Hello 👋 everyone


Research Expert
Aug 4, 2023
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Hi, I am BlackSwan. I was always looking for Weightloss solutions and discovered MJ through Google 😂, some of the search landed me on Reddit, then after I learned more and more about TZ, I started with compounded TZ+B12. I wasn’t qualified as fat enough so I had to fudge my weight 🤔🤫. After losing 15 LBS in 10 weeks while reading and learning as much as I could about peptides, I want to dip my feet into powder. I am very grateful for this community and for the people who made me part of it.
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Welcome my friend! Thanks for joining us!

It's always interesting hearing other people's journeys to discovering this "hobby". We're all so different but have such surprisingly similar stories in a lot of ways.
I understand on the fudging your weight piece. I saw a push provider and hobestly it probably wasnt necessary to fudge, but I get it. Theres something wring with needing to get more sick before you can get a med. Perhaps we ought not to require people to wait for obesity prior to treatment.
Yep, that was exactly what I thought it would happen so I lied. I made myself way fatter and shorter to make sure I am in the obese category. It wasn’t on push, but I needed to talk to a doctor prior approval and to fill out a form before even talking to a doctor. I did not have a lot of weight to lose, but I was overweight nonetheless. I didn’t want to wait until I jump into the next category to do something about it and at a certain age, only eating healthy and exercising won’t cut it. I am now at a normal weight and not taking anything at the moment since June 15, so basically in maintenance without meds. I have been quite fit all my life except for the period after my last pregnancy, when I lost the weight with HCG drops (not sure if it was HCG drops or the drastic diet protocol that I had to do while on it). I lost with that all my baby weight. Then, 10 years after that, the pandemic started and some hormonal changes creeped in, so I pile some weight. Then I lost most of it with the compound. Even though I am not at my ideal weight, I am in the healthy weight category and hopefully I will maintain it. If I can achieve my ideal weight I would be thrilled, but it gets harder to lose when you approach or are at your healthy weight.
Yes, Im struggling with the last 10 the most. Much harder than the other 20 plus pounds. Im no longer in the overweight category, but 10 more pounds was a stretch goal. I have gotten within 6 pounds of it, then I rebound!
Let me know how your maintenance goes. I plan on titrating down and gradually speading doses farther apart. The goal would be to come completely off, but we shall see.

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