Ordering from QSC - what worked for me


Aug 17, 2024
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Due to the unique nature of ordering from QSC (and maybe some other vendors) it may be helpful to have useful information all in one place. I'd appreciate if folks would chip in and share their knowledge as well - we can edit/update this post based on your experience and knowledge.... Some of these may need separate write-ups with more details?

Here's what I found to work well:

Before you order:
  • Take your time reading this (and other) forums to get the lay of the land
  • Understand this is not like ordering from Amazon and set your expectations accordingly
  • Understand and accept a different way of doing business whether it is based on cultural differences or simply being in a different time zone (ie delayed responses)
  • Know what you want/need – they are busy and do not have time to show you around or help you pick the best product for you
  • Know the purchasing flow ahead of time – follow up questions are best avoided (due to lack of timely response)
  • Spend time getting familiar with different payment methods. Have it all ready before ordering (ie “establish” your account to avoid transfer holds, pre-fund it to avoid fees etc)
  • Sign up for USPS Informed Delivery. While at it, may want to sign up for UPS MyChoice and FedEx’s Delivery Manager as well. All are free and allow you to be informed of coming shipments (so may not need to request tracking number from them)

  • Locate latest price list for current non-promo pricing and contact/payment details
  • There are frequent promos (and/or “Group Buys”), and it is typically worth waiting for the next one (discounts can be significant)
  • Save yourself some heartache and only order from their domestic warehouse stock. It doesn’t cost a lot more and it’s way faster/lower risk. (@exploitedworkerbee addition)
  • There are two methods – WhatsApp or Email. Pick one and stick with that one for all communication. Can switch for next order etc. Switching between those for current/same order is discouraged as different reps are involved.
  • Check and ensure that you are using correct contact info (ie correct number if using WhatsApp). There are at least two different ones floating around and only one is associated with Tracy. Use the contact info from the price list
  • Fill out the “Order form” right away with *all* the requested details and send out in one message. Do not send partial info requiring back and forth communication. They will not chase you asking for your address etc..

  • As mentioned, stick to the same channel (either email or WhatsApp) for all communication regarding the same order.
  • Communication generally is minimal. You will not get “order confirmation” nor a “thank you” note nor a tracking number (which will be provided *only* upon request about 5-6 days after ordering)
  • When communicating and placing an order, using email would be the better option as WhatsApp messages can be edited or deleted. I’m not saying Q necessarily does that, it’s just a best practice all around when placing orders like these. (@peptideusername addition)
  • Ideally there should be 3 (and “max” 5) messages exchanged between you and QSC. They are:
    1. You sending a completed Order form (with all required info)
    2. QSC replies with payment instructions (bank account or crypto wallet)
    3. You send payment confirmation (either crypto hash, or bank payment screenshot if wiring, or Wise payment link
    4. (optional, after 5-6 days) you request tracking number (more applicable to international orders as domestic ship/arrive fast)
    5. QSC supplies tracking number.

  • They offer several methods, but crypto is preferred. Crypto does offer the fastest transfer along with easiest refund option. However, bank (wire and/or ACH) transfer is also possible.
  • (IMHO) If choosing “crypto,” the best option is USDC due to its stability and no acquisition fees (unlike USDT etc).
  • Most user-friendly option (esp important for those new to crypto) appears to be Coinbase Exchange combined with self-custodial Coinbase Wallet (note those are two different things, both associated with Coinbase the company). This combo offers easiest purchase of USDC and transfer due to their integration (“OnRamp”)… but other options such as self-custodial Exodus wallet are fine too.
  • This is a good/great choice even for those who are “not into crypto.” There is no volatility to deal with.
  • A very helpful guide on how to start with crypto is here. (IMHO: Using Solana (SOL) and Solana network instead of ETH and Etherium network would result in practically no fees)
  • If using crypto (USDC) pay special attention to network choice – must match - otherwise funds can be lost and not recoverable. Double check that the address (wallet) provided by QSC is on desired network. If in doubt, do NOT send payment.
  • If using bank (wire) transfer specify “USA domestic bank wire transfer” for your preferred payment method. This option is recommended only if your bank does not charge a fee for wire transfer. Otherwise, this is the most expensive option (typically $25-$40). This is also second fastest transfer option – domestic wires are usually executed within 1 hour (during business hours… mind the cutoff time, though).
  • Avoid international wire transfer – it is the slowest option and one that makes refunds least practical and most expensive. Banks charge for both outgoing and incoming wire transfers, so you may pay that high fee more than once in case of a refund. Funds can get stuck in limbo for a long time. It also does not appear to be necessary anyways (for US customers).
  • Using Wise is a good option too – fees can be significantly lowered by prefunding your Wise account ahead of time (a few days before purchase to ensure funds clear into it). It is reported that specifying “Savings” account when transferring to QSC is the correct option (QSC for some reason does not mention that and it is a required piece of information). A typical Wise transfer, if done “right,” should cost less than $2 in total fees (prefunding + transfer itself)
  • If you pay with Wise be sure to put your name (and ONLY your name) in the transfer memo field so they can reconcile it easier. Apparently with wise they only see the amount, no sender name, so it slows things down when they have to sort out who sent what. Adding your name to the memo makes it quicker. (@exploitedworkerbee addition)

  • When unboxing, DO NOT throw away any packaging until you positively identify each item in the box.
  • It is a good practice to video yourself opening the packaging. If a product is broken upon arrival, it seems this is the only way you will get some reimbursement. If you do not video and there is a vial broken, it will not be honored in my research. Video unboxing is a good practice for any vendor. (@LogLog addition)
  • If ordered domestic, each box will have a “code” that identifies what is in that box.. the code usually starts with “QDSIGMA…” It is usually on the bubble wrap (not box) so do NOT separate the two.
  • If ordered international, each box should have a number (but not a “code!”). The number(s) should reflect how items are numbered in your order. If only one item ordered may not have any number either.
  • If in doubt, STOP and seek clarification (either here or from QSC – expect delays in response if checking with QSC). Do not rely on color of the caps!!
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Good topic

It is good practice to video yourself opening the packaging. If a product is broken upon revival, it seems this is the only way you will get some reimbursement. If you do not video and there is a vial broken, it will not be honored in my research. Video unboxing is a good practice for any vendor.

This goes for any vendor, but especially QSC as they seem to be the biggest. Be very very careful about joining Group Buys. I will not participate in one unless I am extremely comfortable with the people I'm going in with. There are only a few I trust. I made this mistake before and I won't again. Remember, this is the internet. If it seems too good to be true, it is.
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Good topic

It is good practice to video yourself opening the packaging. If a product is broken upon revival, it seems this is the only way you will get some reimbursement. If you do not video and there is a vial broken, it will not be honored in my research. Video unboxing is a good practice for any vendor.
Added and credited.. Thank you for this info
I’d like to add:
When communicating and placing an order, using email would be the better option as WhatsApp messages can be edited or deleted. I’m not saying Q necessarily does that, it’s just a best practice all around when placing orders like these.
I’ll add two things:

1. Save yourself some heartache and only order from their domestic warehouse stock. It doesn’t cost a lot more and it’s way faster/lower risk.

2. If you pay with Wise be sure to put your name in the transfer memo field so they can reconcile it easier. Apparently with wise they only see the amount, no sender name, so it slows things down when they have to sort out who sent what. Adding your name to the memo makes it quicker.
Very good write up. I’ve done 2 orders with QSC recently and all turned out great.

- First one was wire transfer for the recent T30 GB. Sent the payment and after a few days asked for tracking and got it. Arrived from China in under 2 weeks. This order had absolutely no sku on any of the packaging anywhere. It was easy to tie back to the test though because of being a group buy.

- Second was the recent T50 domestic promo. This time paid with Crypto and they replied back with tracking 2 days later. Took only a few days to get this one. This one did have an identifier sku on the packaging and was easy to tell what it was from that sku.

Overall positive experiences both times so long as you know what to expect and don’t need to ask a lot of questions. Know the ordering protocol, have your payment ready and be patient and all will be well.
Be very very careful about joining Group Buys. I will not participate in one unless I am extremely comfortable with the people I'm going in with. There are only a few I trust. I made this mistake before and I won't again. Remember, this is the internet. If it seems too good to be true, it is.
A group I'm in has been doing GBs where orders are placed directly with the vendor. All payments are done through the vendors website. I paid and had tracking the same day and their warehouse is domestic. The prices aren't as cheap as other GBs, but the risk is minimal, it's 3rd party tested, and I will have my order within a week! So I'd rather pay an extra $50ish for that. They are starting "pre order" GBs that will ship in about 3 weeks. But they are very clear on the time-line.
All of this is so unnecessary. Just order from someone else!

32 bullet points??

Such as? It’s actually really simple with QSC. I’ve yet to see another vendor at their price point that has constantly good testing. Open ears though.
This is a solid way it sounds. Does the product get shipped to one hub or direct to you?
A group I'm in has been doing GBs where orders are placed directly with the vendor. All payments are done through the vendors website. I paid and had tracking the same day and their warehouse is domestic. The prices aren't as cheap as other GBs, but the risk is minimal, it's 3rd party tested, and I will have my order within a week! So I'd rather pay an extra $50ish for that. They are starting "pre order" GBs that will ship in about 3 weeks. But they are very clear on the time-line.
This is a solid way it sounds. Does the product get shipped to one hub or direct to you?
Direct to me from the vendor. The group just organizes and provides the link to the special website listing for the group buy. You can't search for the listing and won't find it except through the link. I paid with a debit card (slight fee). I had tracking same day. And am expecting to receive it on the 3rd business day after I ordered if the UPS tracking is correct. I paid $155 (including fee) for a 10mg kit of tirz. I know there are cheaper options. But I'm down to my last injection and needed it ASAP. And with how easy it was I'm not mad at all at the price. I'll keep an eye out for the GBs but I'll likely exclusively use this vendor from now on. And the reps are super nice and happy to answer questions. And I didn't need a manual and didn't have to research before making a purchase. I just added to cart, input my shipping info, filled out my card info, clicked pay, received tracking.
Such as? It’s actually really simple with QSC. I’ve yet to see another vendor at their price point that has constantly good testing. Open ears though.
Not everyone uses crypto. I'd never used crypto and had never used WISE or any other method of bank transfer. And if you don't research you wouldn't know to choose "savings" instead of checking. It's a lot to learn. And for me, time is money. If I can not deal with all that and pay a little more for better customer service, immediate tracking, and super fast delivery that's what I'm doing. To each their own. It's not always about money. And the vendor I'm using is actually cheaper than QSCs standard non-promo pricing for 30mg tirz. 🤷‍♀️

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