

Feb 5, 2024
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Been on Tirz for over a year, losing 65 lbs but way too much muscle loss. 😭 Tapped out and have gained 15 lbs back, in 6 months so trying Reta. Also throwing Hashimoto in the mx. Any suggestions for T3? I was on Armour Thyroid and “crashed” twice, which was terrifying. Got back on Levothyroxin after 16 years. It just doesn’t work right. Ugh!

I was also on HRT (BioTe) for over a year and it was AMAZING in every way (IYKYK…lol). Well, they decided to switch to Evexipel and it completely screwed me up. I was told that it had a mild steroid. Well, I swelled up like a blowfish and yes, I was poisonous (lol, suicidal and hated everything about life). It was INSANE! They decided that my dose wasn’t enough, so the bumped me up. I had a brand new pair of sandals that weren’t cheap. Well, I was sitting at work and they popped because I swelled up so much. It was so awful. I just wanted to die and I have way too much to live for. When you are on pellets, they have to wear off. It took months! I was able to finally go back to BioTe and no matter what, my body would not go back to that AMAZING feeling. I am in my 50’s and my joints and muscles have been hurting so bad in the past month or so. My libido is non-existent and the BioTe had that to where I felt like I was in my 20’s, in every way, until the Evexipel screwed me! 😉

Any suggestions on any of this? I know that y’all are not doctors (or maybe some are) but I need help. Libido, Joint and Muscle aches, thyroid issues. I’m just a hot ball of mess right now! 💔

Please help. My hubby is begging too. Lol 🙏🏼
I would strongly recommend seeing a Endocrinologist in your case. Feels reckless to give any advice when thyroid issues are in the picture.

PT-141 or kisspeptin can probably help with libido. But as for hormones, my knowledge is severely lacking when it comes to females.

BPC-157 and TB-500 might help with the joint pain and soreness.

I'd guess the swelling is hormone related, so doing a minimum, letting things stabilize and go back to what worked for you the first time should probably help with that.
Been on Tirz for over a year, losing 65 lbs but way too much muscle loss. 😭 Tapped out and have gained 15 lbs back, in 6 months so trying Reta. Also throwing Hashimoto in the mx. Any suggestions for T3? I was on Armour Thyroid and “crashed” twice, which was terrifying. Got back on Levothyroxin after 16 years. It just doesn’t work right. Ugh!

I was also on HRT (BioTe) for over a year and it was AMAZING in every way (IYKYK…lol). Well, they decided to switch to Evexipel and it completely screwed me up. I was told that it had a mild steroid. Well, I swelled up like a blowfish and yes, I was poisonous (lol, suicidal and hated everything about life). It was INSANE! They decided that my dose wasn’t enough, so the bumped me up. I had a brand new pair of sandals that weren’t cheap. Well, I was sitting at work and they popped because I swelled up so much. It was so awful. I just wanted to die and I have way too much to live for. When you are on pellets, they have to wear off. It took months! I was able to finally go back to BioTe and no matter what, my body would not go back to that AMAZING feeling. I am in my 50’s and my joints and muscles have been hurting so bad in the past month or so. My libido is non-existent and the BioTe had that to where I felt like I was in my 20’s, in every way, until the Evexipel screwed me! 😉

Any suggestions on any of this? I know that y’all are not doctors (or maybe some are) but I need help. Libido, Joint and Muscle aches, thyroid issues. I’m just a hot ball of mess right now! 💔

Please help. My hubby is begging too. Lol 🙏🏼
PS… I’ve already seen a top notch Endocrinologist for my Thyroid. He came highly recommended but just basically told me I am on the correct meds (because my numbers are in range).
I would strongly recommend seeing a Endocrinologist in your case. Feels reckless to give any advice when thyroid issues are in the picture.

PT-141 or kisspeptin can probably help with libido. But as for hormones, my knowledge is severely lacking when it comes to females.

BPC-157 and TB-500 might help with the joint pain and soreness.

I'd guess the swelling is hormone related, so doing a minimum, letting things stabilize and go back to what worked for you the first time should probably help with that.
I just updated my post with a reply. I’ve already seen an Endo. 🥺

Thank you for the other info.

I do have a kit of the 10 mg vials of TB-500 & BPC157. After much research on here, but only after I already received my kit, I’ve seen that it is not a good idea to purchase the already mixed vials. Ugh. Now I am not sure how to reconstitute and administer them.

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