Gray options vs pharmaceutical options

Doing the same as you @nonyabizznez , My husband is the one who qualifies for the brand name drugs and I push him every month to get as much as they will give him to stockpile. I am trying to help 4 people now so the more drugs, the better, Especially if we can get the insurance to pay for it.
That's the way!

My partner has a few pounds to drop and wanted to try it. I'm splitting brand Mounjaro for him and I'm taking the gray. It's kinda funny watching him have all the cliche reactions like chills and constipation and food aversion. With his first shot Day One I could tell he was on it yet I managed to hide it from him for a full year before my stash was too large to hide anymore (disguised as diet sodas which he'd never drink).

Look at what's behind the diet sodas! For a year!


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Not gonna lie, I'm jealous of your soda selection. My peps are just straight on display in the cheese drawer, he has to see them every time he goes for his string cheese 😂
My husband bought me a special box for the fridge for my reconned peps and my previous stash on remaining name brand I have. He was so not hearing, " I got stuff in your snackin' cheese drawer".
On the titrating up, I'd say give it even more than a couple of weeks on a stall. I've been on 8mg of reta for a while now and sometimes I'll spend a 2-3 weeks with the scale fluctuating a few pounds back and forth and never seeming to really go anywhere, and then the next week it'll drop 5lb. Retaining additional water weight while losing fat is something that happens, and even more commonly in women.

You might also be putting on muscle if you've got good protein intake and are doing resistance training, particularly if you're a novice (or fully detrained former) lifter and your body has a lot of excess fat to burn for energy (mine certainly does!). After the noob gains, though, the bigger the deficit, the worse your protein intake, and the lower the bf% you're at, the more likely you are to see some muscle loss as well. Being in the upper portion of the reference range on testosterone seems to help a lot for both men and women in preserving/gaining muscle as well.

The scale is never gonna be telling you more than a portion of the story, and I think all of us want to stay at the lowest effective dose for as long as we can.
On the titrating up, I'd say give it even more than a couple of weeks on a stall. I've been on 8mg of reta for a while now and sometimes I'll spend a 2-3 weeks with the scale fluctuating a few pounds back and forth and never seeming to really go anywhere, and then the next week it'll drop 5lb. Retaining additional water weight while losing fat is something that happens, and even more commonly in women.

You might also be putting on muscle if you've got good protein intake and are doing resistance training, particularly if you're a novice (or fully detrained former) lifter and your body has a lot of excess fat to burn for energy (mine certainly does!). After the noob gains, though, the bigger the deficit, the worse your protein intake, and the lower the bf% you're at, the more likely you are to see some muscle loss as well. Being in the upper portion of the reference range on testosterone seems to help a lot for both men and women in preserving/gaining muscle as well.

The scale is never gonna be telling you more than a portion of the story, and I think all of us want to stay at the lowest effective dose for as long as we can.
My first stall, I was able to accept it because I wasn't losing weight, but when I looked in the mirror I could see that my body was changing. My size was the same, my weight was the same, but I could see my waist. It's harder to accept when it seems like NOTHING is happening, but I'm an impatient bitch.
I agree more with you @chmuse. I get impatient, as well. I actually am happy that I did, because I increased my dose to 8mg this week. I have gotten great potency with my reconstituted tirz, moving up after being 6 weeks on 7.5, 5 weeks on pharmaceutical tirz and 1 week on reconstituted tirz 7.5. It was just my time for a dose increase to 8mg. I just wanted to put it out there should there be a new research tirz user, like myself, reading this or wanting to know the effectiveness between the two, research and pharmaceutical tirz. They do both work equally great, and there is no difference, just like you told me, thank you. Yes, I do get impatient, too, lol! I love that I found this forum!

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