FDA to review Lilly Tirz shortage decision.


Oct 7, 2024
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North America
Got this from the LSH Facebook page. Looks like the FDA will allow compounders to keep going while they investigate things more thoroughly. I wonder if people calling their House representatives actually worked for once?


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Agree - I'm happy with my compound and don't mind paying the premium for it versus the DIY route. I am glad I've managed to get my hands on some DIY as a backup (just need to find BAC water now) but would prefer to stay with what I know works. I've had a great experience with my Telehealth provider.
Agree - I'm happy with my compound and don't mind paying the premium for it versus the DIY route. I am glad I've managed to get my hands on some DIY as a backup (just need to find BAC water now) but would prefer to stay with what I know works. I've had a great experience with my Telehealth provider.
Yeah, nothing wrong with that. Most of us started there and it's still very viable for Sema and Triz.
I hope it stays around. It gives people options and keeps the needy, low-effort ones away from here. Grey isn't for most people, even with "trusted" USA sellers. Most people are going to use the easiest method from sources they trust. Nothing wrong with that.
Anything that helps the American people get access to healthcare more affordably is great in my book and I agree that for a lot of people, they have no business going gray but that doesn't mean they should have to pay out the butt just because they are uncomfortable messing with research products.

I hope this sparks a much bigger conversation about the cost of medicine and maybe spurs some change. It would be nice if compounding and telehealth grew more just to help give people options and create competition when it came to drug prices and how they are procured.

I still don't quite understand why Lily hasn't undercut the compounders with their own vials. They could drive out any competition in the space and absorb everyone who would have ever used compounded because of the price all in one go.
Anything that helps the American people get access to healthcare more affordably is great in my book and I agree that for a lot of people, they have no business going gray but that doesn't mean they should have to pay out the butt just because they are uncomfortable messing with research products.

I hope this sparks a much bigger conversation about the cost of medicine and maybe spurs some change. It would be nice if compounding and telehealth grew more just to help give people options and create competition when it came to drug prices and how they are procured.

I still don't quite understand why Lily hasn't undercut the compounders with their own vials. They could drive out any competition in the space and absorb everyone who would have ever used compounded because of the price all in one go.
We know that they have difficulties meeting the demand, but we also know that raw is widely available.

I'm speculating here, but I think the challenge they have is keeping it cool all the way to you once reconstituted.
Glad they are reviewing this decision. My RS has access to prescription Tirz and their pharmacy says it isn't in stock. Might be able to get it next week. If they can't continue it they are going to drop it in favor of Maz because it's not working anyway.
Anything that helps the American people get access to healthcare more affordably is great in my book and I agree that for a lot of people, they have no business going gray but that doesn't mean they should have to pay out the butt just because they are uncomfortable messing with research products.

I hope this sparks a much bigger conversation about the cost of medicine and maybe spurs some change. It would be nice if compounding and telehealth grew more just to help give people options and create competition when it came to drug prices and how they are procured.

I still don't quite understand why Lily hasn't undercut the compounders with their own vials. They could drive out any competition in the space and absorb everyone who would have ever used compounded because of the price all in one go.
I never understand this either about EL!! And I make a living in healthcare sales, so I mean I get how the industry works…They make hundreds of billions of dollars, it is one of the greatest drugs in our lifetime, and it costs them like less than a dollar to make, if they are sooo worried about competition, quit paying your crazy lawyers, and lower your prices for out of pocket people and work with the insurances and work to get more $$ that way……SMH….greedy motherf*ckers….the profit margins are still wild, at a drastically lowered price! I like you, hope this sparks something bigger….
I never understand this either about EL!! And I make a living in healthcare sales, so I mean I get how the industry works…They make hundreds of billions of dollars, it is one of the greatest drugs in our lifetime, and it costs them like less than a dollar to make, if they are sooo worried about competition, quit paying your crazy lawyers, and lower your prices for out of pocket people and work with the insurances and work to get more $$ that way……SMH….greedy motherf*ckers….the profit margins are still wild, at a drastically lowered price! I like you, hope this sparks something bigger….
Right? I think nearly half of my office has expressed interest in going on a GLP1... a couple have gone to compound pharmacies, and the rest have given up once our insurance plan denied the PA. There's a lot of untapped demand if they could just pull the right affordability lever.
Not to defend them, because I think the prices are criminal, but if I had to think of two reasons they don't and wont lower the prices, the first would be the patent time frame and the second would be shareholders. First point is pretty simple in that they need to get as much money as possible before the gravy train ends and the patent expires. Sema works much better than nothing so it becoming a generic will fulfill the needs for most people who can't afford the newer medicines, cutting into profits. As for shareholders, maximum profit must always be achieved. What good would lowering prices do for stock value when you sell every drop of the stuff you can currently produce at the current asking price? Knocking out compounding just means more people will be forced to get it from you while you hold the patent. Can everyone afford that? No, but I doubt they care when they sell ever drop they make.

No matter what they do, like most other things time will generally fix this issue. More companies will invest leading to more competition and older formulas will go generic. I also have a hope that the tidal wave of people taking these drugs will help kill off some of the more nefarious junk that we seemed to have allowed to take root in our food supply. Not holding out hope for that one unfortunately.
Not to defend them, because I think the prices are criminal, but if I had to think of two reasons they don't and wont lower the prices, the first would be the patent time frame and the second would be shareholders. First point is pretty simple in that they need to get as much money as possible before the gravy train ends and the patent expires. Sema works much better than nothing so it becoming a generic will fulfill the needs for most people who can't afford the newer medicines, cutting into profits. As for shareholders, maximum profit must always be achieved. What good would lowering prices do for stock value when you sell every drop of the stuff you can currently produce at the current asking price? Knocking out compounding just means more people will be forced to get it from you while you hold the patent. Can everyone afford that? No, but I doubt they care when they sell ever drop they make.

No matter what they do, like most other things time will generally fix this issue. More companies will invest leading to more competition and older formulas will go generic. I also have a hope that the tidal wave of people taking these drugs will help kill off some of the more nefarious junk that we seemed to have allowed to take root in our food supply. Not holding out hope for that one unfortunately.
Yeah I totally get it, I mean I honestly wish I had bought some of their stock 😂
But I think they are missing the forest for the trees and I think they are missing out on a big big opportunity…they already sell it in other countries for so much cheaper. I think that the entire world should pay for advances in science, not just the US. But you are right, they are selling every drop they have, so there is that problem!!
They themselves let this compound door open, so I think they need to pivot from previous business models, this is new ground, I mean they already released the vials, and if they produced it that way it would not only be cheaper & easier to make, but this is a lifetime drug, (most likely) and people like to stick with what they know, so if they get a prescriber early on in this Glp-1 battle, then they might have them for life or at least for a long time…. but hell I am definitely not an upper C suite type person so 🤷‍♀️ And you are absolutely right on how this will go with time, competition etc…
But Omg I also agree with you about our food!!
It is down right criminal what is in US food, some stuff that is not even allowed in the EU…SMH
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Not to defend them, because I think the prices are criminal, but if I had to think of two reasons they don't and wont lower the prices, the first would be the patent time frame and the second would be shareholders. First point is pretty simple in that they need to get as much money as possible before the gravy train ends and the patent expires. Sema works much better than nothing so it becoming a generic will fulfill the needs for most people who can't afford the newer medicines, cutting into profits. As for shareholders, maximum profit must always be achieved. What good would lowering prices do for stock value when you sell every drop of the stuff you can currently produce at the current asking price? Knocking out compounding just means more people will be forced to get it from you while you hold the patent. Can everyone afford that? No, but I doubt they care when they sell ever drop they make.

No matter what they do, like most other things time will generally fix this issue. More companies will invest leading to more competition and older formulas will go generic. I also have a hope that the tidal wave of people taking these drugs will help kill off some of the more nefarious junk that we seemed to have allowed to take root in our food supply. Not holding out hope for that one unfortunately.
Oh, I forgot to mention, I love your avatar photo! I loved ring pops when I was little and love the LOTR reference. Good stuff 😊
I’m sure some of us will stick around to see how this works out… looks promising to me… building up the courage to place an order soon…
Just wait! Placing an order is like being in a free for all zone, especially watching/participating in it all on discord and telegram. Now I call it "doing my deals in China." And I do it at night because it's their day - although many of them seem never to sleep! - in my pj's on the bed, have discord and telegram open in my laptop and my phone, notes for calculations, shipping and guarantees, and this and that, if you've done your research and have what you need set up in advance, it's wild and fun and definitely becomes an obsessive activity - checking the servers for who has what, at what price, checking the servers for group buys, what products, etc. Scary and then you jump in...
Just wait! Placing an order is like being in a free for all zone, especially watching/participating in it all on discord and telegram. Now I call it "doing my deals in China." And I do it at night because it's their day - although many of them seem never to sleep! - in my pj's on the bed, have discord and telegram open in my laptop and my phone, notes for calculations, shipping and guarantees, and this and that, if you've done your research and have what you need set up in advance, it's wild and fun and definitely becomes an obsessive activity - checking the servers for who has what, at what price, checking the servers for group buys, what products, etc. Scary and then you jump in...
lol.. yes I see it can see that
It is down right criminal what is in US food, some stuff that is not even allowed in the EU…SMH
I'm not a food scientist but it's the thing that has changed the most in the last 70 years along side the obesity rates. Even before starting on medications, I tried my hardest to only cook things at home from ingredients that are whole or natural. Can't say I was successful as doughnuts sure are tasty but now that I'm not fighting the food noise, every meal that I have eaten in the last 3 months has been made at home with ingredients I can pronounce :ROFLMAO:

Oh, I forgot to mention, I love your avatar photo! I loved ring pops when I was little and love the LOTR reference. Good stuff 😊
Thank you :D LOTR has been my favorite trilogy since I first saw them as a teenager. Can't say the same about the CGI monstrosities that have followed since through 😬