GLOW benefits


Oct 15, 2024
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Can anyone share the “skin benefits” they have achieved or are hoping to achieve with GLOW protocol?

Grey market peptides are actually the second rabbit hole I have fallen down, the first being skincare. I already use Azelaic acid 20% (not available in US at this strength) and tret 0.05% to combat uneven skin tone and fine lines respectively. So it’s really just my face that gets any attention lol. I am already using tirz and like anyone else am concerned about loose skin. I’m wondering what the actual benefits and improvements are that people are seeing (besides just, “my skin looks great!) to determine if it’s worth it.

Can anyone share the “skin benefits” they have achieved or are hoping to achieve with GLOW protocol?

Grey market peptides are actually the second rabbit hole I have fallen down, the first being skincare. I already use Azelaic acid 20% (not available in US at this strength) and tret 0.05% to combat uneven skin tone and fine lines respectively. So it’s really just my face that gets any attention lol. I am already using tirz and like anyone else am concerned about loose skin. I’m wondering what the actual benefits and improvements are that people are seeing (besides just, “my skin looks great!) to determine if it’s worth it.

I am on my second month of glow protocol. I have noticed a decrease in fine lines on my face. A huge difference in my hair. Definitely thicker and less hair in my brush. Any scars on my body seem to be disapearing. I also use topical GHK-Cu. I have not noticed much change in my arms and legs yet, but I understand that 2 months is too soon to see a huge difference. Besides skin benefits. I have noticed a few other benefits of glow. A much calmer mood, less pain, improved sleep, quicker recovery after exercise, and reduced BP among other benefits.
tried mixing my own and ended up with huge painful and itchy lumps on my thighs. I lasted 3 days and then was like "" I feel this protocol is extremely subjective/susceptible to placebo that it might be just a waste of my time. One cannot really quantify it the same way as with weight.
Could you please share your blend and dosage? I am considering starting and have seen different mixtures being used but seems they are all called "glow". Is it BPC, TB500, and GHK-Cu ?
I shared my mix but forgot to reply to your comment. Here's my mix ghk-cu 50mg, TB-500 5mg, BPC-157 5mg. Mix each with 1ml bac water then mix all 3 into one vial for a total of 3ml or 25 doses of 12 units. Inject 12 units daily. I do 25 on and 5 off.
tried mixing my own and ended up with huge painful and itchy lumps on my thighs. I lasted 3 days and then was like "" I feel this protocol is extremely subjective/susceptible to placebo that it might be just a waste of my time. One cannot really quantify it the same way as with weight.
Thank you for the alternate perspective. Placebo effect or not, itchy welts are hard to argue with
The hair growth has me concerned - I can use more hair on my head but I'm not sure I want more of the chinny chins (or other places). Can anyone currently using GLOW speak to this? I have a kit coming from ASC and had not considered this potential downside yet. Thanks!
chinny chins
😂 is it bad that I’ve already priced out at-home electrolysis kits? $300-$500 to never pluck that one stupid hair seems steep but…
The hair growth has me concerned - I can use more hair on my head but I'm not sure I want more of the chinny chins (or other places). Can anyone currently using GLOW speak to this? I have a kit coming from ASC and had not considered this potential downside yet. Thanks!
I have not noticed any increase in facial hair. But I would like to suggest…topical estrogen cream seems to really work with the Glow topical. I’m doing both topical and SQ Glow which I really like but since I started adding the estradiol cream, it seems to really be smoothing things out. My turkey neck has been slowly working itself out, but the estradiol seems to have accelerated that effect. I don’t even use it every day maybe three or four times a week just a tiny little bit. If you can get a hold of it (mine is prescription, but there are alternatives on Google) you might try that. A little goes a long way and there is a LOT in a tube
I have not noticed any increase in facial hair. But I would like to suggest…topical estrogen cream seems to really work with the Glow topical. I’m doing both topical and SQ Glow which I really like but since I started adding the estradiol cream, it seems to really be smoothing things out. My turkey neck has been slowly working itself out, but the estradiol seems to have accelerated that effect. I don’t even use it every day maybe three or four times a week just a tiny little bit. If you can get a hold of it (mine is prescription, but there are alternatives on Google) you might try that. A little goes a long way and there is a LOT in a tube
What order do you use these in topically? I’m looking into topical estradiol as well
From what I see on the internet, a ton. And they seem to really respond well to the treatment, too
One of my friends is on it for that reason. (She had to get gestational diabetes first, though, for insurance to cover it- PCOS wasn't one of their covered reasons.) She's too early in to know if it's working, but her ob/gyn was the one to suggest it.
home brew using 100mg ghk-cu, 20mg bpc157, 20mg tb500, 9ml hospira bac, . new hair growth and with color (not whitish grey like it had been) , stopped the finasteride completely. skin is clearer and less prone to tearing and bruising that blood thinner I used to be on had caused. doing 20 units m-f which is 2.2 ghk-cu, 440mcg of tb500 and bpc 157 each. Doesn't sting either. And stacking with Mots-c and Epithalon, did SS31 prior to starting it.
What order do you use these in topically? I’m looking into topical estradiol as well
I use the topical glow after washing my face and then put my non retinol day moisturizer over that. I use the topical estradiol very sparingly first layer before I go to sleep. I often use Zo growth factor serum on top of that if I’m having a lot of flaking or dryness or irritation. Sometimes my skin is reactive to allergies or acids I may have used. I know this stuff is expensive and it’s not a good idea to buy it on Amazon or eBay because it’s probably fake. It’s one of the few things that actually calms irritation when I’m having problems. I have autoimmune reaction in my skin rarely., to outside issues
home brew using 100mg ghk-cu, 20mg bpc157, 20mg tb500, 9ml hospira bac, . new hair growth and with color (not whitish grey like it had been) , stopped the finasteride completely. skin is clearer and less prone to tearing and bruising that blood thinner I used to be on had caused. doing 20 units m-f which is 2.2 ghk-cu, 440mcg of tb500 and bpc 157 each. Doesn't sting either. And stacking with Mots-c and Epithalon, did SS31 prior to starting it.
If you don’t mind, about how much is that running you per month for your home brew? Currently taking finasteride and would love to get off it if this works. Also, seen a lot of arguments about pinning it to work systematically vs at the point of use, how’s your experience been?

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