Urge to smoke


Sep 10, 2024
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Im at 5mg right now and ive seen a TON of benefits from Tirz - weight loss, eating less, eating much better food, more energy, stopped biting my nails, stopped smoking weed & vaping Delta8 - but noticeably I have cravings to smoke cigarettes again.

I quit smoking about 5 years ago. It was cold turkey, I was at a pack a day and just felt disgusted with it and took the half done cig out of my mouth and destroyed the rest of the pack and never looked back. Even when I was around other smokers I was unphased by it and didnt have a single urge.

Now that im on tirz the urge to smoke has been creeping in and every day I just want to go up to the gas station and get a pack. I almost wish I lived in a place where they sold looseys so I could just get a few and not have a whole pack on deck lol/

Im wondering if this is an effect of the Tirz or perhaps my body craving something now that im denying it all the food-based pleasure? Anybody else dealt with something like this?
It hasn't made much impact on my desire to smoke pot, though I have cut back in general because I don't want the munchies - getting hungry while your stomach is already full sucks, lol.

A friend quit smoking cigarettes and vaping basically cold turkey once he got on tirz, though, so it seems like a lot of this varies wildly from individual to individual.
I can't speak for tirz, but I was definitely using more nicotine on sema- at first. But the urge has been going away slowly; I'm on almost zero nicotine now at two months in. I still have the urge to use the device, but I've managed to almost completely remove the nicotine.
It may be the ying yang of life, one bad habit (overeating) for another (smoking)

ETA - I've noticed I'm more aware of smell on Tirz, maybe it's not treating my mouth as a garbage can but cigarette smoke smells more tempting these days. Maybe it's not the Tirz but the lack of use of my hands (shoveling food) which I remember was a challenge when I quit smoking.
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Tirz didn’t curb my desire for thc at all, but I don’t get munchies anymore, I think testosterone is doing more for curbing my thc addiction
It may be the ying yang of life, one bad habit (overeating) for another (smoking)

ETA - I've noticed I'm more aware of smell on Tirz, maybe it's not treating my mouth as a garbage can but cigarette smoke smells more tempting these days. Maybe it's not the Tirz but the lack of use of my hands (shoveling food) which I remember was a challenge when I quit smoking.
Yeah this is my current thought but at least based on what I see here and other GLP1 centric communities it does seem like something is happening that affects ours habits. Another user on here reported that their skin picking habit cleared up after being on Tirz - I also struggle with that but it has yet to wane as of yet.

Im having the same thing with cigarette smoke - my neighbors sit on their porch and smoke and it used to turn my stomach, now all I can think is damn lemme bum one of those off ya 😭 Trying to stay strong cause I really dont need it.
I've noticed I'm more aware of smell on Tirz,
OMG I thought I was going a bit crazy, as I’ve noticed the same thing. Hyper aware of smells all around and wondering if my car is burning, what cologne that dude at the gym is wearing, or why suddenly every building I visit has either nasty air freshener or new food aromas.
Im at 5mg right now and ive seen a TON of benefits from Tirz - weight loss, eating less, eating much better food, more energy, stopped biting my nails, stopped smoking weed & vaping Delta8 - but noticeably I have cravings to smoke cigarettes again.

I quit smoking about 5 years ago. It was cold turkey, I was at a pack a day and just felt disgusted with it and took the half done cig out of my mouth and destroyed the rest of the pack and never looked back. Even when I was around other smokers I was unphased by it and didnt have a single urge.

Now that im on tirz the urge to smoke has been creeping in and every day I just want to go up to the gas station and get a pack. I almost wish I lived in a place where they sold looseys so I could just get a few and not have a whole pack on deck lol/

Im wondering if this is an effect of the Tirz or perhaps my body craving something now that im denying it all the food-based pleasure? Anybody else dealt with something like this?
That makes sense that the positive feelings/ neurotransmitter activity you used to activate via food are now under active and seeking a new attachment to provide your “hit.”

I spent way too much time online shopping for things I never even purchased (thankfully), became more dependent on my phone, and realized the risk of hyper focusing on something new and undesirable.

You might look into: low dose naltrexone, breathwork (could stimulate similar mechanisms as smoking), or 9me-bc?
Yeah this is my current thought but at least based on what I see here and other GLP1 centric communities it does seem like something is happening that affects ours habits. Another user on here reported that their skin picking habit cleared up after being on Tirz - I also struggle with that but it has yet to wane as of yet.

Im having the same thing with cigarette smoke - my neighbors sit on their porch and smoke and it used to turn my stomach, now all I can think is damn lemme bum one of those off ya 😭 Trying to stay strong cause I really dont need it.
Yup... I'm encouraging a friend to smoke in my car. Haven't succumbed to it yet but let one craving go another magically appears.
OMG I thought I was going a bit crazy, as I’ve noticed the same thing. Hyper aware of smells all around and wondering if my car is burning, what cologne that dude at the gym is wearing, or why suddenly every building I visit has either nasty air freshener or new food aromas.
My partner eats Raman almost every night and the smell of the wrappers makes me take out the trash. It's the only exercise I get all day.

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