Is it normal for vendors to send out unsolicited FREE KITS for no reason whatsoever??


Apr 30, 2024
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Hi @everyone!

I’m NOT a new member, NOR a brand-new account, but this is my first post here, so please let me know if I have posted in the wrong thread. Please also let me know if this kind of post is not allowed. Thank you!

That said, I’ll try my best to explain my issue in as succinct and thorough way that I can… And I thank you all in advance for any insight or help.

Someone I know gave me contact info for his vendor from China. I’m not new to this game, so I didn’t hesitate to touch base with the rep my friend recommended from “Tiffany” on WhatsApp. I first messaged “Tiffany” on May 22, 2024 via WhatsApp and soon learned that "she" (I’ll just refer to the rep "Tiffany" as a girl from here on out) is from .

After a little back and forth with Tiffany, I became disinterested for whatever reason or another and stopped communications from my side. My last message to her was on May 23.

(See screenshot Tiffany-1)

After nearly 2 months, Tiffany hits me up (unsolicited and out-of-the-blue!) on Thursday, July 11 offering me a TOTALLY FREE kit of bpc157. So, that’s 10 vials of bpc157 for $0.00, and did not ask for shipping!

I was skeptical; I inquired as to why she was offering me this, and she said “you are a friend of my client and therefore must be very nice, I trust you. I would be very happy if after testing you would buy peptides from me,” or something like that.

(See screenshot Tiffany-2)

Reluctantly, I sent my address. I really didn’t think much would come out of this. But, surprisingly, I had tracking by the next morning.

(See screenshot Tiffany-3)

I sent a message about this to our mutual contact and my friend. He said, "No, this isn’t normal behavior for Chinese manufacturers/vendors" and that he would reach out to Tiffany and ask her about it. Well, I KNEW that! If this were normal behavior I would NOT HAVE ASKED! :rolleyes:

I haven’t heard anything else back from him (the mutual contact) and am not going to hold my breath. But now tracking indicates that this free kit is out for delivery TODAY, so I need advice and/or any insight as what to do with it once it arrives!

(See screenshot Tiffany-4)

Is this normal behavior for Chinese vendors? Why would she (he, she—whatever!) do this?? Could this kit of bpc157 be tainted, or could something more sinister be going on??? I know it’s possible, and most likely probable, BUT WHAT??! WHAT COULD THIS VENDOR POSSIBLY GAIN FROM SENDING FREE KITS TO RANDOM PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET?? And especially in such unpredictable times??

Does anyone have an insight about this or had something like this happen to them?? Ever??! Could this vendor possibly been busted (raided, whatever!) and she’s fishing for unsuspecting idiots to point her fingers at??!! And if it is along those lines, WHY??! It’s not illegal here!! ….Doesn’t make sense. 🤷‍♀️

Did I make the biggest mistake OF MY LIFE by sending my address??! If so, WHY??!

As stated earlier, any insight would be helpful and most appreciated! Please, and thank you!!🙏

Hi @everyone!

I’m NOT a new member, NOR a brand-new account, but this is my first post here, so please let me know if I have posted in the wrong thread. Please also let me know if this kind of post is not allowed. Thank you!

That said, I’ll try my best to explain my issue in as succinct and thorough way that I can… And I thank you all in advance for any insight or help.

Someone I know gave me contact info for his vendor from China. I’m not new to this game, so I didn’t hesitate to touch base with the rep my friend recommended from “Tiffany” on WhatsApp. I first messaged “Tiffany” on May 22, 2024 via WhatsApp and soon learned that "she" (I’ll just refer to the rep "Tiffany" as a girl from here on out) is from .

After a little back and forth with Tiffany, I became disinterested for whatever reason or another and stopped communications from my side. My last message to her was on May 23.

(See screenshot Tiffany-1)

After nearly 2 months, Tiffany hits me up (unsolicited and out-of-the-blue!) on Thursday, July 11 offering me a TOTALLY FREE kit of bpc157. So, that’s 10 vials of bpc157 for $0.00, and did not ask for shipping!

I was skeptical; I inquired as to why she was offering me this, and she said “you are a friend of my client and therefore must be very nice, I trust you. I would be very happy if after testing you would buy peptides from me,” or something like that.

(See screenshot Tiffany-2)

Reluctantly, I sent my address. I really didn’t think much would come out of this. But, surprisingly, I had tracking by the next morning.

(See screenshot Tiffany-3)

I sent a message about this to our mutual contact and my friend. He said, "No, this isn’t normal behavior for Chinese manufacturers/vendors" and that he would reach out to Tiffany and ask her about it. Well, I KNEW that! If this were normal behavior I would NOT HAVE ASKED! :rolleyes:

I haven’t heard anything else back from him (the mutual contact) and am not going to hold my breath. But now tracking indicates that this free kit is out for delivery TODAY, so I need advice and/or any insight as what to do with it once it arrives!

(See screenshot Tiffany-4)

Is this normal behavior for Chinese vendors? Why would she (he, she—whatever!) do this?? Could this kit of bpc157 be tainted, or could something more sinister be going on??? I know it’s possible, and most likely probable, BUT WHAT??! WHAT COULD THIS VENDOR POSSIBLY GAIN FROM SENDING FREE KITS TO RANDOM PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET?? And especially in such unpredictable times??

Does anyone have an insight about this or had something like this happen to them?? Ever??! Could this vendor possibly been busted (raided, whatever!) and she’s fishing for unsuspecting idiots to point her fingers at??!! And if it is along those lines, WHY??! It’s not illegal here!! ….Doesn’t make sense. 🤷‍♀️

Did I make the biggest mistake OF MY LIFE by sending my address??! If so, WHY??!

As stated earlier, any insight would be helpful and most appreciated! Please, and thank you!!🙏

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My thinking on this practice is that it is “chumming”, tossing out bait to lure the unsuspecting fish 😀

The likely aim of the sales person is to establish a reseller network where you buy product on behalf of people you contact and influence - the Amway model.

The quality of the product will be whatever that company typically produces and sells ie not toxic but not necessarily great either. You’ll. Need to perform due diligence before using anything from these people!
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My thinking on this practice is that it is “chumming”, tossing out bait to lure the unsuspecting fish 😀

The likely aim of the sales person is to establish a reseller network where you buy product on behalf of people you contact and influence - the Amway model.

The quality of the product will be whatever that company typically produces and sells ie not toxic but not necessarily great either. You’ll. Need to perform due diligence before using anything from these people!
I’ve never heard of this practice of “chumming”, but I certainly do not discount your insight either. Thank you for that!

When you say, “due diligence”, I assume you mean sending it out to Jano to be tested, correct? Well, if I wanted to spend $300 now I would’ve purchased product domestically already tested from a vendor I trust. So that sucks. However, it’s good advice and exactly what I expected to hear about this.

So you’ve never heard of SWPeptides before?

Thx again for your help!! 🙏
My thinking on this practice is that it is “chumming”, tossing out bait to lure the unsuspecting fish 😀

The likely aim of the sales person is to establish a reseller network where you buy product on behalf of people you contact and influence - the Amway model.

The quality of the product will be whatever that company typically produces and sells ie not toxic but not necessarily great either. You’ll. Need to perform due diligence before using anything from these people!
Oh, and it just arrived. 😉
BPC is one of the most popular and least expensive peptides to produce, so it makes sense that would be their choice for giveaways.

Really not that different from your local street dealer offering a free "taste" to get you hooked.

Most of the Chinese will send a free vial of pretty much any peptide on request, but they usually ask for some kind of payment towards shipping so getting free shipping is definitely a bonus (they all use 3PL logistics companies to do their actual shipping, so that's a cost for them no matter what which is why they usually won't budge on shipping charges). Getting a free kit is not something I've heard or seen before so that's new, or possibly a major oops on the reps part not understanding that they can send free vials but not free kits.
BPC is one of the most popular and least expensive peptides to produce, so it makes sense that would be their choice for giveaways.

Really not that different from your local street dealer offering a free "taste" to get you hooked.

Most of the Chinese will send a free vial of pretty much any peptide on request, but they usually ask for some kind of payment towards shipping so getting free shipping is definitely a bonus (they all use 3PL logistics companies to do their actual shipping, so that's a cost for them no matter what which is why they usually won't budge on shipping charges). Getting a free kit is not something I've heard or seen before so that's new, or possibly a major oops on the reps part not understanding that they can send free vials but not free kits.
Thanks for this, @ZippityDooDah !
In earlier communications, Tiffany did ask I pay $20 towards shipping, which I ignored. So your response makes perfect sense!
Now the question is whether to test it or throw the entire kit in the garbage! Ugh! 🙄

Thanks again!
I’ve never heard of this practice of “chumming”, but I certainly do not discount your insight either. Thank you for that!

When you say, “due diligence”, I assume you mean sending it out to Jano to be tested, correct? Well, if I wanted to spend $300 now I would’ve purchased product domestically already tested from a vendor I trust. So that sucks. However, it’s good advice and exactly what I expected to hear about this.

So you’ve never heard of SWPeptides before?

Thx again for your help!! 🙏
By “due diligence” I mean something much more like seeking information on the company you propose to deal with, or reviews from those who have used the company’s products than investing in COA testing.
By “due diligence” I mean something much more like seeking information on the company you propose to deal with, or reviews from those who have used the company’s products than investing in COA testing.
Oh! So sorry!! I misinterpreted your response! Turns out, that I like this interpretation much better! lol :)

....I've done as much research as I can and know to do at this point. Swpeptides is not listed anywhere on peppy's vendor spreadsheet, and over a month ago I made formal inquiries to the company; so aside from that, I bring this post to this community as well as peppy's (who are all getting VERY salty these days--and not just about this!). That's about all I know to do... Unless you have any more suggestions?
Oh, yes! You’re right. She did say that. And I asked for it, and received it yesterday. But, that is not only a second-party report, it’s worse—it’s a FIRST-party COA report. So we all know that I can barely take that report as any kind of verification. It isn’t worth the virtual paper it’s written on!
But, yeah, I got it; and, of course, it checks out just fine. Why wouldn’t it? I’m sorry I misunderstood your comment/question. But you were absolutely right to bring it up! Thank you!! And I apologize for my original answer.
Does anyone know what they (they, as in any company reselling or manufacturing peptides) use for fillers?? Could it possibly be baby laxative or something like that? I’ve attached a copy of the first-party COA from Tiffany. Where in this report would I find that?? Keep in mind, I take this document with a grain of salt and certainly don’t take it as gospel! Just wondering, because I’ve never seen vials so full & fluffy before. And you know, one can barely see the actual peptide without filler. (Ex: Blome’s peptides, which I’ve never ordered before, but have seen before.)

Again. thank you for any help or insight you may have!!