How to know when to titrate up?


Aug 9, 2024
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USA - OHio
When do you all decide its time to titrate up your tirzepatide? I've been losing consistently and never stalled, but the past few weeks I have had some cravings and some binge's because I'm an idiot which makes me lose 0 each week, so I figure its time to go up at least 1mg.

How do you all decide when to titrate up and by how much? Wait until you hit a stall? When cravings come back a bit?
I'm still new and I've only tried titrating up once so far, but I've come to the conclusion that I like to go slow. Food noise was coming back around day 4-5, so decided to go up from 2.5mg to 5mg. Well, 5 worked TOO WELL and I could barely eat for 3 days and was plagued with sulfur burps and gas. After that, I just decided to start dosing every 5 days instead of 7. When it starts feeling less effective, I plan to only increase 0.5mg at a time.
yeah, I just need to figure out how much i want to go up, or move to every 5 days, or split, not sure whats best for me. I will say I am moving shot day to thursday or friday as the weekend is the hardest. been doing tuesday's
If you don't want to go up in dose yet, you can do smaller doses more frequently and try that for a week and see if it helps. Others have also had good luck stacking different peps (taking on alternating days). If it's just the food noise you could stack cagri. I suffer from binge eating as well. The food noise is SO DAMN HARD to deal with, without tirz. I just titrated from 2.5 to 3. I have a super sensitive GI system so I have to do baby steps. I started getting food noise back by day 5 week 3. Had the same issue 2 weeks in a row so I went up to 3mg and it's gone again. I really don't want to keep going up every 4-6 weeks so I'll end up stacking cagri if it keeps coming back. I'm now 45 days without a binge and down 6lbs in 4 weeks with no gym. It's not much, but progress is progress.
I plan to go as slow as my body will let me when it comes to upping dosage so I wanted to stay on 2.5 as long as possible but by day 6 the food noise would be back in some form. I started taking 2.5 of triz every 5 days and so far that has worked great for food noise.
I plan to go as slow as my body will let me when it comes to upping dosage so I wanted to stay on 2.5 as long as possible but by day 6 the food noise would be back in some form. I started taking 2.5 of triz every 5 days and so far that has worked great for food noise.
once you are feeling its not working good enough for you anymore, slightly increase the dose and see how your body responds, if still not enough add again little bit .... I went once too fast with increase of Sema (actually I switched to a stronger 20% overfill batch from GYC and didn't know its overfill at that time) and had to go slightly down the next week because the increased dose was way too strong for me. Just listen to your body.
When do you all decide its time to titrate up your tirzepatide? I've been losing consistently and never stalled, but the past few weeks I have had some cravings and some binge's because I'm an idiot which makes me lose 0 each week, so I figure its time to go up at least 1mg.

How do you all decide when to titrate up and by how much? Wait until you hit a stall? When cravings come back a bit?
I can only tell you my experience on Tirz (brand since 12/27/24, compoundeded since 4/26/24), and I'm currently at 10mg. I have been cognizant of not wanting to increase too quickly and reach the max dose of 15mg. I'm not interested yet in trying to do any stacking with other peptides, so I'm trying to hit that balance of taking just enough that I need.

I think it may look different for those experiencing side effects in that they may need to be more cautious so they can mitigate any increase in any side effects they're already experiencing if they titrate up. Very luckily for me, I've had none so I didn't have to take that into account.

I have moved up in the tirz dose based on: 1) food noise (priority for me), 2) abnormal hunger signals, and 3) weight loss progress (aiming for around 1-2 lbs per week). I'm much more conservative in what I consider to be a stall for myself so unless my weight hasn't changed (or if increased) over a 4 week timeframe, I don't consider myself to be stalled. I also look at my water intake over that timeframe, my sleep habits, exercise, and food tracking. One of those could also be a contributing factor and I may need to make adjustments to keep making progress.

I have a tracking spreadsheet that I keep which includes how I'm feeling that week (for #1 & #2 above), and I use that to guide me, along with everything else. This may seem like overkill and overthinking for many, but I'm a data analyst and I don't know how else to be :)
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I have a tracking spreadsheet that I keep which includes how I'm feeling that week (for #1 & #2 above), and I use that to guide me, along with everything else. This may seem like overkill and overthinking for many, but I'm a data analyst and I don't know how else to be :)
Actually all of us should do that! (y)
yeah what I am going to do (currently on 5mg) is flipping my shot day from Tuesday to Thursday this week, then maybe Friday next week. Thursday/Friday should give me better weekend protection from when I've been messing up!

I've had no side effects, I just don't want to go up too fast and hit 15. I've gone 2.5 -> 3.5 -> 4.5 -> 5 after starting compound in early May. Probably move up to 6 real soon

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