides, and pre-mixing is where you mix the right amounts of the various peptides into a single vial and take your combined dose from that. Does anyone have experience with doing these? Would love to learn some best practices. Note that I'm aware that not all peptides (and especially not GLP-1s) can be mixed together. I'd only be mixing the ones that are known to be ok to mix.

I've tried backloading a couple of times now, and while I like that I can prep several days' worth of injections all at once and I only have to take a single injection to get my daily dose of peptides, I find the backloading process frustrating as it's hard to get the bubbles in the backloaded syringe to consolidate and rise to the top of the tiny insulin syringes. Is there a best way to do this?

I haven't tried pre-mixing vials yet - I need to do the math to figure out what the right amounts are and possibly pick up some larger capacity vials to use. Would love to hear any tips folks have for this too though. Thanks!
Yeah, I would say pre-mixing into one vial is the less risky option, but you still need to be careful to ensure they are all compatible with each other.

Also, don't go over 1ml for subq injection, even that is a lot. Otherwise your body will have a hard time absorbing and it'll cause issues long term.

I can look it up again and provide more details if you're really interested, but I'm a bit lazy so that's what I remember aha.
Reporting back ... blending is the way! I figured out that all the peptides I'm currently taking can be safely blended together, and it's fine (if not better) to split doses into AM/PM shots, so after doing a bunch of math I now have one single blend that I take twice a day. And it's now easy to preload syringes for even greater convenience too. I'll have to cycle all the peptides together, but even that simplifies things. I'm feeling good about this - thanks for the advice!

P.S. I learned that I'm basically doing a combination of the Wolverine and Glow stacks. I kind of feel like I should give it a name ... Glowverine? 😊
Reporting back ... blending is the way! I figured out that all the peptides I'm currently taking can be safely blended together, and it's fine (if not better) to split doses into AM/PM shots, so after doing a bunch of math I now have one single blend that I take twice a day. And it's now easy to preload syringes for even greater convenience too. I'll have to cycle all the peptides together, but even that simplifies things. I'm feeling good about this - thanks for the advice!

P.S. I learned that I'm basically doing a combination of the Wolverine and Glow stacks. I kind of feel like I should give it a name ... Glowverine? 😊
I love the name aha, we just need a couple of sellers onboard 😉