Hi from Southern CA


Sep 17, 2024
Reaction score
Ramona, CA
I've been lurking for a bit, researching Triz. I tried Mj in July 2022, lost 60 lbs in 5 months (briefly 80 but at 6'8" I felt like a twig in the wind), and maintained 220 lbs until my insurance wouldn't cover it. I've gained much of it back, and I am looking to get back onto it at a more affordable price and research other peptides.

Thank you for all of the good info thus far...
Hi Six and welcome!
If you lost 60-80 pounds once you can certainly do it again.

"Maintenance" - that undiscovered country - is an area not often discussed here.
I've not yet achieved it. Slow loser that I am, my remaining 10 pounds could take until year's end.

But nevermind, it's about Progress not Perfection.

If using a cell phone you may not have seen the Chinese Peptide Vendors datasheet link.
If you are still shopping for Tirzepatide it might be useful to you:

Chat me if I can help :)
Tesofensine seems like an interesting option to "prevent rebound" after reaching target weight, but its still in early research and here we have no one who actually uses it successfully for that. I look forward to more research at this stage. @dionysos for example is already very close to his target weight, so we can just follow his journey and hopefully learn something...

So welcome and enjoy your research here!