

Oct 22, 2023
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I am happy to find this place and all of the valuable information it provides!! I started last year on prescription Mounjaro and when the coupon stopped working … started research with a domestic vendor and began digging for other sources. Reddit info was scarce at that point … but found my way to Meso and from there …found TRACY!

I have lost 60 lbs so far and have another 35 to go.
I am currently taking 4 mg tirz … tried a bump of sema but made me so sick and tired I could not continue. My husband has had good results with it though and no serious side effects. He has lost 30lbs in 3 months.
Welcome! We followed almost same path and groups 😉 I’ve got 30# to go, just on tirz now, but waiting for discord group buy reta to get moving so I can start stacking it with tirz. Have some close contacts who have been doing reta/tirz for over 3 months now, and they say it’s absolutely the best stack. Appetite suppression is outstanding without the nausea like with sema. Weight is coming of faster than on tirz alone. Only downside is there’s still some fatigue, but not excessive. Can’t wait to get my reta group order! Pretty sure I saw you over there too - ?
Hi there!! Yes we are in the same groups!! ❤️ It’s so nice having so many helpful groups and people on this journey! I’m so happy for you on your weight loss - we are almost there!! I am not sure if I’m going to wait to take the Reta or go ahead and try to stack. 😬 So no nausea with Reta that you’ve heard? That is such good news and hearing that I think I’ll have to at least try it once the tests come back. Lol
Yes, actually so much less nausea for him, and me as well, since stopping sema. It was debilitating for me, but the appetite suppression was so effective on it that I was worried about stopping. Now that I’m only on tirz, I have almost zero nausea and fairly good suppression. What my friend is experiencing with tirz/reta stack is no nausea and even better weight loss and suppression than tirz alone. The fatigue is there, but not significant. He’s been stacking for over 3 months, himself and a few other ppl. He got ahead of the reta train lol. He works in healthcare with extensive peptide experience, so I trust his input on reta. I’m pretty conservative, but after observing his results I’m really looking forward to getting started on it.
Welcome! We followed almost same path and groups 😉 I’ve got 30# to go, just on tirz now, but waiting for discord group buy reta to get moving so I can start stacking it with tirz. Have some close contacts who have been doing reta/tirz for over 3 months now, and they say it’s absolutely the best stack. Appetite suppression is outstanding without the nausea like with sema. Weight is coming of faster than on tirz alone. Only downside is there’s still some fatigue, but not excessive. Can’t wait to get my reta group order! Pretty sure I saw you over there too - ?
Crap, now I want to try it....

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