BPC/TB and Healing Peptides Post Knee Surgery


New Member
Aug 6, 2023
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Hi everyone,

A friend of mine is recovering from knee surgery. Im not exactly sure of the procedure, but I believe it was a full replacement.
She has met with others who have had the same surgery more recently, but they have made much more progress than she has in healing. Their scars are also much lighter than hers. She says her knee doesnt feel like it is hers and she is having stilll having trouble with balance and stability. She is probably 60 or so, but I believe the people she was comparing herself to were similar in age.
She has increased protein recently, but has seen no improvement.
Before she sees her doctor next week, I was trying to send her info on some of the healing peptides to bring up with her doctor. I also wanted to provide a list of doctors or similarly qualified professionals who may be more open to any peptide therapy, if anyone knows of any. I know primary care doctors are not always familiar with or open to peptides.
The healing peptides are not my area of research. Though I am looking some info up for her, I would greatly appreciate if anyone already has any good research articles, info, resources, and/or dr recommendations if they could pass then on.
My friend spends a lot of time helping others, so Id like to be able to help her as well.
Thank you for any assistance you can give!
I had a total knee replacement 12/17/22 and my knee is still “not mine”, swollen, stiff, pain to the point of waking me multiple times per night. I am looking at a revision around January as I want it to be two years before a certain test is done just for accuracy.

Here is some information I have received from others on the healing:

TB-500 is usually dosed 1-2 times a week. Thymosin Beta 4 is dosed 750mcg a day. I could not find TB4 in a vial large enough to provide multiple doses that would justify the cost so I’m going with TB500 for now.

BPC157 dosed at 500 mcgs daily. You can split this up if you would like but most practioners will prescribe 1x day.

Adding Tesamorelin will help with healing. BPC will also amplify its effect by increasing the number and density of GH receptors. Dose BPC at least 1 hour prior to Tesamorelin for best result.

Below is my order that I am waiting on from CA so I have not started that protocol yet, but I will provide updates as soon as I can.

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