Help me narrow done a Vendor.

Jul 12, 2024
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Hi, I went down the rabbit hole last night trying to find a vendor. The way I went about it (could be wrong) was going to the home page of Janosik and selected the most recent lab results for Tirz/Sema, and proceeded to email the address on the lab result test from Janosik.

Here are the vendors I came up with:

Wuhan Wensheng Bio
Shanghai Vitaspring Biotech Limited
Shanghai Sigma Audley
Cantides Research
Great Peptide
Viva Nova
Erose Peptides

Any insight or recommendations from these?

I think you’ve approached this from the wrong direction @Bubbles30

Better to first find a vendor who has a record of fulfilling purchases promptly and successfully THEN confirming that their current product tests well

That way you avoid issues like one of those vendors being a US ‘retailer’ and not a supplier of kits. Or that two of them are unknown here and do not have any history that can be referenced for reassurance.
I think you’ve approached this from the wrong direction @Bubbles30

Better to first find a vendor who has a record of fulfilling purchases promptly and successfully THEN confirming that their current product tests well

That way you avoid issues like one of those vendors being a US ‘retailer’ and not a supplier of kits. Or that two of them are unknown here and do not have any history that can be referenced for reassurance.
Makes sense. I realized this after posting so decided to do some more reading. From what I gathered Great Peptides seems like the best choice. Followed by Shanghai. Up in the air still is Erose.
I bought Reta from GP a few months ago after seeing the good Janoshik testing reports posted. Ease of payment and fast shipping was good. However myself and others noted peptide residue ring around vial necks as well as no vacuum seals on vials. I only bought one kit, but with these quality issues (that they had no problem shipping out to customers) I'll probably just toss the kit. I'd suggest finding a different vendor.
I bought Reta from GP a few months ago after seeing the good Janoshik testing reports posted. Ease of payment and fast shipping was good. However myself and others noted peptide residue ring around vial necks as well as no vacuum seals on vials. I only bought one kit, but with these quality issues (that they had no problem shipping out to customers) I'll probably just toss the kit. I'd suggest finding a different vendor.
I have read in other forums that some do lose their vacuum seal but that it does not affect the product, don't know if it is correct, but I would do some research before tossing
I have read in other forums that some do lose their vacuum seal but that it does not affect the product, don't know if it is correct, but I would do some research before tossing
I haven't tossed them yet.. but one of the respected domestic suppliers (AR) on Peppy's brought up a few months ago that they had been doing sterility testing on a number of Chinese supplier's vials and stated that the results were "shocking" or something to that effect. I'm waiting to see this data. I've been getting a bit paranoid lately and sticking to the few domestic suppliers that actually test more than just purity and quantity.

Another domestic supplier (Skye) indicated during discussion regarding non-sealed vials that:

"..the issue is without having visibility into the manufacturing process or testing for sterility, vacuum is one of our best indications for good manufacturing process. We can safely assume that most manufacturers are not purging with argon or nitrogen (we know only a few), so in its place, it's good to look for vacuum. Most likely, if a manufacturer in this world does not vacuum vials it is a cost savings measure, NOT because they are using a sterility alternative."
" doesn't have to include a vacuum, but in our experience it's the single best indicator we've seen of good manufacturing process. Also, the sterility fails we've seen all come from non-vacuum processes."

The vials I received from GP had an odd "Lyo ring/halo", this may not be a big deal, but in combination with no vacuum seal, I'll take my chances elsewhere.

Lyophilized Drug Product Cake Appearance: What is Acceptable?
I haven't tossed them yet.. but one of the respected domestic suppliers (AR) on Peppy's brought up a few months ago that they had been doing sterility testing on a number of Chinese supplier's vials and stated that the results were "shocking" or something to that effect. I'm waiting to see this data. I've been getting a bit paranoid lately and sticking to the few domestic suppliers that actually test more than just purity and quantity.

Another domestic supplier (Skye) indicated during discussion regarding non-sealed vials that:

"..the issue is without having visibility into the manufacturing process or testing for sterility, vacuum is one of our best indications for good manufacturing process. We can safely assume that most manufacturers are not purging with argon or nitrogen (we know only a few), so in its place, it's good to look for vacuum. Most likely, if a manufacturer in this world does not vacuum vials it is a cost savings measure, NOT because they are using a sterility alternative."
" doesn't have to include a vacuum, but in our experience it's the single best indicator we've seen of good manufacturing process. Also, the sterility fails we've seen all come from non-vacuum processes."

The vials I received from GP had an odd "Lyo ring/halo", this may not be a big deal, but in combination with no vacuum seal, I'll take my chances elsewhere.

Lyophilized Drug Product Cake Appearance: What is Acceptable?
Unrelated but how do you access Peppy’s? Is it invite only?
peppys is open, only vendor sources discussion needs approval
Makes sense. I realized this after posting so decided to do some more reading. From what I gathered Great Peptides seems like the best choice. Followed by Shanghai. Up in the air still is Erose.
" From what I gathered Great Peptides seems like the best choice "
I'm not at all certain that is the case, @Bubbles30>
I'm out of country/out of office so I can't access my files but I seem to remember a couple of notably negative reviews.

I could be misremembering, however.
Double check before pulling the trigger, please!
From the list, I can say gtg only about these 2:
Wuhan Wensheng Bio (less reviews)
Shanghai Sigma Audley
BUT, I did not personally order from them yet.
I haven't tossed them yet.. but one of the respected domestic suppliers (AR) on Peppy's brought up a few months ago that they had been doing sterility testing on a number of Chinese supplier's vials and stated that the results were "shocking" or something to that effect. I'm waiting to see this data. I've been getting a bit paranoid lately and sticking to the few domestic suppliers that actually test more than just purity and quantity.

Another domestic supplier (Skye) indicated during discussion regarding non-sealed vials that:

"..the issue is without having visibility into the manufacturing process or testing for sterility, vacuum is one of our best indications for good manufacturing process. We can safely assume that most manufacturers are not purging with argon or nitrogen (we know only a few), so in its place, it's good to look for vacuum. Most likely, if a manufacturer in this world does not vacuum vials it is a cost savings measure, NOT because they are using a sterility alternative."
" doesn't have to include a vacuum, but in our experience it's the single best indicator we've seen of good manufacturing process. Also, the sterility fails we've seen all come from non-vacuum processes."

The vials I received from GP had an odd "Lyo ring/halo", this may not be a big deal, but in combination with no vacuum seal, I'll take my chances elsewhere.

Lyophilized Drug Product Cake Appearance: What is Acceptable?
I would contact them with your issues, they will probably replace the vials
Lyophilized Drug Product Cake Appearance: What is Acceptable?
I would contact them with your issues, they will probably replace the vials
I bought the Reta from them a few months ago, there were a whole slew of people on Peppy's complaining about the lyo rings and lack of vacuum seals, not just on Reta, but Tirz as well. Supplier was arguing and adamant they were good, and they may be good.. but I am just not going to use a product anymore lacking vacuum seals. If as Skye peptides indicated that "the sterility fails we've seen all come from non-vacuum processes". Why risk it?

I trust these Chinese vendors as far as I can throw them.. especially if anything seems a little off and gets my spidey sense going.
Besides the sterility issue, I have been flipping out learning that some of the peptides are made from pig brains. I just can't get it out of my head. I have been trying to figure out where it all starts with individual peptides without much success.
The Biosecure Act would prohibit U.S. companies from working with “a biotechnology company of concern” and extending any contracts, but specifically seeks to limit ties with Chinese biotechs. The proposed bill calls out a handful of companies, including Complete Genomics and WuXi AppTec, a significant biopharma partner for many U.S. drugmakers.

This might be what is going on with the CN connections pages and pages come up with a google search
I think they are now trying to distance themselves from their Chinese source, but they were the main supplier and may still be