My Cagri Chronicle: ongoing updates on progress with cag starting October 2024

I diluted the fuck out of mine with nothing but bac and will probably use it until the vial is dead since it's in a pen which should have less contamination 🙃

All y'all worried about dementia. At least we'll be SKINNY dementia patients- nurses appreciate that. And skinny old people go faster- they have no protective fat. So we won't even have to be in the skilled nursing facility for long!
All these folks talmbout dementia with cagri oligomers appear to think the brain is the only place where amyloid deposits. IF the hysteria was that valid, you would have deposits of ologomers protofilaments bla bla bla depositing in the heart structurally damaging it. Folks would die from heart failure before they lost their minds.
Pharma's worry is not largely about Alzheimer's (there may be some future worry)
The primary concern was with the deposits causing local irritation which would lead to unsightly marks (imagine puck-marks for every cagri injection over a lifetime) and also the fact that this greatly reduces efficacy of the meds.
All these folks talmbout dementia with cagri oligomers appear to think the brain is the only place where amyloid deposits. IF the hysteria was that valid, you would have deposits of ologomers protofilaments bla bla bla depositing in the heart structurally damaging it. Folks would die from heart failure before they lost their minds.
Pharma's worry is not largely about Alzheimer's (there may be some future worry)
The primary concern was with the deposits causing local irritation which would lead to unsightly marks (imagine puck-marks for every cagri injection over a lifetime) and also the fact that this greatly reduces efficacy of the meds.
I just pinned 3 times this morning am i ok then???
Don't know about pinning 3 times a day though.. Would be more concerned with side effects :D
serious question. I pin myself about 7-10 times daily depending what peps I'm doing that day. Basically, I am pinning each pep by itself. my question is - Is it ok if I combine 4 or 5 peptides in one syringe/one shot(so i only pin once or twice daily), or peptides should not be mixed with one another? I would still keep Tirze and cagri separate but they are weekly anyway.
serious question. I pin myself about 7-10 times daily depending what peps I'm doing that day. Basically, I am pinning each pep by itself. my question is - Is it ok if I combine 4 or 5 peptides in one syringe/one shot(so i only pin once or twice daily), or peptides should not be mixed with one another? I would still keep Tirze and cagri separate but they are weekly anyway.
Depends on the peps. There's a chart floating around somewhere. In general though, never mix glp-1's with anything else.
for me i did a whole 5mg in like 3 weeks or less i was dosing everyday till i felt it then every 3 days or when i needed it i would dose. so i started at .25 and nothing so the next day .25 then i was good for 3 days then i upped it to .5 and im at .75 about to go to 1mg
wow, I am going to try this. I am only at 0.625 on my 4th week and still not feeling anything. I have been afraid to go up too quickly but at this rate, I think I will try it.
wow, I am going to try this. I am only at 0.625 on my 4th week and still not feeling anything. I have been afraid to go up too quickly but at this rate, I think I will try it.
I would try and if you start going to high like 1.5 or 2mg every 3-4 days rotate to Survo or Maz and see if that helps
wow, I am going to try this. I am only at 0.625 on my 4th week and still not feeling anything. I have been afraid to go up too quickly but at this rate, I think I will try it.
no appetite suppression at .625? are you sure you got a good batch? so many people say 0.25 or 0.5 knocked them on their ass (it did for me, although yeah i did have to move up relatively more quickly compared to tirz)
serious question. I pin myself about 7-10 times daily depending what peps I'm doing that day. Basically, I am pinning each pep by itself. my question is - Is it ok if I combine 4 or 5 peptides in one syringe/one shot(so i only pin once or twice daily), or peptides should not be mixed with one another? I would still keep Tirze and cagri separate but they are weekly anyway.
have you considered the idea you might be a freak lol

the best kind of anon to be on a forum like this. just balls to the wall, all day every day.
I guess so i tested it at 4.5 and 5.5
this is interesting, does caine advertise that it's ph buffered? that could be a huge selling point. @Cain_SPC is your cagri ph buffered on purpose?

i just did a new vial recon of my sry cag and i'm going to do a little ph strip on it to see (straight bac)
All these folks talmbout dementia with cagri oligomers appear to think the brain is the only place where amyloid deposits. IF the hysteria was that valid, you would have deposits of ologomers protofilaments bla bla bla depositing in the heart structurally damaging it. Folks would die from heart failure before they lost their minds.
Pharma's worry is not largely about Alzheimer's (there may be some future worry)
The primary concern was with the deposits causing local irritation which would lead to unsightly marks (imagine puck-marks for every cagri injection over a lifetime) and also the fact that this greatly reduces efficacy of the meds.
i do have a suspicion cagri might never make it to market, not because it's unsafe, but because it just doesn't perform well enough compared to all the other weight loss drugs in the pipe and maybe because the side effect profile is too high.

i do suspect its ideal use is as an enhancement to a glp1/gipr agonist though, if they deem it safe enough i hope it finds its way to market
this is interesting, does caine advertise that it's ph buffered? that could be a huge selling point. @Cain_SPC is your cagri ph buffered on purpose?

i just did a new vial recon of my sry cag and i'm going to do a little ph strip on it to see (straight bac)
Back in September/October sometime on his TG channel, Cain referenced their Cagri had no buffer.
this is interesting, does caine advertise that it's ph buffered? that could be a huge selling point. @Cain_SPC is your cagri ph buffered on purpose?

i just did a new vial recon of my sry cag and i'm going to do a little ph strip on it to see (straight bac)
sry cag + bac water showed essentially neutral ph on the test strip, no color change.
I found a vegan replacement to gelatine when I tried mixing bpc-157 and Tirz together 🤣

Found it
Agar agar is probably cheaper than your poor peps