SRY Tirz Forged Test Reports?


Sep 20, 2024
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I just read and verified the forged test reports, and the explanation.

I find the explanation a little strange. They sold their product to a company who had tested it to resell. Then SRY tried to change the name of the reseller to their own, paid for the change and then Jan didn't change it?

I can't really follow the explanation. If I were reselling product, I wouldn't want the wholesale supplier to piggyback on my test reports. That would do me no good to my customers.

Is this Chinese vendor worth the cost of testing, or should I trash my shipment when I receive it? It essentially doubles my cost to test it.
From the way I read it, they thought they could change the client name and keep both copies. So they changed from sry to the reseller name in the report. But Jano changes the content attached to the report ID.

so they wanted to undo the change, but would have to pay again and opted not to.

Something along those lines, it doesn’t sound too far fetched, so the reports are probably real, though I personally find it a bit scummy to assist the reseller with providing tests in their name - which they did not actually do (if I’m reading it correctly).

Stuff like this is the reason why every single batch should be tested, and underlines the importance of using a supplier you actually trust to do so. Or run your own tests
From the way I read it, they thought they could change the client name and keep both copies. So they changed from sry to the reseller name in the report. But Jano changes the content attached to the report ID.

so they wanted to undo the change, but would have to pay again and opted not to.

But why would Jano even consider changing the name on a test report to the supplier's? It doesn't really make sense if the supplier hadn't sent in the sample and paid for a result.

The only way I'd see that working would be if the reseller agreed to it, which they probably didn't. Occams razor says they probably went to and cherry picked a report to photoshop.

Their explanation is worthless unless someone else can verify it. Either the reseller or Jano would need to chime in.

As for the rest of your message. I agree! Supplier's you can trust. I don't see any as they all seem to have varying degrees of deceptive practices. Some that seem to be generally accepted and overlooked.

I guess the reason I ask is that the price was too good to be true. And you know the saying. The shipped price for Tirz was well below what I saw others. So given that fact, and the fact that they outright forged a product testing report, I'd lay odds their product is crap.

Shame on me for not verifying the report. I even overlooked the negative reports on their customer service.

EDIT: I should also add that they don't have a reship guarantee on purity. So testing it would only prove that the product is what it they say it is regardless of purity.
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But why would Jano even consider changing the name on a test report to the supplier's? It doesn't really make sense if the supplier hadn't sent in the sample and paid for a result.

The only way I'd see that working would be if the reseller agreed to it, which they probably didn't. Occams razor says they probably went to and cherry picked a report to photoshop.

Their explanation is worthless unless someone else can verify it. Either the reseller or Jano would need to chime in.

As for the rest of your message. I agree! Supplier's you can trust. I don't see any as they all seem to have varying degrees of deceptive practices. Some that seem to be generally accepted and overlooked.

I guess the reason I ask is that the price was too good to be true. And you know the saying. The shipped price for Tirz was well below what I saw others. So given that fact, and the fact that they outright forged a product testing report, I'd lay odds their product is crap.

Shame on me for not verifying the report. I even overlooked the negative reports on their customer service.

EDIT: I should also add that they don't have a reship guarantee on purity. So testing it would only prove that the product is what it they say it is regardless of purity.
Jano can change the client name, manufacturer name, unsure about other information. And of course it can only be requested by the one who did the order. Jano will not change any results or make a fake report, but they will let the one who ordered and paid for the testing change “non essential” information.

For example, I did some tests a while ago and the email I used was added at the client name. I figured it would look better to change it to our official email instead of a proton address. But paying a bit over 700$ to change the client name seemed silly, so I didn’t bother. But they definitely let you do it :)

So my guess is, sry ordered tests. The reseller asked if they could have tests with their name on, dry requested the change without realizing that it changes the original instead of making a duplicate.

Rough decision concerning what to do with your products. If it’s for personal use, I would simply test them by injecting myself, since the chance of them actually being harmful is very low 🤷‍♂️ (that is what I would do, not what I would recommend, but it is an option).

It won’t tell you how good they are, but you will be able to tell if they work or not. Depends on how important the extra dollars are for you.

Or you could test them in the name of science. Iv’e always found it interesting that I don’t hear more about bunk products being sent out - so personally I wish to see more customers testing products and sharing results.

from my understanding there is a lot more bunk product going out from china than it seems when browsing various channels. But it could be that the sources where I hang out are more proper and legit - so I do by no means intent to throw any shade on specific suppliers, it’s just a general statement

Edit: not having a reship/refund guarantee on purity is something I’ll never understand, isn’t that the same as admitting that you don’t have confidence in your products?

Even if shipping is delayed and takes 4-6weeks in hot conditions, the degradation should be minimal. (Depending on the peptide of course).
Rough decision concerning what to do with your products. If it’s for personal use, I would simply test them by injecting myself, since the chance of them actually being harmful is very low 🤷‍♂️ (that is what I would do, not what I would recommend, but it is an option).

It won’t tell you how good they are, but you will be able to tell if they work or not. Depends on how important the extra dollars are for you.

Or you could test them in the name of science. Iv’e always found it interesting that I don’t hear more about bunk products being sent out - so personally I wish to see more customers testing products and sharing results.

I see what you're saying.

I did try to do my best photoshop detection to see if it was simply shopped. I can't see anything. The text aligns nearly perfectly. Correct fonts and spacing. I don't see any sign that the gray space was to shorten some fields as having been copied/pasted.

Usually people make stupid mistakes when creating forgeries. I see none. It'd be easier if there was a higher resolution document. Not sure who downsampled it... if the forum does this to save space maybe.

Thanks for the honest advice. I'd like to think I could test every order in the lab. But it was discouraging to find out tests only really tell you strength, not purity in the sense that we think of purity (no foreign or harmful substances)
I see what you're saying.

I did try to do my best photoshop detection to see if it was simply shopped. I can't see anything. The text aligns nearly perfectly. Correct fonts and spacing. I don't see any sign that the gray space was to shorten some fields as having been copied/pasted.

Usually people make stupid mistakes when creating forgeries. I see none. It'd be easier if there was a higher resolution document. Not sure who downsampled it... if the forum does this to save space maybe.

Thanks for the honest advice. I'd like to think I could test every order in the lab. But it was discouraging to find out tests only really tell you strength, not purity in the sense that we think of purity (no foreign or harmful substances)
The best way to go about it is to use the verification on

If there is any discrepancy between the provided report and the one on the website, you have good reason to be sceptical without a good explanation (the explanation from sry does make sense, but personally I think it shows flexibility with lab tests that is not ok).

Getting supplied a report with the ID or verification code missing is an instant red flag that should not be ignored.

Unless you trust the person/supplier sending in the sample. The test isn’t really worth anything at all anyway 🤷‍♂️ The only guarantee you have that you are getting the same product that was tested, is the sellers word.

We use a protonmail all our sales reps has access to on our reports. That way you can simply ask our representative to send you an email from that address, if they can’t - you are not talking to one of us. It still only solves half the problem though 🙃

What you say about the test is unfortunately true. The test will at most tell you whether you are getting what you pay for.

Purity doesn’t really tell whether the product is safe or not. But a higher purity would usually indicate decent production quality. I’d be sceptical towards anything under 98%, even though chances are that it’s safe to use.

From what I know, there is only a handful or labs that produce consistent high quality raws (several are working on their process but aren’t quite there yet). So most likely the raws you are getting are safe - as long as your supplier/lab doesn’t source from any random hole in the ground.

Avoid sourcing from random/unaffiliated representatives and you should be rather safe since most vendors that intend to stick around or have been around for some time has a reputation to maintain.

Saving a couple $ per vial can quickly become more expensive than opting for what’s tried and true 🤷‍♂️ but a good track record isn’t really a guarantee either
The best way to go about it is to use the verification on

If there is any discrepancy between the provided report and the one on the website, you have good reason to be sceptical without a good explanation (the explanation from sry does make sense, but personally I think it shows flexibility with lab tests that is not ok).

Getting supplied a report with the ID or verification code missing is an instant red flag that should not be ignored.

Unless you trust the person/supplier sending in the sample. The test isn’t really worth anything at all anyway 🤷‍♂️ The only guarantee you have that you are getting the same product that was tested, is the sellers word.

I agree on the verification of the report. I failed to check prior to ordering. And after the forum post today, did a side by side analysis to try to lend some credibility to your optimistic view that the supplier's story is the truth. Basically, looking for sloppy photoshop work.

It's not an exact science, and there was enough noise in the document posted by the vendor that it makes it somewhat difficult. But I couldn't find any reason to disbelieve their story. Granted, only two fields were changed. So perhaps we'll never know the truth outside of one person's story.

Is it typical that the supplier will pay for the testing and have it returned as a document that can be used by the reseller? Seems suspect to think they'd pay for the change to have it changed to the reseller then realize they were caught in a situation where they no longer had a valid test report they could use to continue selling their product.

Having gone from prescribed --> stateside research suppliers --> and now trying my luck on overseas procurement. It's all a bit of a gamble.

It seems like it's only a matter of time before these stateside supplier gray markets are wrangled by the long arm of the law. Not to mention the extremely well-funded legal deparments of the public companies that claim patent protections. It's slow but eventual process. And TBH the stateside suppliers are still expensive when you graduate beyond Sema. 300 bucks a month vs nearly 30 weeks worth when ordering overseas. It's already cost me an arm and a leg. So yeah, I'm willing to take some calculated risk to save some money.
I’d say it’s not typical, and it is also making a 2nd party test look like a 3rd party test 🤷‍♂️

But I won’t speculate too much about reasons and motivation. At best a bad judgement call, at worst manipulation.

As for stateside shops, they are here to stay. But those registered as LLCs might experience some turbulence and be forced to require licenses or at least not infringe on patents.

We can only speculate in what might change, the scariest potential change for members in here would be if they changed the classification/import rules, making orders from china mor risky for the buyer.

But the vendors are here to stay, the demand from the market is too high for them to go away. So I don’t see any future where you can’t order your peptides online, both domestic and from china :)
IAs for stateside shops, they are here to stay. But those registered as LLCs might experience some turbulence and be forced to require licenses or at least not infringe on patents.

We can only speculate in what might change, the scariest potential change for members in here would be if they changed the classification/import rules, making orders from china mor risky for the buyer.

But the vendors are here to stay, the demand from the market is too high for them to go away. So I don’t see any future where you can’t order your peptides online, both domestic and from china :)

Kind of going off topic here, but I hope you're right. The only solution I think would be for patent owners to compete in the supply by lowering prices and resolving the supply constraint.

I'm not one to jump on conspiracy theories. But big changes would need to be made for these companies to realize the potential profits they're missing.

As for the vendors? Not sure. With competing and overlapping regulatory bodies, I'm sure they're doing their usual thing. I don't doubt it's here to stay. But unfortunately the justice system favors the well-funded.

I hope you're right and we continue to have access to these products.
It was discussed on peppys some time ago already and confirmed by Jano as true. Will have to double check with jano again to find out the truth I guess.

it was originally under SRY name (I check it manually at that time on jano website), they later change the client name

Jano change client name for like $20 exactly for these cases - large resellers wants their name there, but SRY should submit a new vial for a new test with their own name to prevent this confusion.

But I think SRY is not that much unprofessional to do such stupid "scam"
I see what you're saying.

I did try to do my best photoshop detection to see if it was simply shopped. I can't see anything. The text aligns nearly perfectly. Correct fonts and spacing. I don't see any sign that the gray space was to shorten some fields as having been copied/pasted.

Usually people make stupid mistakes when creating forgeries. I see none. It'd be easier if there was a higher resolution document. Not sure who downsampled it... if the forum does this to save space maybe.

Thanks for the honest advice. I'd like to think I could test every order in the lab. But it was discouraging to find out tests only really tell you strength, not purity in the sense that we think of purity (no foreign or harmful substances)
I can tell you for sure, when SRY come out with this result I check it on jano website and it was under their name, it is 100% authentic, but if someone do not trust them - can ask jano - which is the best solution probably

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