Help for My Wife | Energy & Hashimoto’s


Research Expert
Aug 9, 2023
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My wife has had hypothyroidism for a few years. She’s 30 years old. Recently we are wondering if it’s Hashimotos. Managed okay according to lab results. She is taking BPC-157, TB500, and Semaglutide.

In addition to hypothyroidism, she has PCOS, is overweight, and she suffers with horrible fatigue. She works night shift which doesn’t help matters but MIC B12 injections hasn’t happened, B6 and B12 supplements haven’t either. Caffeine is used daily but she can also drink something high in caffeine and then fall asleep. If she sleeps 11-12 hours she usually feels rested. Anything less than that (which is basically always) and she is extremely fatigued and tired pretty much constantly.
In addition to this, she has horrible allergies. They went away when she was pregnant last year but came back a few months postpartum. She gets hives all over her body. And she takes every single allergy med out there. All together. Zyrtec, Allegra, Benadryl, xyzal, Claritin, singular, creams, and does nasal rinses every day. Her issue isn’t respiratory. It is all the hives. If she doesn’t take them they are worse but she finally got an allergy shot and it helped but she still has them. She has also cut out gluten which helps too but still not all of them. All of this started about 2 years ago.

Does anyone have any idea of anything (maybe not even a peptide) that she could consider? She is specifically looking for thyroid possible things and for the hives.

OMG it's bad enough for people to have to fight one or two health problems, but even more terrible she has to deal with so many more; big hugs to her! 🤗

A buddy of mine from Chicago who was diagnosed with Hashimoto's a couple of years ago started taking Adderall which he says helps a lot with his fatigue during the day but he crashes hard late in the afternoon. Definitely not the answer for a lot of people though, and comes with its own laundry list of troubles.

Hopefully someone here might have some suggestions that can help her!
My wife has had hypothyroidism for a few years. She’s 30 years old. Recently we are wondering if it’s Hashimotos. Managed okay according to lab results. She is taking BPC-157, TB500, and Semaglutide.

In addition to hypothyroidism, she has PCOS, is overweight, and she suffers with horrible fatigue. She works night shift which doesn’t help matters but MIC B12 injections hasn’t happened, B6 and B12 supplements haven’t either. Caffeine is used daily but she can also drink something high in caffeine and then fall asleep. If she sleeps 11-12 hours she usually feels rested. Anything less than that (which is basically always) and she is extremely fatigued and tired pretty much constantly.
In addition to this, she has horrible allergies. They went away when she was pregnant last year but came back a few months postpartum. She gets hives all over her body. And she takes every single allergy med out there. All together. Zyrtec, Allegra, Benadryl, xyzal, Claritin, singular, creams, and does nasal rinses every day. Her issue isn’t respiratory. It is all the hives. If she doesn’t take them they are worse but she finally got an allergy shot and it helped but she still has them. She has also cut out gluten which helps too but still not all of them. All of this started about 2 years ago.

Does anyone have any idea of anything (maybe not even a peptide) that she could consider? She is specifically looking for thyroid possible things and for the hives.

HI! I am 47 and have had hashimotos hypothyroidism since I was 14. I completely understand where she is at! I didn't really start feeling better until I was in my 20s and finally took it upon myself to get better and figure it out as it was killing me, my Dr was brutal!

First thing is you need a DR that will test all thyroid levels including antibodies. FULL THYROID PANEL! TSH free t3, free t4, reverse t3 and both sets of antibodies. She needs to know all of those numbers because unfortunately different levels and combos of levels mean a million different scenarios and how to treat.

10 years later these things were the key to my recovery ( still have it of course but I feel good) minus the perimenopausal BS right now which also is a lot worse when you have hashimotos! I am on t3 and dessicated thyroid hormone NOT Synthroid because I cannot convert t4 into t3. This right there helped so much!

Next one is NO GLUTEN!!! My inflammation dropped ten fold when I gave up gluten, I actually for the last 10 years now do not eat any grains at all which has helped even more.

Third move your body even when you do not want to!! I get up at 4am ( and yes had 2 kids at the time, full time job on my own all of it ,I get mom life and busy)and I walked every morning. I have not missed a day because when I do oh I feel it!!!

But I then took it too far and worked out like a maniac, pushing weights 6 days a week, HIIT, Jogs, you name it and I crash and burned and gained weight fast. With hashimotos our body stresses easily! Less is more. So nice easy walks morning and night, with weights 3-4 days a week MAX, that seems to be a sweet spot for many of us Hashi warriors.

Caffeine Is a personal thing, I have coffee in the morning and maybe another by noon and that is it, I do not live off it because once again we will stress our adrenals and then we go into flare ups.

I also have PCOS, insulin resistance and allergies and the only thing that made that better was what I put in my mouth! More like what I didnt! If I even take a bite of a piece of bread, or have processed garbage I pay so bad that I cannot even move my fingers in the morning. It is not worth it to me. Do not go low low carb as we need the carbs for our thyroid, but we do not need excessive. Keto worked against me, it was too much saturated fat and I inflamed. So I eat tonnes of veggies, fruit, lean proteins, and Greek yogurt ( Dairy bother some autoimmune people so take it out and see if it makes a difference, it does not affect me).

The best investment I made was an infrared sauna! If you do some research you will see how wonderful it is for detox and we need to detox our inflamed bodies!! I am in mine 2-3 times a week without fail.

BEDTIME ROUTINE!! Stick to it! Sleep is key - mine sucks right now with the hormone BS but I have turned down so many things because I value my sleep like GOLD! lol!! You start to go down fast if sleep gets put to the side!

AS far as supplements go, honestly you really need to get a full blood panel done before you start adding things. But VitD/K, B complex, magnesium and milk thistle I do take every day. I also use DIM. I use some other things to but it is for my personal situation and could be horrible for someone else.....

I have been at this for so long and have tried so many things and in the end everyone of us with an autoimmune condition has to find what works for them....I am part of many groups to always learn and listen to podcasts, it is a constant battle, and unfortunately with an autoimmune condition you usually get a second and sometimes a third.

I have 3 now, and also horrible genetics but I refuse to roll over and give up, but I know that if I had not stayed on top of my health I would be a wreck.

It sucks but I have total faith that your wife will feel better with the above things, full blood work panel - from there correct meds and supplements, no gluten, detox with sweating, move the body.

As far as peptides go, I have "researched many" MOTS-C cycle it and love it, BPC for the inflammation including the gut ( key for hashi)AOD, FRAG, Ipamorelin, Thymulin, TB500, SS31. BUT adding these to not having your ducks in a row as far as already doing everything possible first, these will not make things "better".

You need the groundwork first then you get to sprinkle the "research". I also have a leptin deficiency, to put it in lame terms as it is complicated to explain what happens in my body.

So I just started Jul6 " researching" Tirz and WOW, So many benefits past the scale. Inflammation of brain ( mood) body ( aches and pains), food noise is GONE, which I have battled all my life which turned into a horrible eating disorder.
I have lost 15 pounds in 5 weeks, and I only had the vanity 10 to lose BUT I was starting to gain as perimenopause is really affecting me so I think I would have kept gaining ( plus lots of inflammation weight aka water) if I didn't take the leap of faith to try these.

But I am a happy person again, I laugh, I enjoy little moments, ( Mood is a biggie with thyroid imbalances I was on the antidepressants and the Adderall but it was too many swings up and down for and I had to stop) I do not ache and I will die if these peptides vanish ( hence my stockpiles).

I am so sorry this is so long, but just know this isn't a death sentence, I played Ringette and hockey at college level for years, coached my kids in their sports, and kept up to them and still can beat them :). lol!! We can get you better!!!

I could share a million more tid bits as there are so many things...... but if you need any help or questions, please ask me. I would love to see her blood work numbers when she gets results ...I have helped so many women with it, as Drs do not know enough and use " normal ranges" instead of optimal, and only try one thing or just " deal with it"......also my millions of hours of research over 30 some years I need to share it!! There is no better feeling than helping someone feel better!! I wish you all the best!!

*** Remember this is what worked for me but there are many others out there that some things above won't make a difference, or they manage it completely different and feel super! We are not cookie cutters!
HI! I am 47 and have had hashimotos hypothyroidism since I was 14. I completely understand where she is at! I didn't really start feeling better until I was in my 20s and finally took it upon myself to get better and figure it out as it was killing me, my Dr was brutal!

First thing is you need a DR that will test all thyroid levels including antibodies. FULL THYROID PANEL! TSH free t3, free t4, reverse t3 and both sets of antibodies. She needs to know all of those numbers because unfortunately different levels and combos of levels mean a million different scenarios and how to treat.

10 years later these things were the key to my recovery ( still have it of course but I feel good) minus the perimenopausal BS right now which also is a lot worse when you have hashimotos! I am on t3 and dessicated thyroid hormone NOT Synthroid because I cannot convert t4 into t3. This right there helped so much!

Next one is NO GLUTEN!!! My inflammation dropped ten fold when I gave up gluten, I actually for the last 10 years now do not eat any grains at all which has helped even more.

Third move your body even when you do not want to!! I get up at 4am ( and yes had 2 kids at the time, full time job on my own all of it ,I get mom life and busy)and I walked every morning. I have not missed a day because when I do oh I feel it!!!

But I then took it too far and worked out like a maniac, pushing weights 6 days a week, HIIT, Jogs, you name it and I crash and burned and gained weight fast. With hashimotos our body stresses easily! Less is more. So nice easy walks morning and night, with weights 3-4 days a week MAX, that seems to be a sweet spot for many of us Hashi warriors.

Caffeine Is a personal thing, I have coffee in the morning and maybe another by noon and that is it, I do not live off it because once again we will stress our adrenals and then we go into flare ups.

I also have PCOS, insulin resistance and allergies and the only thing that made that better was what I put in my mouth! More like what I didnt! If I even take a bite of a piece of bread, or have processed garbage I pay so bad that I cannot even move my fingers in the morning. It is not worth it to me. Do not go low low carb as we need the carbs for our thyroid, but we do not need excessive. Keto worked against me, it was too much saturated fat and I inflamed. So I eat tonnes of veggies, fruit, lean proteins, and Greek yogurt ( Dairy bother some autoimmune people so take it out and see if it makes a difference, it does not affect me).

The best investment I made was an infrared sauna! If you do some research you will see how wonderful it is for detox and we need to detox our inflamed bodies!! I am in mine 2-3 times a week without fail.

BEDTIME ROUTINE!! Stick to it! Sleep is key - mine sucks right now with the hormone BS but I have turned down so many things because I value my sleep like GOLD! lol!! You start to go down fast if sleep gets put to the side!

AS far as supplements go, honestly you really need to get a full blood panel done before you start adding things. But VitD/K, B complex, magnesium and milk thistle I do take every day. I also use DIM. I use some other things to but it is for my personal situation and could be horrible for someone else.....

I have been at this for so long and have tried so many things and in the end everyone of us with an autoimmune condition has to find what works for them....I am part of many groups to always learn and listen to podcasts, it is a constant battle, and unfortunately with an autoimmune condition you usually get a second and sometimes a third.

I have 3 now, and also horrible genetics but I refuse to roll over and give up, but I know that if I had not stayed on top of my health I would be a wreck.

It sucks but I have total faith that your wife will feel better with the above things, full blood work panel - from there correct meds and supplements, no gluten, detox with sweating, move the body.

As far as peptides go, I have "researched many" MOTS-C cycle it and love it, BPC for the inflammation including the gut ( key for hashi)AOD, FRAG, Ipamorelin, Thymulin, TB500, SS31. BUT adding these to not having your ducks in a row as far as already doing everything possible first, these will not make things "better".

You need the groundwork first then you get to sprinkle the "research". I also have a leptin deficiency, to put it in lame terms as it is complicated to explain what happens in my body.

So I just started Jul6 " researching" Tirz and WOW, So many benefits past the scale. Inflammation of brain ( mood) body ( aches and pains), food noise is GONE, which I have battled all my life which turned into a horrible eating disorder.
I have lost 15 pounds in 5 weeks, and I only had the vanity 10 to lose BUT I was starting to gain as perimenopause is really affecting me so I think I would have kept gaining ( plus lots of inflammation weight aka water) if I didn't take the leap of faith to try these.

But I am a happy person again, I laugh, I enjoy little moments, ( Mood is a biggie with thyroid imbalances I was on the antidepressants and the Adderall but it was too many swings up and down for and I had to stop) I do not ache and I will die if these peptides vanish ( hence my stockpiles).

I am so sorry this is so long, but just know this isn't a death sentence, I played Ringette and hockey at college level for years, coached my kids in their sports, and kept up to them and still can beat them :). lol!! We can get you better!!!

I could share a million more tid bits as there are so many things...... but if you need any help or questions, please ask me. I would love to see her blood work numbers when she gets results ...I have helped so many women with it, as Drs do not know enough and use " normal ranges" instead of optimal, and only try one thing or just " deal with it"......also my millions of hours of research over 30 some years I need to share it!! There is no better feeling than helping someone feel better!! I wish you all the best!!

*** Remember this is what worked for me but there are many others out there that some things above won't make a difference, or they manage it completely different and feel super! We are not cookie cutters!
She did get a full thyroid panel and a bunch of labs a month ago and they are all in normal ranges (she is on a decent dose of synthroid). She is also a nurse so she has a decent understanding of things. She is just at a loss of where to go from here. They are sending her to a couple specialists but just don’t know what they can or will actually do for her. She asked me to post for ideas and we know going in that what works for some may not work for others. You have some great advice and ideas here so thank you for that. I’ll have her read through and let you know if she has questions.
Hi! I can empathize with a lot of her symptoms and suffering. I take a high dosage of Quercetin (500 mg 3 times a day) I highly recommend researching if this may help her too. Quercetin is like nature’s Benadryl. It got me off steroids & keeps my ears & sinuses open. I highly recommend she keeps a food journal of what she’s eating & then keeps track of her symptoms. I’m super allergic to Corn, have a bunch of other allergies & food plays a major part in how I’m feeling. Does she take a good Magnesium? That’s a MUST! I take Magnesium 2-3xs a day. I take Magnesium Glycinate at night & Magnesium Threonate in the morning. If she can get off processed Sugar, it will greatly reduce a lot of inflammation. Has she been tested for MTHFR genetic mutation because if she’s an over methylation, all of those B Vitamins will not help her at all. Plus, we women need more sleep. And that’s ok (also please research this). We have major hormonal fluctuations that aren’t spoken about enough. Resting is probably what she needs, so no shame in that sleep game! I wish I could sleep that long. I hope this helps. Message me if you want a coupon for $10 off the Quercetin I take (not sure if I’m allowed to post in this group). But seriously I recommend it daily & can’t seem to stock enough (reminds me of a certain peptide, hmm 😉). All my best.
Magnesium and sleep are life!!! Agree! I need stocks in magnesium! Lol!
HI! I am 47 and have had hashimotos hypothyroidism since I was 14. I completely understand where she is at! I didn't really start feeling better until I was in my 20s and finally took it upon myself to get better and figure it out as it was killing me, my Dr was brutal!

First thing is you need a DR that will test all thyroid levels including antibodies. FULL THYROID PANEL! TSH free t3, free t4, reverse t3 and both sets of antibodies. She needs to know all of those numbers because unfortunately different levels and combos of levels mean a million different scenarios and how to treat.

10 years later these things were the key to my recovery ( still have it of course but I feel good) minus the perimenopausal BS right now which also is a lot worse when you have hashimotos! I am on t3 and dessicated thyroid hormone NOT Synthroid because I cannot convert t4 into t3. This right there helped so much!

Next one is NO GLUTEN!!! My inflammation dropped ten fold when I gave up gluten, I actually for the last 10 years now do not eat any grains at all which has helped even more.

Third move your body even when you do not want to!! I get up at 4am ( and yes had 2 kids at the time, full time job on my own all of it ,I get mom life and busy)and I walked every morning. I have not missed a day because when I do oh I feel it!!!

But I then took it too far and worked out like a maniac, pushing weights 6 days a week, HIIT, Jogs, you name it and I crash and burned and gained weight fast. With hashimotos our body stresses easily! Less is more. So nice easy walks morning and night, with weights 3-4 days a week MAX, that seems to be a sweet spot for many of us Hashi warriors.

Caffeine Is a personal thing, I have coffee in the morning and maybe another by noon and that is it, I do not live off it because once again we will stress our adrenals and then we go into flare ups.

I also have PCOS, insulin resistance and allergies and the only thing that made that better was what I put in my mouth! More like what I didnt! If I even take a bite of a piece of bread, or have processed garbage I pay so bad that I cannot even move my fingers in the morning. It is not worth it to me. Do not go low low carb as we need the carbs for our thyroid, but we do not need excessive. Keto worked against me, it was too much saturated fat and I inflamed. So I eat tonnes of veggies, fruit, lean proteins, and Greek yogurt ( Dairy bother some autoimmune people so take it out and see if it makes a difference, it does not affect me).

The best investment I made was an infrared sauna! If you do some research you will see how wonderful it is for detox and we need to detox our inflamed bodies!! I am in mine 2-3 times a week without fail.

BEDTIME ROUTINE!! Stick to it! Sleep is key - mine sucks right now with the hormone BS but I have turned down so many things because I value my sleep like GOLD! lol!! You start to go down fast if sleep gets put to the side!

AS far as supplements go, honestly you really need to get a full blood panel done before you start adding things. But VitD/K, B complex, magnesium and milk thistle I do take every day. I also use DIM. I use some other things to but it is for my personal situation and could be horrible for someone else.....

I have been at this for so long and have tried so many things and in the end everyone of us with an autoimmune condition has to find what works for them....I am part of many groups to always learn and listen to podcasts, it is a constant battle, and unfortunately with an autoimmune condition you usually get a second and sometimes a third.

I have 3 now, and also horrible genetics but I refuse to roll over and give up, but I know that if I had not stayed on top of my health I would be a wreck.

It sucks but I have total faith that your wife will feel better with the above things, full blood work panel - from there correct meds and supplements, no gluten, detox with sweating, move the body.

As far as peptides go, I have "researched many" MOTS-C cycle it and love it, BPC for the inflammation including the gut ( key for hashi)AOD, FRAG, Ipamorelin, Thymulin, TB500, SS31. BUT adding these to not having your ducks in a row as far as already doing everything possible first, these will not make things "better".

You need the groundwork first then you get to sprinkle the "research". I also have a leptin deficiency, to put it in lame terms as it is complicated to explain what happens in my body.

So I just started Jul6 " researching" Tirz and WOW, So many benefits past the scale. Inflammation of brain ( mood) body ( aches and pains), food noise is GONE, which I have battled all my life which turned into a horrible eating disorder.
I have lost 15 pounds in 5 weeks, and I only had the vanity 10 to lose BUT I was starting to gain as perimenopause is really affecting me so I think I would have kept gaining ( plus lots of inflammation weight aka water) if I didn't take the leap of faith to try these.

But I am a happy person again, I laugh, I enjoy little moments, ( Mood is a biggie with thyroid imbalances I was on the antidepressants and the Adderall but it was too many swings up and down for and I had to stop) I do not ache and I will die if these peptides vanish ( hence my stockpiles).

I am so sorry this is so long, but just know this isn't a death sentence, I played Ringette and hockey at college level for years, coached my kids in their sports, and kept up to them and still can beat them :). lol!! We can get you better!!!

I could share a million more tid bits as there are so many things...... but if you need any help or questions, please ask me. I would love to see her blood work numbers when she gets results ...I have helped so many women with it, as Drs do not know enough and use " normal ranges" instead of optimal, and only try one thing or just " deal with it"......also my millions of hours of research over 30 some years I need to share it!! There is no better feeling than helping someone feel better!! I wish you all the best!!

*** Remember this is what worked for me but there are many others out there that some things above won't make a difference, or they manage it completely different and feel super! We are not cookie cutters!
I second this. ALL of it.

Was dx’d with Toxic Multi-nodular goiter & underwent a Complete thyroidectomy in 2010. Had a standing lab draw every 6 weeks for a long time as I was trying to get meds adjusted. Dad has Hashis, so does one of my sisters.

The best advise I can give in addition to all of this is Get copies of all tests/scans/labs and review everything. Do NOT take “ you are in normal range “ ( re numbers ) and walk. Look at every test result with your own eyes. My labs were awful and Doc said all was normal. Had I not asked for a copy of my labs, I might have never known just how toxic them nodules were.

My original thyroid ultrasound was done at my local hospital. When I went for second opinion the endocrinologist couldn’t even read it.
Said the ultrasound I had done was barely legible.

Won’t go on with details, but, It took years of suffering and ER visits just to find someone to take me seriously. Took even longer to have the right tests ordered, schedule treatment/surgery, adjust meds, and feel better.

Good luck!
I second this. ALL of it.

Was dx’d with Toxic Multi-nodular goiter & underwent a Complete thyroidectomy in 2010. Had a standing lab draw every 6 weeks for a long time as I was trying to get meds adjusted. Dad has Hashis, so does one of my sisters.

The best advise I can give in addition to all of this is Get copies of all tests/scans/labs and review everything. Do NOT take “ you are in normal range “ ( re numbers ) and walk. Look at every test result with your own eyes. My labs were awful and Doc said all was normal. Had I not asked for a copy of my labs, I might have never known just how toxic them nodules were.

My original thyroid ultrasound was done at my local hospital. When I went for second opinion the endocrinologist couldn’t even read it.
Said the ultrasound I had done was barely legible.

Won’t go on with details, but, It took years of suffering and ER visits just to find someone to take me seriously. Took even longer to have the right tests ordered, schedule treatment/surgery, adjust meds, and feel better.

Good luck!
UGH!! I feel for you!! I am with you on the labs, they are mine to see and have and I would be dead I am sure if I let 90% of the Drs I went through tell me you are fine....."normal" based on one lab, years and years like you, it is disgusting and heartbreaking to hear how so many people are suffering, misdiagnosed and fight for every test, drug and treatment out there. I have walked out of so many appts, finally found one that saved my life. He retired last year, and once again I am through about 10 now in the last 5 months!
UGH!! I feel for you!! I am with you on the labs, they are mine to see and have and I would be dead I am sure if I let 90% of the Drs I went through tell me you are fine....."normal" based on one lab, years and years like you, it is disgusting and heartbreaking to hear how so many people are suffering, misdiagnosed and fight for every test, drug and treatment out there. I have walked out of so many appts, finally found one that saved my life. He retired last year, and once again I am through about 10 now in the last 5 months!
Good luck to you!
My wife has had hypothyroidism for a few years. She’s 30 years old. Recently we are wondering if it’s Hashimotos. Managed okay according to lab results. She is taking BPC-157, TB500, and Semaglutide.

In addition to hypothyroidism, she has PCOS, is overweight, and she suffers with horrible fatigue. She works night shift which doesn’t help matters but MIC B12 injections hasn’t happened, B6 and B12 supplements haven’t either. Caffeine is used daily but she can also drink something high in caffeine and then fall asleep. If she sleeps 11-12 hours she usually feels rested. Anything less than that (which is basically always) and she is extremely fatigued and tired pretty much constantly.
In addition to this, she has horrible allergies. They went away when she was pregnant last year but came back a few months postpartum. She gets hives all over her body. And she takes every single allergy med out there. All together. Zyrtec, Allegra, Benadryl, xyzal, Claritin, singular, creams, and does nasal rinses every day. Her issue isn’t respiratory. It is all the hives. If she doesn’t take them they are worse but she finally got an allergy shot and it helped but she still has them. She has also cut out gluten which helps too but still not all of them. All of this started about 2 years ago.

Does anyone have any idea of anything (maybe not even a peptide) that she could consider? She is specifically looking for thyroid possible things and for the hives.

T3 Cytomel or generic Liothyronnie added to T4 Levo or Synthroid helps balance your thyroid hormones. I’m new to peptides but I have noticed many have not heard of T3. Triiodothyronine (T3) is the active form of thyroid hormone. T3 accelerates the activity of cells and tissues throughout the body. Without enough T3, the entire body slows down including various processes such as metabolism and neurological function.

Nutrition, figuring out foods that cause you inflammation, bringing up low stomach acid.

Izebella Wentz has a lot of good insight a few good Facebook forums. The Attuned Thyroid
Always reluctant to make “recommendations” to anyone with complex medical issues because any treatment or any combination may be a contraindication to OTC or research products. I would look for an endocrinologist who prescribes armour thyroid even if that’s not the answer because you are more likely to get a physician who thinks beyond mainstream treatment. I do not share the conditions of your wife so my experience may not apply to her. I have had a serious problem with low energy for years. I started using Amino Asylum Shredder and my energy levels are tremendously improved! Honestly, it’s been like a miracle for me. Since your wife is young and in her childbearing years with dependent children might be safer to find similar formula through compounding pharmacy after discussing with MD. It’s terrible to have the desire to get up and get moving without the energy to carry it out. Of course, she may have an undiagnosed or unidentified autoimmune disorder or pituitary issue . Hormone levels may be all out of whack. Back to open minded endocrinologist and/or clinic that specializes in hormone optimization. The changes in hormones and the fatigue can also contribute to, depression. Ideally, a treatment for the underlying issues would be better than simply taking anti-depressant, but Selank or Semax might be a good adjunct to any treatment. Prayers for her and your family.
My wife has had hypothyroidism for a few years. She’s 30 years old. Recently we are wondering if it’s Hashimotos. Managed okay according to lab results. She is taking BPC-157, TB500, and Semaglutide.

In addition to hypothyroidism, she has PCOS, is overweight, and she suffers with horrible fatigue. She works night shift which doesn’t help matters but MIC B12 injections hasn’t happened, B6 and B12 supplements haven’t either. Caffeine is used daily but she can also drink something high in caffeine and then fall asleep. If she sleeps 11-12 hours she usually feels rested. Anything less than that (which is basically always) and she is extremely fatigued and tired pretty much constantly.
In addition to this, she has horrible allergies. They went away when she was pregnant last year but came back a few months postpartum. She gets hives all over her body. And she takes every single allergy med out there. All together. Zyrtec, Allegra, Benadryl, xyzal, Claritin, singular, creams, and does nasal rinses every day. Her issue isn’t respiratory. It is all the hives. If she doesn’t take them they are worse but she finally got an allergy shot and it helped but she still has them. She has also cut out gluten which helps too but still not all of them. All of this started about 2 years ago.

Does anyone have any idea of anything (maybe not even a peptide) that she could consider? She is specifically looking for thyroid possible things and for the hives.

Hey TwoSupaa69, if your wife doesn't mind "experimenting" she can try a widely used, especially in the Latino community, oxidative therapy (similar to oral ozone water, or Hydrogen Peroxide therapies but much milder) called MMS or better still a purer form of the active ingredient, chlorine dioxide, is CDS, chlorine dioxide solution. This was originally used as an old school biohacking therapy for a BROAD range of conditions, especially auto-immune, and called multiple mineral solution, or MMS, by Jim Humble about two decades ago, and then refined to an even more pure and targeted formulation, by a German researcher, Andreas Kalcker, where the chlorine dioxide gas is dissolved into distilled water and saturates it to a concentrated potency of around 3000PPM, this concentrate is what most of the dosing protocols are based around. It sounds nuts, but I watched a great documentary ( that details the history and showcases testimonials of various people/conditions addressed successfully treated with CDS. Best of all it's dirt cheap, like it's simple molecular compound with remarkable biomedical properties (Cl02) you can make it yourself at home easily with two precursor chemicals and have enough to last an entire family all year for whatever you want to use it for well under $100. I used it and my entire immediate family used it during COVID and it flat out just works when, like it kicked the ass of every variant in under a week if you dosed it early on when symptoms began and regularly every hour on the hour 10 times daily for a few days. Check out this ABC video of the bionic woman bragging on how it cured her auto-immune condition, of course, ABC also ran a hit piece on it and parroted the FDA bullshit fear-porn warning that "it's BLEACH! it'll kill you, fuck up your liver, poison your dog, your pecker will shrink, etc, etc." Lindsey nails it in the video, the cure and poison is in the dose, as long as it's properly diluted it's totally safe. I have an older brother that is a kidney transplant patient that used it to beat COVID a couple years back and he has tons of comorbidties and was terrified of being hospitalized and put on a ventilator, so he squeezed the trigger, called me, I hooked him up with a fresh batch of CDS I had just made, and him and his wife hit it hard for 5 days, and it totally stopped it in it's tracks. He even went to Duke to have his kidney function checked because he was scared it might affect that, and all his labs came back totally normal. Below are a few links that might be of interest to you if you want to research it further.

Hope this can help her/you,


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Hi, late response here... I've been thinking about starting low dose naltrexone and one of the things I came across was this guy using low dose naltrexone for hashimoto's. I think he said it relieved all symptoms? I'm not sure but maybe worth checking out. Apologies if this was mentioned earlier in this thread

Also, I saw this

Hey TwoSupaa69, if your wife doesn't mind "experimenting" she can try a widely used, especially in the Latino community, oxidative therapy (similar to oral ozone water, or Hydrogen Peroxide therapies but much milder) called MMS or better still a purer form of the active ingredient, chlorine dioxide, is CDS, chlorine dioxide solution. This was originally used as an old school biohacking therapy for a BROAD range of conditions, especially auto-immune, and called multiple mineral solution, or MMS, by Jim Humble about two decades ago, and then refined to an even more pure and targeted formulation, by a German researcher, Andreas Kalcker, where the chlorine dioxide gas is dissolved into distilled water and saturates it to a concentrated potency of around 3000PPM, this concentrate is what most of the dosing protocols are based around. It sounds nuts, but I watched a great documentary ( that details the history and showcases testimonials of various people/conditions addressed successfully treated with CDS. Best of all it's dirt cheap, like it's simple molecular compound with remarkable biomedical properties (Cl02) you can make it yourself at home easily with two precursor chemicals and have enough to last an entire family all year for whatever you want to use it for well under $100. I used it and my entire immediate family used it during COVID and it flat out just works when, like it kicked the ass of every variant in under a week if you dosed it early on when symptoms began and regularly every hour on the hour 10 times daily for a few days. Check out this ABC video of the bionic woman bragging on how it cured her auto-immune condition, of course, ABC also ran a hit piece on it and parroted the FDA bullshit fear-porn warning that "it's BLEACH! it'll kill you, fuck up your liver, poison your dog, your pecker will shrink, etc, etc." Lindsey nails it in the video, the cure and poison is in the dose, as long as it's properly diluted it's totally safe. I have an older brother that is a kidney transplant patient that used it to beat COVID a couple years back and he has tons of comorbidties and was terrified of being hospitalized and put on a ventilator, so he squeezed the trigger, called me, I hooked him up with a fresh batch of CDS I had just made, and him and his wife hit it hard for 5 days, and it totally stopped it in it's tracks. He even went to Duke to have his kidney function checked because he was scared it might affect that, and all his labs came back totally normal. Below are a few links that might be of interest to you if you want to research it further.

Hope this can help her/you,


That sounds awesome! I'll have to look into this. Thank you
@TwoSupaa69 @WOLFMAGE Actually surprised to find a few still existing anecdotal reviews/testimonies on webMD, usually these get trashed and removed very shortly after they are put up.

Hey TwoSupaa69, if your wife doesn't mind "experimenting" she can try a widely used, especially in the Latino community, oxidative therapy (similar to oral ozone water, or Hydrogen Peroxide therapies but much milder) called MMS or better still a purer form of the active ingredient, chlorine dioxide, is CDS, chlorine dioxide solution. This was originally used as an old school biohacking therapy for a BROAD range of conditions, especially auto-immune, and called multiple mineral solution, or MMS, by Jim Humble about two decades ago, and then refined to an even more pure and targeted formulation, by a German researcher, Andreas Kalcker, where the chlorine dioxide gas is dissolved into distilled water and saturates it to a concentrated potency of around 3000PPM, this concentrate is what most of the dosing protocols are based around. It sounds nuts, but I watched a great documentary ( that details the history and showcases testimonials of various people/conditions addressed successfully treated with CDS. Best of all it's dirt cheap, like it's simple molecular compound with remarkable biomedical properties (Cl02) you can make it yourself at home easily with two precursor chemicals and have enough to last an entire family all year for whatever you want to use it for well under $100. I used it and my entire immediate family used it during COVID and it flat out just works when, like it kicked the ass of every variant in under a week if you dosed it early on when symptoms began and regularly every hour on the hour 10 times daily for a few days. Check out this ABC video of the bionic woman bragging on how it cured her auto-immune condition, of course, ABC also ran a hit piece on it and parroted the FDA bullshit fear-porn warning that "it's BLEACH! it'll kill you, fuck up your liver, poison your dog, your pecker will shrink, etc, etc." Lindsey nails it in the video, the cure and poison is in the dose, as long as it's properly diluted it's totally safe. I have an older brother that is a kidney transplant patient that used it to beat COVID a couple years back and he has tons of comorbidties and was terrified of being hospitalized and put on a ventilator, so he squeezed the trigger, called me, I hooked him up with a fresh batch of CDS I had just made, and him and his wife hit it hard for 5 days, and it totally stopped it in it's tracks. He even went to Duke to have his kidney function checked because he was scared it might affect that, and all his labs came back totally normal. Below are a few links that might be of interest to you if you want to research it further.

Hope this can help her/you,


My wife has had hypothyroidism for a few years. She’s 30 years old. Recently we are wondering if it’s Hashimotos. Managed okay according to lab results. She is taking BPC-157, TB500, and Semaglutide.

In addition to hypothyroidism, she has PCOS, is overweight, and she suffers with horrible fatigue. She works night shift which doesn’t help matters but MIC B12 injections hasn’t happened, B6 and B12 supplements haven’t either. Caffeine is used daily but she can also drink something high in caffeine and then fall asleep. If she sleeps 11-12 hours she usually feels rested. Anything less than that (which is basically always) and she is extremely fatigued and tired pretty much constantly.
In addition to this, she has horrible allergies. They went away when she was pregnant last year but came back a few months postpartum. She gets hives all over her body. And she takes every single allergy med out there. All together. Zyrtec, Allegra, Benadryl, xyzal, Claritin, singular, creams, and does nasal rinses every day. Her issue isn’t respiratory. It is all the hives. If she doesn’t take them they are worse but she finally got an allergy shot and it helped but she still has them. She has also cut out gluten which helps too but still not all of them. All of this started about 2 years ago.

Does anyone have any idea of anything (maybe not even a peptide) that she could consider? She is specifically looking for thyroid possible things and for the hives.

Sounds a lot like me. I have hashimotos and prior to tirzepatide was overweight and slept 12 hours. I have extreme dermatographia and if I don't take allergy meds sometimes walking makes my feet break out. HOWEVER IF POSSIBLE I know how hard it is personally, Zyrtec causes extreme rebound hives. Also the nasal allergy meds cause similar issues. If I were her I'd try to wean off the Z at a minimum... "Kicking the big Z"
HI! I am 47 and have had hashimotos hypothyroidism since I was 14. I completely understand where she is at! I didn't really start feeling better until I was in my 20s and finally took it upon myself to get better and figure it out as it was killing me, my Dr was brutal!

First thing is you need a DR that will test all thyroid levels including antibodies. FULL THYROID PANEL! TSH free t3, free t4, reverse t3 and both sets of antibodies. She needs to know all of those numbers because unfortunately different levels and combos of levels mean a million different scenarios and how to treat.

10 years later these things were the key to my recovery ( still have it of course but I feel good) minus the perimenopausal BS right now which also is a lot worse when you have hashimotos! I am on t3 and dessicated thyroid hormone NOT Synthroid because I cannot convert t4 into t3. This right there helped so much!

Next one is NO GLUTEN!!! My inflammation dropped ten fold when I gave up gluten, I actually for the last 10 years now do not eat any grains at all which has helped even more.

Third move your body even when you do not want to!! I get up at 4am ( and yes had 2 kids at the time, full time job on my own all of it ,I get mom life and busy)and I walked every morning. I have not missed a day because when I do oh I feel it!!!

But I then took it too far and worked out like a maniac, pushing weights 6 days a week, HIIT, Jogs, you name it and I crash and burned and gained weight fast. With hashimotos our body stresses easily! Less is more. So nice easy walks morning and night, with weights 3-4 days a week MAX, that seems to be a sweet spot for many of us Hashi warriors.

Caffeine Is a personal thing, I have coffee in the morning and maybe another by noon and that is it, I do not live off it because once again we will stress our adrenals and then we go into flare ups.

I also have PCOS, insulin resistance and allergies and the only thing that made that better was what I put in my mouth! More like what I didnt! If I even take a bite of a piece of bread, or have processed garbage I pay so bad that I cannot even move my fingers in the morning. It is not worth it to me. Do not go low low carb as we need the carbs for our thyroid, but we do not need excessive. Keto worked against me, it was too much saturated fat and I inflamed. So I eat tonnes of veggies, fruit, lean proteins, and Greek yogurt ( Dairy bother some autoimmune people so take it out and see if it makes a difference, it does not affect me).

The best investment I made was an infrared sauna! If you do some research you will see how wonderful it is for detox and we need to detox our inflamed bodies!! I am in mine 2-3 times a week without fail.

BEDTIME ROUTINE!! Stick to it! Sleep is key - mine sucks right now with the hormone BS but I have turned down so many things because I value my sleep like GOLD! lol!! You start to go down fast if sleep gets put to the side!

AS far as supplements go, honestly you really need to get a full blood panel done before you start adding things. But VitD/K, B complex, magnesium and milk thistle I do take every day. I also use DIM. I use some other things to but it is for my personal situation and could be horrible for someone else.....

I have been at this for so long and have tried so many things and in the end everyone of us with an autoimmune condition has to find what works for them....I am part of many groups to always learn and listen to podcasts, it is a constant battle, and unfortunately with an autoimmune condition you usually get a second and sometimes a third.

I have 3 now, and also horrible genetics but I refuse to roll over and give up, but I know that if I had not stayed on top of my health I would be a wreck.

It sucks but I have total faith that your wife will feel better with the above things, full blood work panel - from there correct meds and supplements, no gluten, detox with sweating, move the body.

As far as peptides go, I have "researched many" MOTS-C cycle it and love it, BPC for the inflammation including the gut ( key for hashi)AOD, FRAG, Ipamorelin, Thymulin, TB500, SS31. BUT adding these to not having your ducks in a row as far as already doing everything possible first, these will not make things "better".

You need the groundwork first then you get to sprinkle the "research". I also have a leptin deficiency, to put it in lame terms as it is complicated to explain what happens in my body.

So I just started Jul6 " researching" Tirz and WOW, So many benefits past the scale. Inflammation of brain ( mood) body ( aches and pains), food noise is GONE, which I have battled all my life which turned into a horrible eating disorder.
I have lost 15 pounds in 5 weeks, and I only had the vanity 10 to lose BUT I was starting to gain as perimenopause is really affecting me so I think I would have kept gaining ( plus lots of inflammation weight aka water) if I didn't take the leap of faith to try these.

But I am a happy person again, I laugh, I enjoy little moments, ( Mood is a biggie with thyroid imbalances I was on the antidepressants and the Adderall but it was too many swings up and down for and I had to stop) I do not ache and I will die if these peptides vanish ( hence my stockpiles).

I am so sorry this is so long, but just know this isn't a death sentence, I played Ringette and hockey at college level for years, coached my kids in their sports, and kept up to them and still can beat them :). lol!! We can get you better!!!

I could share a million more tid bits as there are so many things...... but if you need any help or questions, please ask me. I would love to see her blood work numbers when she gets results ...I have helped so many women with it, as Drs do not know enough and use " normal ranges" instead of optimal, and only try one thing or just " deal with it"......also my millions of hours of research over 30 some years I need to share it!! There is no better feeling than helping someone feel better!! I wish you all the best!!

*** Remember this is what worked for me but there are many others out there that some things above won't make a difference, or they manage it completely different and feel super! We are not cookie cutters!
Absolutely 💯 agree! Have auto immunes and could not agree more with everything you said

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