Maintenance experiences?


Aug 26, 2024
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Would anyone be happy to share how they’re getting on and also what worked/didn't work?

I’m trying to plan my next steps due to a slight step back. Basically I took a little hiatus from peps at the start of December, was flying internationally and my life was chaos, forgot to pack even BPC so just said eff it. Reader, this was a bad idea.

Anyway, started back on reta 2 weeks ago, haven’t fully gone back to my weekly schedule of glow, ss31, mots c etc (I would have killed for the energy peps during all the jet lag)…one thing I’ve struggled with is the side effects of reta 💩💨💤 which I didn’t have before.

I’m about 10lbs from goal so the plan is to stay at a lower dose for now. (I was at 8mg, currently on 5mg).

I have a few kits of tirz, cjc, hgh and tesa in the freezer so I’m wondering what’s the best way to go forwards re maintenance.

One weird struggle is my visceral fat has reduced so finding a good injection spot is harder? What a weird problem to have. I can’t inject on my sides at all.
I want to follow this post because I need to learn "maintenance" ive lost too much weight now and im trying to gain A LITTLE bit back ... not sure if I should quit injections all together or go a really low dose ... wondering if NAD is contributing to weight loss too.
I need the glucose control so I'm trying to maintain through diet, not dose. Before gray I had to deal with Mounjaro shortages last spring and found i could space more than 7 days and still maintaining good glucose. So my first defense against losing more is eating more, then spacing. I lost all my weight on 5mg and remain there.

I guess I'd recommend staying at a low dose of your preferred GLP or Amylin peptide and avoid the yo-yo lifestyle many of us have endured in life. Be like "normal" people, eat at a level to maintain the weight you want to be... And take your GLP shot.
I want to follow this post because I need to learn "maintenance" ive lost too much weight now and im trying to gain A LITTLE bit back ... not sure if I should quit injections all together or go a really low dose ... wondering if NAD is contributing to weight loss too.
Well that's a good problem to have...I was wondering about adding the NAD.Im eating too much sugar, like wanting it a lot again,I'm 5lbs away from maintenance. But I'm waiting for an order with NAD in it. It's touring the southeast with usps. currently, I'm hoping it may help.
I’ve found that easing back into things rather than going all in at once makes a huge difference, especially when dealing with side effects. Maybe staying at 5mg for a bit longer until your system fully adjusts again could help? Also, hydration and electrolytes seem to make a big difference with those lovely 💩💨 issues.
One of the most effective ways to do this with a GLP I have found is to do a monk fast once a week. People complain and winge about it, but if Reta is dialled in so you do t have too much food noise, a 36 hour fast, followed by the rest of the week close to maintenance calories, will allow you to eat very well, and still continue to lose fat, or stabilize it.

After the christmas period, i took CHC/ipa, low dose, no Reta, and did a monk fast every monday and got my body fat down from 14% to 7%. Was too easy. Ate like a king the rest of the week, on carnivore.

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