Do We Really Need to Keep Peptides in the Freezer?

Great question. I don't know the correct answer and would love to see actual research and data on the subject.

FWIW, as I understand it, freezing is only recommended for long-term storage. I currently keep all of mine in the fridge. It's also recommended that they be protected from light. IMHO it's just good practice (and not terribly difficult lol) at this point to avoid risking degradation lacking knowledge to suggest otherwise, but if it's even necessary, I have no idea!
Someone, somewhere (can’t remember now that I’ve traveled so far, lol) once linked this info from Peptide Sciences:
Not sure if it’s “scientific” enough to go by…but I thought it was interesting. They have a lot of info on their site. I’d never buy from them though, lol.
Great question. I don't know the correct answer and would love to see actual research and data on the subject.

FWIW, as I understand it, freezing is only recommended for long-term storage. I currently keep all of mine in the fridge. It's also recommended that they be protected from light. IMHO it's just good practice (and not terribly difficult lol) at this point to avoid risking degradation lacking knowledge to suggest otherwise, but if it's even necessary, I have no idea!
What’s considered “long term storage”
Short Term - Lyophilized Peptides will remain stable at room temperature for up to 60 days.However, upon receipt all peptides should be stored in the refrigerator for maximum stability and longevity. Peptides store in the refrigerator of 4C (39F) can last 1-2 years (unmixed)..

Long Term - It is preferred to store the peptides in a freezer at -18C (0F), if you plan to not use them form 1-2 months. Peptides can be stored at this temperature for up to 3 years (unmixed).

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