Under 1$/mg

Not impractical, but it takes longer, I filter out to a 10ml empty vial, mix in the missing amount of BAC (if I need more than 3ml), than aliquots into single use 2ml vials

It's not the end of the world, but with 2 lyophilized vial I need to do the filtering twice
I draw 3ML into a syringe and inject about 1ml in each vial. You have to stop the plunger by hand as the vac draws the fluid in. Then I draw all three vials into a fresh 5ml syringe and filter into a cartridge with a 4mm filter. Probably should use a bigger filter but I don’t want the waste
Let’s keep in mind guys that the highest level of health benefits attained with the clinical research for cholesterol reduction, reduction of fasting blood glucose, fatty liver reduction, etc were all at therapeutic doses of 8mgs++. Underline “highest level” please.

As for those who are using it for weight loss similar results were attained. The most weight loss was noted between 10-12mgs per week.

We are not talking about feels or pseudo science. We are talking about incontrovertible facts. Will we have outliers? Sure we will like with any test we will have hyper responders and low responders but they are not the common denominator.

You cant do 2mg weekly doses then cry foul and say I never got a reduction in my blood lipids or my fasting blood sugar wasnt reduced enough. Use the drug at researched therapeutic doses.

These peptides are not health supplements like protein powders. They are intended first and foremost for medical reasons.

I can personally attest to the fact that reta has reduced my blood lipids quite substantially over 20% to be precise. In a period of 10 weeks my cholesterol went from 6.4 (highest in my life!) to 5.0 and still dropping.

Neither sema nor tirz did anything for my blood lipids.

Just food for thought guys …
I personally believe that whatever the highest researched dose is then times that by 8 weeks and provide that for your highest buying option.

So if we look at tirz. Highest researched dose is 15mgs per week. Now x that by 8 weeks then the highest mg vial a vendor should sell is tirz120.
I added this m-peptides to my discord channels and forgot who they were. They have r30 for $275 now. That’s tempting. lol
Pretty much.
Honestly just considering switching back to tirz with all the Reta drama and a 3 week stall
Reta is fine tbh, it's just that most vendors are just resellers and most don't even test what they buy so yeah it sucks

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