Coming out of the Shadows


Sep 12, 2024
Reaction score
NorCal, USA
Hi everyone,

First, thanks everyone for the knowledge sharing on the site and for a place to discuss what is still a taboo subject in many places.

I've been lurking for a while, but felt it time to start participating in the discussions, since I know a little more now. I've gone from compounded tirz, to grey market tirz. After a bunch of research and reading about dosages, I'm placing orders for BPC-157, TB-500, Sermorelin, Retatrutide, and Cagrilintide, through the knowledge shared here. The ability to purchase from somewhat known Chinese entities helps alot, since there's no way I could afford regular channel purchases of these products.

That's about it for now. Out of the shadows into the light.
Welcome! That's a lot of stuff to jump in to!

How long have you been on Tirz? What dose? Have you stalled or just adding Reta and Cagri because others are?

You can probably guess where I'm going with this, but it does seem like you might be jumping head first into the shallow end of the pool.
Welcome! That's a lot of stuff to jump in to!

How long have you been on Tirz? What dose? Have you stalled or just adding Reta and Cagri because others are?

You can probably guess where I'm going with this, but it does seem like you might be jumping head first into the shallow end of the pool.
@Broken Chef, those are all great questions. I've been on tirz for about 9 months now and have about a year of newly delivered Amo vitals to go through. I'm sort of stalled on tirz at 10 MG since I'm going very slowly with tritating up, but I intend on going through what I have up to the 15MG dose before moving to Reta and Cagri. That also allows more time for additional research to be done. It's all stored in the freezer, so I'm not too worried about the time in storage.

I've been on BPC-157 and TB-500 longer than tirz, just didn't have a reasonably priced supply until now. Previously my supply was coming from Amino USA, but at $70 and $80 a vial, it was getting very expensive.

The sermorelin is a new peptide for me. I've done enough research for me to give it a try. Once again, it was too expensive to add into my regime through normal channels. This will allow me to try a month cycle to see how it impacts me, without breaking the bank. 👍
@Broken Chef, those are all great questions. I've been on tirz for about 9 months now and have about a year of newly delivered Amo vitals to go through. I'm sort of stalled on tirz at 10 MG since I'm going very slowly with tritating up, but I intend on going through what I have up to the 15MG dose before moving to Reta and Cagri. That also allows more time for additional research to be done. It's all stored in the freezer, so I'm not too worried about the time in storage.

I've been on BPC-157 and TB-500 longer than tirz, just didn't have a reasonably priced supply until now. Previously my supply was coming from Amino USA, but at $70 and $80 a vial, it was getting very expensive.

The sermorelin is a new peptide for me. I've done enough research for me to give it a try. Once again, it was too expensive to add into my regime through normal channels. This will allow me to try a month cycle to see how it impacts me, without breaking the bank. 👍
Good to hear... you had me worried for a minute there, lol

Always nice to have new members with more experience than me. I've read this too many times on Facebook - "Y'all told me to order from xxx, but it's just a white chunk in a vial... Is this old and dried up... Do I just put some tap water in there to bring it back.." etc So I'm always worried about new members coming in with no idea what they are doing and jumping in a bit too fast.

I know when I first saw the list of peptides available, I was like - ohh..ohhhh OHHHH - I'll take some of everything!!!

I've only used GLP1's and just ordered some Glow to give that a try.

Mind elaborating on what you use BPC/TB for or how it helps you? I have severe chronic pain that I'm hoping to get some help from with those. So I'm looking for others who have found pain relief with peptides...
No problems and I fully understand your questions. The "how much BAC water should I use for XX peptide" is always worry some. The "is BAC water, bacteria water?" is terrifying.

To answer your question. I don't get much targeted pain relief from using BPC and TB. What I do get, is overall recovery. I try to get to the gym daily, so 500mcg each per day of the two peptides just seems to dull/remove the muscle pain from the prior workout. I have damage and pain in my right shoulder, the BPC and TB does nothing to dull that pain.

I'm 6 ft, 264 lbs, I'm athletic but carry quite a bit of excess weight, which is why I'm on tirz. Just want to be sure that you know that I'm not some roided out body builder 😂.
Hi everyone,

First, thanks everyone for the knowledge sharing on the site and for a place to discuss what is still a taboo subject in many places.

I've been lurking for a while, but felt it time to start participating in the discussions, since I know a little more now. I've gone from compounded tirz, to grey market tirz. After a bunch of research and reading about dosages, I'm placing orders for BPC-157, TB-500, Sermorelin, Retatrutide, and Cagrilintide, through the knowledge shared here. The ability to purchase from somewhat known Chinese entities helps alot, since there's no way I could afford regular channel purchases of these products.

That's about it for now. Out of the shadows into the light.

Hello!!!!! I’m new to grey market and it’s been such an interesting journey (slight obsession) of learning about this world. Been on my grey Tirz for two weeks so far so good! Next up is GHK-Cu with BPC-157 from Skye ☺️
Mind elaborating on what you use BPC/TB for or how it helps you? I have severe chronic pain that I'm hoping to get some help from with those. So I'm looking for others who have found pain relief with peptides...
Im looking exactly for the same, chronic back pain (spine fracture), so far im bit disappointed with user reports about BPC/TB
Im looking exactly for the same, chronic back pain (spine fracture), so far im bit disappointed with user reports about BPC/TB
I think there is superior healing for a new injury or scar healing based on the research, but "I" don't get focused healing for any specific ailments. It seems that BPC and TB don't have much impact on chronic pain or long term injuries.

I have pretty severe sciatica and the only thing that has worked barring surgery has been epidural injections. An epidural buys me approximately 5 months of mostly pain free time.
Good to hear... you had me worried for a minute there, lol

Always nice to have new members with more experience than me. I've read this too many times on Facebook - "Y'all told me to order from xxx, but it's just a white chunk in a vial... Is this old and dried up... Do I just put some tap water in there to bring it back.." etc So I'm always worried about new members coming in with no idea what they are doing and jumping in a bit too fast.

I know when I first saw the list of peptides available, I was like - ohh..ohhhh OHHHH - I'll take some of everything!!!

I've only used GLP1's and just ordered some Glow to give that a try.

Mind elaborating on what you use BPC/TB for or how it helps you? I have severe chronic pain that I'm hoping to get some help from with those. So I'm looking for others who have found pain relief with peptides...
I have seen several people reporting good pain relief with ARA 290. Might add it to your research list.

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