If you found your way here via Google, be aware that a company called Pura Peptides uses shill tactics on forums. This means that you can’t trust community reviews of their products. We have had to remove such shills from this forum.
I am locking this thread to comment, just wanted it here for posterity since I know that Pura Peptides is attempting to flood forums with fake positive reviews. You should approach any reviews of them with skepticism, and probably just select a vendor that isn't trying to trick people.
@Anita_grey tell your boss this is the result of your shillery, maybe try selling a good product at a fair price instead of manipulation if you want to get traction in community forums.
I am locking this thread to comment, just wanted it here for posterity since I know that Pura Peptides is attempting to flood forums with fake positive reviews. You should approach any reviews of them with skepticism, and probably just select a vendor that isn't trying to trick people.
@Anita_grey tell your boss this is the result of your shillery, maybe try selling a good product at a fair price instead of manipulation if you want to get traction in community forums.