Hi everyone!


Aug 5, 2023
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Loving that we are all finding each other again from the discord/telegram after the great axe fell recently.

A bit of my story:
Was always a pretty thin/fit person til hormones kicked my ass after second pregnancy (truly I probably had gestation diabetes with each pregnancy but my midwife wasn’t ever concerned about progressing weight gain).
Anywho, 4 kids, 1 who lived in hospitals due to medical complications, a divorce and lots of stress later, I found myself at 250 lbs on a very small/tall frame. I could tell I was going downhill.

My mom started ozempic for diabetic mgmt in fall of 2021. She lost 15 lbs in 15 days, had a stroke on day 20. And died on day 27. We always blamed the ozempic so I threw myself into researching it, and vilifying it.

Problem was, I knew that wasn’t the true killer. It was catalytic for healing, and the acceleration of that healing was what caused everything to go bad for her.
So I started to think, if it was actually helping her, maybe it could actually help me. If I went much slower and tried the tirzepatide first.

Talked to a push provider, got my first two bottles compound from A C A, was shaking nervous the first dose, but did it anyway.

When I was completely fine going 20+ hours without even thinking of food, I knew I was onto something. I finally understood “food noise”, and why all the tiktokers blab on about it.
About 3 weeks in my fiancé finally said “ok what’s going on- you hardly eat anything at dinner and I can tell you’re losing weight.”
So he decided to join me.
He doesn’t have much weight to lose, but he loves that it’s helped cut his alcohol consumption by 70%.

Sorry this is long. I don’t have anyone else to talk to about this journey so I pour it all out here.

I’m getting married in 35 days and would love to feel comfortable and beautiful on that day. And just a few more pounds would help go a long way with that.
I’m 47f, 5’7”, and I would love to be closer to 150, but I’m not sure I’ll ever see those numbers again.

My research cow has lost 26 lbs in about 9 weeks with tirz.
Added in AOd a few weeks ago.
Also pinned my first tiny sema dose in between tirz every 5 days.
Hoping to add in a few more peptides for overall health as soon as I pay off the wedding and can go back to stockpiling Chinese product as a hobby.

Don’t do a ton of working out, try to just keep moving throughout my day as work/life allows. Need to be much better about that.

I ordered my wedding dresses from china, shockingly got similar customer service as when I order my tirz from there too. I couldn’t even bring myself to go try on dresses cause I hate how fat I’d let myself get.

This is def turning into a therapy session post vs just an intro and I apologize for that but am so thankful for a space to finally type some of this Pitt loud.

Ok I think that’s it.

Thank you if anyone actually read all of this. Hoping to be able to give back in any way I can to this great community!
I’m so sorry for the loss of your mom. Losing a parent really sucks.

Very brave of you to research and let go of an easy scapegoat. That takes great character and wisdom. I look forward to sharing this journey with you.

Once you’ve done it for a bit I would love to here about your experience with stacking sema and Triz. I’m considering this myself.
I'm sorry about your mom! :cry:

I'm impressed by your ability to have taken what was a devastating negative and turn it into such an important positive in your own journey to better health! There's so much we can all learn from each other, and while we may come from different backgrounds and experiences we're all working to improve our lives and help others learn from our individual stories!
I am sorry about your mom. Virtual hug 🫂
I relate so much to what you were saying about divorce and stress. Emotional eating was a coping mechanism for me during mine.
Youre lucky your partner is participating with you! How fun! Keep us filled in as Im curious if it works more quickly for men than women. My husband is finally going through a very long process of getting approved. First he must complete a program months long program with scheduled calls to a nutritionist, food tracking, and answering automated nutrition questions daily over the phone. This is aggravating to me as I see no reason why people can not complete the behavior mod programs while taking the very effective medicine. I get it saves money and you want to use safer interventions first, but at times it feels like the brakes get pumped on those needing to lose weight in ways they arent always requires for others conditions.
How is the AOD working for you? I had mixed feelings on this. At a stall. The research looked great until the last study, but it was an oral form, not injectable.
Congrats on your upcoming wedding! I sometimes find carb cycling helps speed things along with weight loss, particularly if my cals have been very low. Im just speculating but I think it sends a signal to my body Im not starving and it stops fighting me so much. Just my own theory, though.
Indeed, you are very brave! Thank you for sharing your story. Congrats to you and your fiancé on your respective successes, and be confident as you walk down that aisle!
Ps - I also have a research cow ;)
Welcome, and very sorry to hear about your mom.
Congrats on the upcoming special event. It sounds like your research is very much on the right track and you’ll be closer than ever to goal when the time comes. Look forward to hearing about it. 😊

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