Where do you guys inject?


Sep 4, 2024
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I am very curious about this. I take my injections in the belly but my last one wasn’t a very nice experience so I was thinking to do it in the buttocks next week (haha I realise this may sound super wrong, or maybe not , English is not my mother language 😀)

What are your experiences?
Just in my arms.... Base of the triceps muscle area. I tried my thigh the other day, stung worse than my arm.
I prefer the stomach as that seems to work the best for me. Thigh burned like hell and arm didn't seem to be as affective as the other two.
did top of thigh for a long time, trying stomach again lately. Thigh is slightly harder to find a spot that doesn't hurt and bleed (I put the needle in slowly, can't help it), and I also bruise almost every time.
I prefer my stomach but I switch it up and use my thighs because there are way too many surgery scars on my belly and I find my shots arent as effective if I accidentally get into some scar tissue. My boobs are too big to reach across my chest with a needle and try to inject in my opposite arm
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Is it even recommended to inject in the buttocks? In my head it seems like the least painful spot. Probably because I have the most fat there 😀 I do wonder how to reach it without help though 🤔
Is it even recommended to inject in the buttocks? In my head it seems like the least painful spot. Probably because I have the most fat there 😀 I do wonder how to reach it without help though 🤔
It's not in the official locations for the pens. That would only be upper arm, top of thigh, and stomach.
It's not in the official locations for the pens. That would only be upper arm, top of thigh, and stomach.
Haha ok let’s not do that then 🙂 let’s continue to do stomach then. I am a bit traumatised by my last shot hence the question.
I prefer my stomach but I switch it up and use my thighs because there are way too many surgery scars on my belly and I find my shots arent as effective if I accidentally get into some scar tissue. My boobs are too big to reach across my chest with a needle and try to inject in my opposite arm 😆
Don’t inject in scars or stretch marks, just a fyi.
For any non spicy peps my thigh. For anything spicy like NAD+ then upper belly since that has the most fat for me
Stomach. Have tried thighs and arms but whether it’s all in my head or not, I find the stomach least painful (pain free actually) and works better
I have always injected in my abdomen. I've recently started using the alcohol swab on a bit larger area and gently touch the tip of the needle to the skin first. If I don't feel it, then I inject there. If I feel it, I move it slightly and try again. When I do this I never feel anything when injecting. It used to be random on when I'd feel the needle or bruise after, but not anymore. I do always avoid stretch marks/scars.
Stomach is the most preferred site for subq. It absorbs the fastest and is easiest to access. Best practice is more than 3 inches to either side of the belly button. Just be sure to rotate sites.

Make sure you let the alcohol fully dry, pinch a nice chunk, dart the needle in quickly at 90 degrees, inject, un-pinch the fat (needle will pop out) and cap the needle.

Make sure you go quick and don't hesitate. If you pinch more than an inch of fat and are using insulin/tuberculin syringes, you won't hurt yourself or inject into a muscle. And make sure your peptides are close to room temp.

If you still have pain, you can use an ice cube or a tiny bit of lidocaine to numb the area. If you use lidocaine, wipe the excess off thoroughly before you inject. As always, disinfect after numbing and before you inject.

Side note, if you're using alcohol swabs and keep forgetting where tf you just swabbed (like me), leave the swab with one of the corners pointing to where you want to inject/just cleaned.
Yes that was kinda the point of my comment and the whole reason I said that I switch to my thighs lol
Yeah, but my cesarean (sp?) is so low that I can’t even see it, so unless you’ve had a tummy tuck what scars are we talking about??
Yeah, but my cesarean (sp?) is so low that I can’t even see it, so unless you’ve had a tummy tuck what scars are we talking about??
Seriously? There are countless reasons to have abdominal surgery that aren't cesarians and tummy tucks 😉 But since you asked, I had extremely severe deep infiltrating endometriosis, have had dozens of cysts removed, many of which were larger than grapefruits, I've had a frozen pelvis twice, and I had a hysterectomy with bilateral oophorectomy where my uterus was completely fused to my colon. The endometriosis was covering basically every organ in my abdominopelvic cavity as well as being adhered to my peritoneum and infiltrated through my peritoneum into my abdominal wall.

I have 15 holes in my belly from 5 separate robotic surgeries. On top of that, there are a number of fascial adhesions between those scars which aren't visible.
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Seriously? There are countless reasons to have abdominal surgery that aren't cesarians and tummy tucks 😉 But since you asked, I had extremely severe deep infiltrating endometriosis, have had dozens of cysts removed, many of which were larger than grapefruits, I've had a frozen pelvis twice, and I had a hysterectomy with bilateral oophorectomy where my uterus was completely fused to my colon. The endometriosis was covering basically every organ in my abdominopelvic cavity as well as being adhered to my peritoneum and infiltrated through my peritoneum into my abdominal wall.

I have 15 holes in my belly from 5 separate robotic surgeries. On top of that, there are a number of fascial adhesions between those scars which aren't visible.
I’m sorry, sounds like a rough journey. Hope you feel better post hysterectomy.