PTDS Invites

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Staff member
Aug 1, 2023
Reaction score
I have been granted the ability to provide invites to the Peptide Testing Discord Server (PTDS), which is the most valuable crowdfunding testing resource for our hobby.

While the goals there include improving harm reduction while providing access to affordable testing and vetting suppliers/vendors, please understand that there are some basic requirements that must be met before being invited. Growing PTDS membership is beneficial to us all, but given some less than pleasant past experiences with people trying to abuse the system for commercial gain or taking advantage of results without contributing to those results have made it so new members require some vetting as well.

First and foremost, membership in PTDS requires a certain understanding of the nature of our hobby including sourcing both domestically and internationally, along with a dedication to participate financially in testing to help bring down the costs for everyone and enhance harm reduction for us all. Knowing which suppliers/vendors have the best and/or most consistent results and who doesn't is a huge benefit to us all.

That being said, PTDS membership isn't for everyone. If you're just interested in seeing testing results to help yourself and not participate in tests, then PTDS probably isn't for you. Same if you simply want to test something you purchased but have other's share in the cost. PTDS is about community and many of us contribute towards tests for products and vendors that we've never (and may never) used.

If you would like an invite to PTDS, please send me a DM introducing yourself and explaining why you think you would be a good addition along with your Discord user name and a brief description of your experiences buying peptides. I will also review your post history here to help determine if I feel comfortable sending you an invite. Three other minimum qualifications apply to anyone requesting an invite from me: 1. You have been a member here for at least 45 days, and 2. You have at least 30 posts and most of them are meaningful and contribute positively to the community, and 3. You will have to read and acknowledge the PTDS rules which I will DM you. (And not to be mean, but if you DM me and don't follow the directions and meet all of the qualifications I've posted, I'm pretty much going to ignore your DM and assume "wow, they didn't read well at all...")

Depending on how busy I am it may take up to a week for me to process invite requests so please be patient! Also, please don't be upset or discouraged if I decide against offering an invite as the landscape in this hobby is constantly changing, and sometimes I may just feel more time is needed to feel comfortable offering an invite; please don't take it personally!
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