Tirz twice weekly- best way to add sema?


Sep 19, 2023
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Doing tirz 3.8mg twice weekly (total of 7.5mg weekly), got some sema to help increase appetite suppression- but where would you do it? Currently doing Tuesday AM and Friday PM, so it's even. The tirz never lasted the whole week, thats why I split it but I feel like this is stupidly complicated to pin 3 to 4 times per week to add the sema? Alternatively, could increase tirz but obviously more $...
I've read somewhere that half life of tirz = 5 day, half life of sema = 6 days, so twice weekly dosing is certainly a valid decision.

Have you considered just raising the dose of tirz instead of adding sema?
I've read somewhere that half life of tirz = 5 day, half life of sema = 6 days, so twice weekly dosing is certainly a valid decision.

Have you considered just raising the dose of tirz instead of adding sema?
So that's actually what I've done. I haven't received my sema yet, so went up to 10mg, split 5mg twice weekly and it's working great! I'm switching soon from compounded to lyophylized so $ wont be as big an issue, I think?
So that's actually what I've done. I haven't received my sema yet, so went up to 10mg, split 5mg twice weekly and it's working great! I'm switching soon from compounded to lyophylized so $ wont be as big an issue, I think?
How has your appetite been since going up on Triz and then splitting it?
Doing tirz 3.8mg twice weekly (total of 7.5mg weekly), got some sema to help increase appetite suppression- but where would you do it? Currently doing Tuesday AM and Friday PM, so it's even. The tirz never lasted the whole week, thats why I split it but I feel like this is stupidly complicated to pin 3 to 4 times per week to add the sema? Alternatively, could increase tirz but obviously more $...

I stack Sema and Tirz.

I just pin them both on the same day... By day 6 on Sema my appetite came back so it makes sense to split that dose as well.

I'm not super rigorous about dosing schedule. I don't think it matters as long as it's around the same time every week. I will sometimes bump half a mg of sema if I don't think it's enough.
I stack my tirz with sema. And it’s been going great. I’ve noticed a huge difference in fat loss. I pin the tirz on Monday evening and Friday morning. And I do the sema on tuesdays.
I personally have experience stacking all 3, that is tirz, sema and reta.

You could keep your tirz schedule as is at 10 mg a week (5mg x 2) and just add sema somewhere in the middle.

More importantly have you had sema before? It is a very strong drug (more stronger than tirz and reta) so if you havent then I would advise start with 0.25mg a week then bump it up to 0.5 then 0.8-1mg should be the sweet spot.

Once a week dosage of sema should be enough to bring down your appetite.

For me personally nothing brings down my hunger like sema does but you do need to bump your sema to actually feel this.

At 0.25 to 0.5 you will not feel any food noise reduction or hunger suppression (you are only introducing the drug to your body).

Now if you have tried sema before then jump straight to 1mg once a week is enough to suppress your hunger.

If you look at the medical research therapuetic doses of sema actually starts from 1mg++

when I first started ozempic my dr started me on 0.25 then 0.5 then 0.75 then 1. Most of my health benefits started after 1mg a week

The most food noise reduction I noted was around 1.5mg a week. I swear eating one carrot filled meal up for the entire day and I couldnt eat anything else.

Actually food repulsed me and it was amazing to feel what a normal person would feel like eating one apple or one cucumber and actually “feeling” full!

However at 1.5mg my body started to feel really sick. Non stop vomiting and I just couldnt handle it! For reference I can handle 12mg of tirz and 8mg of reta no issues (not my current doses).

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