Thoughts on testing vs not testing?


New Member
Oct 16, 2024
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I’ve been ordering through Skye for over a year now and am about to transition to gray (unless Skye is considered gray??🤣). Joined a Telegram and a few Discord groups last night and after further studying: do you all typically test your vials even if reviews have been posted and look good? I know of the testing groups and how that process works. I guess maybe it’s a preference thing, but I’m looking for all opinions and feedback.
I think those 2 sentences from your posts are exactly the points that invite conflict. You're not just laying out your personal risk profile and reasoning - you're saying everyone who has differences in risk profiles are lazy idiots and not very smart. Which is just like, your opinion, man.
Exactly. My opinion.
There is a conundrum that results with sterility testing as well - if it fails, do you use the vial? Is the failure of sterility actually a major issue, does filtering take care of it? Two different peps I've had failed sterility, and I never used the first one, and I'm still debating whether I will or won't use the second one.
I don't care about sterility testing anymore. I'm filtering it anyways and it doesn't matter at that point
You're very wrong about that. There is no microorganism that isn't caught by a 0.22um filter.

You are right.

And of course, all microbes are killed via lyophilization if the machine is sterilized prior to use.

kinda wish my title was changed to LAZY IDIOT because i don't test lmao. if someone wants to pitch in to help me test, i'd do it (and i have pitched in for testing, but not sent a vial in), but it is prohibitively expensive with the Canadian dollar right now, and is not worth it.

kinda don't think i'm taking much more of a risk by buying from batches that get tested by tens/dozens of people. but i'll gladly be a LAZY IDIOT and NOT VERY SMART HUMAN. <3

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