I do not recommend TDS for syringes


Oct 4, 2024
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Was in a hurry a couple of weeks ago and did not realize I had clicked on a new needle supplier until I was in the checkout process. I ended up on Total Diabetic Supply, I was looking for Diabetic Warehouse (they were in a row in the search function). They took paypal, so I thought 'what the heck, this might be a new resource' and finished the order.

They sent an email a few days later which did not come from an account tied to the website (sketchy) so my mail system shuttled it to spam. About a week after that I sent a inquiry about why my order had not shipped, and they sent an email from an account that was tied to the website that said my address was not verified (it is, it auto-filled when I used paypal to pay). I reply that the address I verify the address is correct.

The next day, they called and said I had to verify the address over the phone, so I did. Now we are getting spam calls from overseas "about your health", and the order has still not shipped.

My next step will be to charge back the payment via pp, so I ultimately will get my money back. So learn from my mistake and skip TDS.
How bizarre. I've been using them the last few months without issue. I'm curious what this sketchy email address was. All of my emails from them came from a TDS address. Also super strange about the random calls. I wonder if they were compromised. I just recently switched to Westend though, as they have other supplies I want that TDS doesn't carry.
That actually makes me feel better about the order (thanks). I'll give them another week to see if it ships and will update.

I wish I had kept the email, it was long with random numbers and a strange .com

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