BPC-157, Endometriosis, and scar tissue.


Senior Member
Aug 5, 2024
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I know BPC-157 can be beneficial for recent injuries and healing. I've also seen a variety of opinions on it's ability to help with older injuries and scar tissue. Has anyone here has success with trying to help with older injuries and scar tissue? Bonus points if you've researched BPC-157 with similar issues to mine.

Background: I've had a number of robotic surgeries for severe endometriosis. My endo was pretty much everywhere, I had a frozen pelvis twice (which means all of my pelvic organs were basically glued together). While the surgeries to remove the endometrial adhesions and cysts helped free everything up, it left tons of scar tissue everywhere. I've since had a total hysterectomy w/bilateral oophorectomy, when they went in for that my uterus was completely fused to my colon. I still get pelvic/abdominal pain from time to time, especially when things are moving around in my intestines. Went in for a 5th exploratory surgery and my surgeon didn't find anything substantial other than some scar tissue and referred me to get a colonoscopy to make sure there wasn't any endometriosis or damage inside my intestines. Colonoscopy came back mostly clear other than a few small polyps, but they didn't see anything that would be causing my pain. The surgeries started around 2010 and the last was was 2021. Colonoscopy was about 3 months ago. At this point I'm attributing it all to scar tissue, and while my pain levels have dropped from a constant 10-11 to an intermittent 4-5, it would be nice if I could do something to reduce it further.

I also have a back injury, 3 herniated discs, from cosplaying as a human speedbump after a crosswalk mishap on one of those darned scooters. (My first and only time on one of them 🙃)

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