First Week on Semaglutide Update


Aug 7, 2024
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I started my Semaglutide journey last Saturday night with my first .25mg dose. It's now Thursday, and I'm reflecting on the past few days. Honestly, it's been a bit of a mixed bag. Up until today, I wasn't really feeling hungry, which was amazing! But today, hunger has been creeping back in.

I’m planning to take my next .25mg dose tomorrow, so I’m hoping that will help get things back on track. It’s still early days, so I’m staying positive and looking forward to seeing how the next week goes.

If anyone else is on Semaglutide or has been through this phase, I’d love to hear your experiences. How did you feel in your first week? I'm down 5 lbs so far.
I started my Semaglutide journey last Saturday night with my first .25mg dose. It's now Thursday, and I'm reflecting on the past few days. Honestly, it's been a bit of a mixed bag. Up until today, I wasn't really feeling hungry, which was amazing! But today, hunger has been creeping back in.

I’m planning to take my next .25mg dose tomorrow, so I’m hoping that will help get things back on track. It’s still early days, so I’m staying positive and looking forward to seeing how the next week goes.

If anyone else is on Semaglutide or has been through this phase, I’d love to hear your experiences. How did you feel in your first week? I'm down 5 lbs so far.
Congratulations on your new journey and the initial weight loss. I took sema but basically was a nonresponder, so I can’t answer your question specifically. However I’ve been on these peptides for a year and a half plus. From personal experience, I will say that you still need to eat. You’re on day 5 and down 5 pounds and now have some hunger. Eat! But eat wisely, prioritizing protein. No need to starve yourself and ruin your metabolism. Slow and steady wins the race.
Congratulations on your new journey and the initial weight loss. I took sema but basically was a nonresponder, so I can’t answer your question specifically. However I’ve been on these peptides for a year and a half plus. From personal experience, I will say that you still need to eat. You’re on day 5 and down 5 pounds and now have some hunger. Eat! But eat wisely, prioritizing protein. No need to starve yourself and ruin your metabolism. Slow and steady wins the race.
I'm tracking my calories with MyFitnessPal. I have been hitting my 150 to 200 grams of protein. Staying around 1600 to 1800 calories.
I'm tracking my calories with MyFitnessPal. I have been hitting my 150 to 200 grams of protein. Staying around 1600 to 1800 calories.
Great! Then you’re off to a fantastic start. Sema seems to be good for you. Keep it up!!
The appetite suppression is unreal even at this low dose. Hopefully it will keep working!🤞Without the side effects y’all talk about!
I started my Semaglutide journey last Saturday night with my first .25mg dose. It's now Thursday, and I'm reflecting on the past few days. Honestly, it's been a bit of a mixed bag. Up until today, I wasn't really feeling hungry, which was amazing! But today, hunger has been creeping back in.

I’m planning to take my next .25mg dose tomorrow, so I’m hoping that will help get things back on track. It’s still early days, so I’m staying positive and looking forward to seeing how the next week goes.

If anyone else is on Semaglutide or has been through this phase, I’d love to hear your experiences. How did you feel in your first week? I'm down 5 lbs so far.
Just curious about the "mixed bag" comment...What do you mean specifically...from this and your other posts in this thread it sounds like it has been going really well for you. Hunger controlled at least until end of week and looks like your getting protein/calories in
Just curious about the "mixed bag" comment...What do you mean specifically...from this and your other posts in this thread it sounds like it has been going really well for you. Hunger controlled at least until end of week and looks like your getting protein/calories in
I have had some heartburn not terrible a bit nervous I would have symptoms. Mostly just me being me. It’s been really easy actually.
(y)Hopefully it keeps working for you and you can stay at lowest dose for a long time...and keep side effects down
Tirz....I have moved to a dosing schedule of every 5 days so I could use a lower dose...and hopefully reduce the side effects...Tirz has a half life of 5 days...I think Sema has a half life of 7 days...but I have read where alot of people change the doses/freq to help with side effects
Tirz....I have moved to a dosing schedule of every 5 days so I could use a lower dose...and hopefully reduce the side effects...Tirz has a half life of 5 days...I think Sema has a half life of 7 days...but I have read where alot of people change the doses/freq to help with side effects
How long have you been on it?
Started with Rx Zepbond Dec 2023...Using Lilly Discount card and paying $550 out of pocket...
When they went into shortage tried to talk Doc into writing prescription for compounding and she doesn't like compound pharmacies...So I kept looking and found domestic research and now china research instead...
Originally went up on dose every month until I reached 10mg...currently dosing at 5mg every 5 days...but may need to go to early to tell
Started with Rx Zepbond Dec 2023...Using Lilly Discount card and paying $550 out of pocket...
When they went into shortage tried to talk Doc into writing prescription for compounding and she doesn't like compound pharmacies...So I kept looking and found domestic research and now china research instead...
Originally went up on dose every month until I reached 10mg...currently dosing at 5mg every 5 days...but may need to go to early to tell
Have you had good success?
One of these days I will have to write up my entire journey...but the Tirz Peptide part so far is...

Start Zepbound 12/14/23...452 #
This Morning 8/15/24...382 #
Heaviest person I knew entire life...since 3rd/4th grade...weighed high 200's in 8th grade and graduated High School around 330...Lost and gained 50-100+ #'s I don't know how many times...but always came back ...

Really happy with the current progress... Long way to go ...but I really feel with all the current and future peptides in the pipeline....have a real chance...definely easier when you don't feel like your starving ALL the
I started my Semaglutide journey last Saturday night with my first .25mg dose. It's now Thursday, and I'm reflecting on the past few days. Honestly, it's been a bit of a mixed bag. Up until today, I wasn't really feeling hungry, which was amazing! But today, hunger has been creeping back in.
I had similar experience, the effect kick in very strong, but was almost done by day 5, after 2 weeks I felt comfortable enough to increase to 0.5mg
once on 0.5 it lasted for me some 6 days and the effect was already strong for the next 2 weeks
with 0.75 (still my current dose) it lasts almost exactly 7 days, the first week felt almost too strong for me, but now in my 3rd week on 0.75 I think I should go up to 1mg already

I’m planning to take my next .25mg dose tomorrow, so I’m hoping that will help get things back on track. It’s still early days, so I’m staying positive and looking forward to seeing how the next week goes.

If anyone else is on Semaglutide or has been through this phase, I’d love to hear your experiences. How did you feel in your first week? I'm down 5 lbs so far.
I also lost a lot during the 1st week, didn't expect that, but you need to know big part of that weight loss is most probably a "water loss" only at this point
so far in around 2 months still on 0.75mg I was down as much as 9lb but during last week bounce back some 2lb, not any side effects noted, just some constipation
I had similar experience, the effect kick in very strong, but was almost done by day 5, after 2 weeks I felt comfortable enough to increase to 0.5mg
once on 0.5 it lasted for me some 6 days and the effect was already strong for the next 2 weeks
with 0.75 (still my current dose) it lasts almost exactly 7 days, the first week felt almost too strong for me, but now in my 3rd week on 0.75 I think I should go up to 1mg already

I also lost a lot during the 1st week, didn't expect that, but you need to know big part of that weight loss is most probably a "water loss" only at this point
so far in around 2 months still on 0.75mg I was down as much as 9lb but during last week bounce back some 2lb, not any side effects noted, just some constipation
I've been thinking about bumping up to 0.5 next week, which would be my third dose. Let’s see how this week goes. I also plan, like you, to hit 0.75 before reaching 1. You’re correct about the water weight—I was 277 when I started, and I can usually get back to 260 pretty effortlessly. Then it grinds to a halt. My goal is to get down to 195, and then bulk back up to 220 with muscle. I’m working out now just to keep from losing muscle.