I've suffered with acid reflux for the last several years. Tirz has made it so much worse ... HOWEVER ... I have learned some things.
1st - WHAT you eat/drink matters. Avoid (or at the very least; severely limit) spicy, heavily sliced foods (garlic & onion are not your friend on Tirz) and acidic foods. Alcohol makes GERD so so soooooo much worse (especially wine). Also, avoid foods that are hard to digest. Tirz drastically slows down digestion so foods that are already hard to digest make the process that much slower and because of the slower process, your stomach creates more acid to break food down the longer it sits in your stomach. If you haven't already, Google the foods you should avoid on Tirz. (Also keep in mind how big of a bite you take and how many times you chew it when you do eat. The first part of the digestion process begins with your teeth and saliva. Breaking down food as much as possible before it gets to your stomach is best.)
2nd - WHEN you eat matters. Make sure you stop eating and don't eat anything 3-4 HOURS before you go to bed. No snacks ... no little bites of something ... NOTHING! Limit water intake as well. Remember, Tirz SLOWS digestion processes so food is in your stomach for hours. While it sits in the stomach, more acid is produced. Therefore, when you lay down, that acid flows back up the esophagus. The emptier your stomach is at night, the better off you'll be.
3rd - HOW you sleep matters. Prop yourself up on a pillow or 2 at night. Let gravity become your best sleepover buddy. If you have a bed that inclines, raise both the head and feet (just a bit) so you don't slide down. DON'T sleep on your right side or back!! Sleep on your left side in the
left lateral decubitus position (Google it).
When you sleep on your left side, your stomach is below your esophagus, so gravity helps keep stomach acid down.