Nikki nik
I decided to grab QSC oxytocin 95 purity. I've been hearing mixed talks of its useless if it's not 98 and up. I can confirm it worked really great for me. I am a great responder to Peps. Here's what I did....8mg oxytocin to 2ml BAC to 1mg dosing. Kind of did my own thing far as reconstitute and dosing. The very first time I tried Oxytocin was in the evening before bed. Immediately after taking the dose I noticed hot facial flushing
to be expected. Next I had some light contractions
if you know what it's originally for then you know. Following after I had to use the potty which is what I read it would do. Then boom I crashed out cool. I didn't know exactly what to expect. The second time which was two days ago same thing as before except I took it during the day this time because I wanted to see if it hit different. Crashed out. Nice deep nap. Woke up around 5pm wide the hell awake until around 2am finally because I had set my alarm for 4am. Those 2 hours were the best sleep. I woke up at drowsiness feeling full of life/happy. I drove all day at work for 10 hours and I was energetic.... happy....not tired...not one yawn....very talkative... very alert. I'm writing to maybe get feedback on others experience with oxytocin and experience with under 98 purity. CHIME IN PLEASE!!!!